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Laptop Game turn tracking thread #2

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  • Laptop Game turn tracking thread #2

    I'm back, have played, have sent and, per Darsnan's suggestion, have started a new thread.

  • #2
    Another first!


    • #3
      I didn't see the sign-up for this one...
      What are the factions//settings?


      • #4
        Enigma, this thread is a continuation of another thread because we hit 500 posts. The game started a long time ago. If you're asking about the startup we've been discussing in the first thread, it will be a rematch with the same players. Good luck finding another game.
        "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


        • #5
          Here it is, all the info in one post. Please correct any mistakes.

          Laptop II
          (same turn order as Laptop I)

          Net Warrior: Free Drones
          Chip: CMN's choice
          jtsisyoda: Peacekeepers
          Rubin: Cybernetic Consciousness

          Perhaps the AIs should be tweaked slightly. The reason is that I would like to see some of our Laptop I factions in Laptop II--especially the Morganites and the Gaians. AI Morgan can be terribly weak, hence this faction may be given a slightly better starting position. Apart from the Probe Cruiser I prefer no CMN modifications.

          The last AI faction may be the University (unless we are playing against Provost Chip). Additional faction choices are the Believer's, the Hive and the Spartans; their SE choices are often difficult to match, thus making the AI more aggressive. I think Svensgaard is a little PBEM problematic and I would prefer if no Pirates were present in Laptop II.

          Intentional rioting for the purposes of probing the base after it converts is prohibited.

          Large map, no teams, no cooperative victory, 50-70% Ocean, and most definitely average native life.

          Weak erosion, average cloud cover. No random events. No Unity Survey. Look first. Directed research.

          Probe Cruiser available by default upon the discovery of Doctrine: Initiative (improves AI naval probe warfare)

          Other rules for play that only the players need, we can go by rules for Laptop I.
          "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


          • #6
            2216 to Net Warrior.

            The setup for laptop II looks fine. There is a single issue that I'd like to stress for our kind CMN Darsnan:

            Random events should be turned OFF. If random events indeed were turned off in Laptop I something in the setup must have put the random events back on. Darsnan, can you confirm if random events were turned on in Laptop I?

            That's it. I'm ready for Laptop II.


            • #7
              2217 to Gaians

              Re: Laptop ll
              Let the games begin.


              • #8
                Uh, President Net Warrior .... 13 extra save/loads?

                Turn played and passed.
                Last edited by Chip_Buckner; May 23, 2004, 15:23.


                • #9
                  I guess I used the wrong save to play my turn.

                  When I receive a turn it has always been my habit to save it immediately as the "real" turn and then to "relaod" the original turn in order to experiment with it. I am always dilligent to never uncover information that should not be available to me. This particular move offered a lot of different former move possibilities what with my trying to save my empire from drowning. I guess I took a look at 13 different senarios before I was satisfied and went back to play the "real " turn. As far as I knew I was loading the "real" turn. I somehow made a very embarrissing yet innocent mistake and lost track of the "real" save when I played my turn.

                  On a separate note, I have been playing on, 2 vs 1 since Uni's demise, because of, what I preceived to be, my vastly superior infrastructure. I felt that I still had real chances of winning. Now, the unexpectedly fast onset of the effects of global warming has devistated my population, my terriforming, and my plans. I see from the power graph that noone else has been adversly impacted by this, and so I am no longer optimistic as to the out come of the game. I think I no longer have a reasonabale chance vs a Gaian-Rubinite team.

                  If either The Gaians or The Rubinites are playing for an individual victory, I'll play on of course, but if you two are playing for a team victory then it's time for me to resign.


                  • #10
                    2217 to Net Warrior.

                    I officially propose a cooperative victory between the Gaians and the Rubinites. To achieve this quickly, Lord Chip may convene the Planetary Council by M.Y. 2218 and propose that all factions unite behind him as Supreme Leader.

                    Should the Peacekeepers support the Gaians Lord Chip may rule supremely by M.Y. 2219. Hence, the end of the Laptop I Epic.

                    (At least, I hope this is sufficient for a cooperative victory...)

                    (Edit: In case Hotmail is causing problems the file can be accessed here: (Edit 2: File removed.))
                    Last edited by Rubin; May 23, 2004, 21:44.


                    • #11
                      2218 to Gaians

                      Global warming has some wild gyrations to it. Things looked a little better on my continent this turn, terriform wise.


                      • #12
                        2218 to Rubin.

                        I agree with your assessment as to the ultimate outcome of the game and would love to oblige, but ... when calling a council, I am not given the opportunity to suggest that you should unite behind me as Supreme Ruler.

                        NW, given your improved situation, do you want to "unresign"? I think with my hydroponics pods coming on in five years, it is just a matter of time.


                        • #13
                          Sorry about the global warming messing you up, NW. It was either obliterate bases and raise the sea, or let your opponents have all my cities with population and facilities intact.
                          "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                          • #14
                            I was well aware of Yoda’s plans to self destruct his bases as needed and that that would result in global warming. Due to my rank inexperience with this phenomenon, I underestimated its effects. I was slow to react and have suffered the consequences. This is no ones fault but my own.

                            I’ve been thinking about this situation since my offer to resign post. If the game ends now then I will remain relatively inexperienced in dealing with global warming. So, if you both will indulge me, what with game mechanics not permitting a joint victory and all, I’d like to retract my resignation and try to learn some more about this game.

                            We’ve never formally discussed the endgame. Unless I make a huge comeback, I suggest that we continue to play until game mechanics allow a “unite behind me” victory (which may not take too much longer). So, what do you say guys, a few more turns while we await the coming of Laptop ll?


                            • #15
                              Rubin is having harddisc failure and has asked me to inform you that he is trying to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

                              Please have patience

                              Best regards

