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Alpha Omega - turn tracking thread

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  • 2154

    Turn sent to Senethro.


    • turn sent to Sevencubed


      • 2155 sent to arcainite.

        2nd time, my pc crashes as i played, so i reloaded the turn.

        i might delay my next turn a couple of days more, as i will format my hard drive and re-setup the whole machine again...


        • 2155

          Turn sent to Senethro.


          • Turn sent.


            • sent yesterday.


              • 2156 to arcainite


                • 2156

                  Turn sent to Senethro.


                  • PEG completed by Morgan Bankrers
                    [turn sent to Sevencubed]


                    • Seeing as how most of us are Pacted I think it would be a good idea to target Planetary economics. With a Global Trade Pact the double income will be a force to be reckoned with.

                      Unfortunately Lal can block us with the veto. We need intellectual integrity and Sebed already has Adaptive Economics before we can get Planetary economics.

                      What can everyone contribute? I'm going to try and unseat Lal so he can't block us by getting the second most votes. I'm spamming out bases in 1x1 ICS with the PTS.


                      • 2157

                        Well, I don't think I'm the best suited to go after that but it's a good idea.
                        Cap'n Arcainite
                        PS - Turn sent to Senethro.


                        • I'm going to make some foil-probes (as i lost any hope it will be done by the Pirates) and steal as much as possible from UNI...
                          [turn sent to Sevencubed]


                          • Maybe you should help your pactmates


                            • Originally posted by Senethro
                              Maybe you should help your pactmates
                              well, i think i helped you a lots - many techs for free and i also helped you to get PTS - so you shouldn't bothered
                              besides i also helped Sevencubed and transferred him IA for the promise from his side to redirect his efforts to Ethical Calculus and he simply... deceived me - he redirected to Adaptive Ecomics instead


                              • 2158

                                In my explorations lately, I have been uncovering much of the world map. I have two ships that will be circling Roze's territory and once I have this information my world maps will be quite useful for all my pactmates. I have another ship in full retreat after some unfriendly fungoids attacked. More ships are exploring the northern quadrants. I have been more interested in exposing Roze territory than I have been in exposing Zakharov or Lal because of Roze's sheer power.

