I doubt a CMN can do anything about it unless he can activate the scenario editor for the game, though I haven't dealt with this problem much. If a single turn's delay has a noticeable impact on the game, then it was a very close, very good game to start with, which is a nicer prize than winning.
No announcement yet.
"Uncharted Waters" turn tracking thread
nevermindLast edited by binTravkin; September 16, 2005, 11:04.-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
If it's a very close, very good game, isn't that all the more reason to make sure things like this don't distort the result?
Turn sent off to Net Warrior. Sorry about the short delay there. Got home much later than I expected last night, and wasn't in any condition to play the turn.Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
2178 to CyCon
The voting so far:
Sister Miriam - eliminated
Chairman Yang - 77 - abstain
Colonel Santiago - 62 - abstain
Admiral Googlie - 74 - pending
Prime Function Aki Zeta-5 - 139 - pending
Provost Archaic - 113 - Provost Archaic
Foreman Domai - 82 - Provost Archaic (ka-ching$$$)
Provost Archaic - 195
Prime Function Aki Zeta-5 - 0
2178 to Archaic, who is elected Planetary Governor by 269 votes to 139
Foreman Domai: 82 votes for Provost Archaic
Admiral Googlie: 74 votes for Provost Archaic
Colonel Santiago: abtained
Prime Function Aki Zeta-5: 139 votes for Aki Zeta-5
Chairman Yang: abstained
Provost Archaic: 113 votes for Provost Archaic
(Sister Miriam: eliminated)
I was just reviewing the thread and I didn't find mention of any of the specific "game conditions" we had agreed to in the start up thread. http://www.apolyton.net/forums/showt...hreadid=126351 I thought I'd post it here as a reference. So, just to confirm it with you all, have we agreed to: (1) no team victories, and (2) choppers can't attack bases?