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Alpha Omega - turn tracking thread

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  • Originally posted by Sebed

    besides i also helped Sevencubed and transferred him IA for the promise from his side to redirect his efforts to Ethical Calculus and he simply... deceived me - he redirected to Adaptive Ecomics instead
    let's settle things right. Sebed, we discussed it on the diplo screen : we were talking about me directing to EthCalc, and exchanging it as soon as i had it. THAT was the topic.
    I' didnt ask from you IA, as I had one turn before getting it myself. Instead you offered it (without me asking for it, i say again). Once you offered IA, i got AdapEcon on touch-and-go (1 single turn) and my research went to Ethical Calc, which is about to be acquired in 6 turns and you will get it. Where is the deceipt?


    • 2159

      Turn sent to Senethro. I think I'll stay out of this disagreement because I don't know WHAT they said in closed transmissions.
      Cap'n Arcainite
      PS - I do know he's working on the Ethical Calculus though because we have a good relationship and I hope to trade techs.


      • well, disagreement is too big word for it...
        we probably just misunderstood each other and some mistakes occurred because of it - directing to AE was useless since both me and Arcainite already have it...
        anyway, can wait those few turns for Ethical Clalculus from Sevencubed - not big deal...
        [turn sent to Sevencubed]


        • 2160

          Hoping to maintain strong ties with my fellow human players, I send the turn on to Senethro.


          • turn sent to Sevencubed


            • turn sent.

              (i know i must speed up my play time, sorry guys. i will do better)


              • 2161

                Turn sent to Senethro.


                • turn sent


                  • 2162

                    Turn sent to Senethro.


                    • 17 impact rovers and I dont yet have the best military. I am wondering what horrors await me in Angel territory. Still I am pleased by this sudden reversal of my fortunes and hope to make some territorial gains.

                      Turn sent


                      • it seems to be serious...
                        perhaps we should ask Arcainite what Empath Guild is saying?
                        [turn sent to Sevencubed]


                        • The Empath Guild

                          "I'm getting a's saying "Serve the hive....I control the way you move." Hm, very odd. It seems to be a dance hit that all the worms are grooving to. Yes, Roze is living the Radio Free Zerg life!"
                          Arcainite mun
                          PS - this is a bump, what's the holdup?


                          • turn has been sent again to Sevencubed today...


                            • 2163

                              Turn sent to Senethro.


                              • i sent 2163 monday morning, before sebed's resent

