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The Ghosts Amongst Us turn tracking thread

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  • The Ghosts Amongst Us turn tracking thread

    Game Background: in between the time that the Progenitors left Planet, and the arrival of the Humans, another species colonized Planet. This species was highly adept at terraforming, and they effectively reshaped the face of Planet in their visage. However, something happened to this species, and it disappeared from the face of Planet....

    Game Premise: As the Unity fell in-system, it sent several probes towards Planet's surface. As they neared their designated targets, all 3 Probes suddenly stopped sending telemetry.....
    Before the Unity's crew could decypher the partial feedback of the probes, the Unity suffered a calamitous breakup, and all of you were lucky to make Planetfall!
    Armed only with what you hastily took from the Unity, as well as the downloaded probe information, you must ready your followers for their ultimate destiny - domination of Planet!

    This is a SMAC game. Players in order are as follows:

    Gaians: wgabrie

    University: AgentSubversion

    Morganites: Net Warrior

    Fosse: Peace Keepers

    Turn has been sent to wgabrie.
    Good luck to all!


  • #2
    I'm looking forward to discovering what's in store for us! BTW, what size planet do we have? Are there any non-average game settings?
    Morgan Industries CEO
    Net Warrior

    (err....I trust you've received those EC's I sent you in payment for my premium starting location)


    • #3
      Ooo nice planet so far. Now what was that about ghosts?

      Don't answer that...

      Turn passed to Agent.
      Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Net Warrior
        BTW, what size planet do we have? Are there any non-average game settings?
        Morgan Industries CEO
        Net Warrior

        (err....I trust you've received those EC's I sent you in payment for my premium starting location)
        The Planet is Huge. I'll post the game settings tonight (I tried to post a screen shot last night a-la Googlie, but I got a message stating that the file was too big!).

        Yes, I did receive those EC's you sent me, and the donated amount is now reflected in your starting position, which you should see very shortly.....



        • #5
          Turn to morgan, and here it is!
          I'd like everyones emails, and I have wga's.
          I really need yours, Net Warrior.

          Map is most exciting, do we all have the same incomplete Planet map readouts or do we each have diffrent areas uncovered? Cause , DIBS! DIBS DIBS DIBS!


          bah hahaha
          Attached Files
          Agent Subversion out


          • #6
            Originally posted by AgentSubversion
            Map is most exciting, do we all have the same incomplete Planet map readouts or do we each have diffrent areas uncovered? Cause , DIBS! DIBS DIBS DIBS!
            I see someone's had their 5 cups of coffee already this morning....

            You all have the same incomplete map of Planet. This is what I was refering to when I said the Unity sent 3 probes to Planet, as the Unity was in the process of mapping Planet when she broke up. You all were able to download this partial map before abandoning Unity. FYI.



            • #7
              Mucho gracias
              Agent Subversion out


              • #8
                You sent a file that SMAC doesn't recognize. The attachment you send ends on .rar and I have no idea what this is. The save game file should ends with .sav Check the file you received. Doesn't it end in .sav? Also, you didn't send it zipped. Please try saving/sending it again.

                Net Warrior


                • #9
                  Net Warrior *.rar is a compression format sort of like *.zip. If you have the time go to and look for WinRar since it reads and writes both formats...

                  Or, Agent could swich to *.zip...
                  Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                  • #10
                    Resent as a zip.
                    Eager to play next turn
                    Agent Subversion out


                    • #11
                      2101 to Pk

                      (a very very cool game....thanks much Darsnan)


                      • #12
                        I don't seem to have a password for this game... I thought you sent us turn one to set our own, so I opened it up to find it already has a password that I don't know, and can't find on my e-mail account.

                        Would you mind a resend to xxxkylebenanderson@hotmail.comxxx?

                        Sorry for the hold up, gang.



                        • #13
                          password sent



                          • #14
                            Thanks for the quick response, Darsan!

                            2102 is on its way to wgabrie.

                            And the reload message is from the first time I opened the turn with no password. And I hereby renounce AgentSubervsions Dibs in the name of the United Nations.


                            • #15
                              I got the perfect implant in mind for you, Fosse. Get in the way of the PuT and we'll make SOME use out of your meatbag body.
                              Agent Subversion out

