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Laptop Game turn tracking thread #2

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Chip_Buckner
    I must insist, therefore, that we not be given formers and that the factions that do not normally start with Centauri whatever-it-is have to research it. No formers for the environmental heathens!
    That is done.

    We appear to have settled on a large map. Large maps favor builders. Because Cha Cha has a 10% industrial penalty, I have a faction that is decidely non-builder. By the time I find you, you are going to have big infrastructures and big armies in place. If--as appears to be the decision here--we play a large map, I am at a disadvantage. To re-balance the game, may I suggest either:
    (1) revert to a standard-sized map;
    (2) increase the native life to whatever the setting above "standard" is; or
    (3) remove the Cult's 10% industrial penalty.
    Options 1 & 2 give me a fighting chance as a momentum player. Option 3 makes us all into builders.
    I've built a large map per previous discussion and stopped by to say send me your password preferences. However, is there still discussion as to the map's size? Not too big of a deal for me, as I can always use this map elsewhere, however I will have to build another map for LpTp2, which will take some time. Another option might be that Chip B. play a different Faction instead and you keep the large map. Maybe a Faction more suited for a Large map, and one that then allows everyone to start with Formers? Up to you guys - just let me know. btw it also looks like I'm not leaving town for the weekend, either, so I should be able to get a game built sometime this weekend if you do decide on settings. FYI.



    • #32
      Turn to Rubin.

      I'll play whatever you throw at me. If you handicap me ... well, I just have an excuse at the end of the game.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Chip_Buckner
        I'll play whatever you throw at me. If you handicap me ... well, I just have an excuse at the end of the game.
        Yes you will have an excuse. But I suspect that won't be the case in this one......

        Is everyone happy with the same passwords from LpTp1? If so, I should have this ready shortly.



        • #34
          I wouldn't like anything smaller than a large map since I'm a builder at heart. Chip, why don't you pick a faction more suited to the map rather than play at a handicap? Darsnan, the same password is fine by me.

          Regarding Laptop 1, the good news is that I'm learning a lot about dealing with global warming.
          The bad news: I'm still losing ground on the power graph. I've got 2 powerful and one so so faction aligned against me with no hope of an allly. Global warming is continuing to cause major distruction to terriformed areas with resulting loss of production capacity. These turns are very exhausting but not very rewarding in terms of game outcome.


          • #35
            2220 to Net Warrior.

            I'm fine with the Laptop I password. I hope Laptop II will still be Large map and all Secret Projects available.

            Give Chip a faction that doesn't cause complaints -- be it the Planet Cult or another faction.


            • #36
              Chip, there's a thread somewhere on here and CGN about a Planet Cult strategy. I suggest reading it and then deciding if the large map is ok with you. More pods to pop, more fungus to wormfarm.

              But I still don't like the Cult personally, and don't mind if Chip switches to a more "builderish" faction.
              "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


              • #37
                2221 to Gaians


                • #38
                  Originally posted by jtsisyoda
                  Chip, there's a thread somewhere on here and CGN about a Planet Cult strategy. I suggest reading it and then deciding if the large map is ok with you. More pods to pop, more fungus to wormfarm.

                  But I still don't like the Cult personally, and don't mind if Chip switches to a more "builderish" faction.
                  Not playing in this game I know... but lurking is as lurking does. I've just bumped the 'poly equivilent of that cult strategy as reference for the current game of the month. It works very nicely I must say .
                  Play hangman.


                  • #39
                    Laptop 1: Rubin and I figured the game was "over" some time ago. We'll keep playing as long as Net Warrior wants to continue.

                    Laptop 2: Let's go. Same passwords. If you gave me everything I wanted and I lost, you guys would never let me hear the end of it.

                    You remember, I hope, that I'm here through Thursday and then gone for a long week?


                    • #40
                      Growin', growin', growin'
                      Keep those bases growin'
                      Love to get that food from
                      the sky.

                      Turn to Rubin.


                      • #41
                        2221 to Net Warrior.


                        • #42
                          Laptop 1:
                          Chief Planetologist -
                          a) Tidal wave submerged "From on High (Believing)" Base presumed destroyed.
                          b) Global sea levels rising dramatically.

                          2222 to Gaians.

                          I'm still getting a lot out of the game and I intend to play on for a while longer, albeit, at a slower pace (see below).

                          Laptop ll:
                          I received the move from Darsnan who is having trouble creating a new thread here at Apolyton. I've been asked to set one up called "LapTop Collection 2: the Crossroads of Life". I'll do this and then play my move shortly thereafter.

                          (on 2nd thought, I'll do it 1st thing in the morning )


                          • #43
                            Here's the link to the Laptop 2 thread


                            • #44
                              Turn to Rubin.


                              • #45
                                2222 to Net Warrior.

