Originally posted by Sebed
besides i also helped Sevencubed and transferred him IA for the promise from his side to redirect his efforts to Ethical Calculus and he simply... deceived me - he redirected to Adaptive Ecomics instead
besides i also helped Sevencubed and transferred him IA for the promise from his side to redirect his efforts to Ethical Calculus and he simply... deceived me - he redirected to Adaptive Ecomics instead
I' didnt ask from you IA, as I had one turn before getting it myself. Instead you offered it (without me asking for it, i say again). Once you offered IA, i got AdapEcon on touch-and-go (1 single turn) and my research went to Ethical Calc, which is about to be acquired in 6 turns and you will get it. Where is the deceipt?