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The Ghosts Amongst Us turn tracking thread
Originally posted by Fosse
Glad your feeling well again (it must have been VERY sick to keep you away!).
hmm, what's this cryopack doing here?
I guess that's why the Academician's private residences are off-limits...Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.
I ate the turn and deficated towards Morgan for him to clean and resell, as is his heathen wont. Won't you put aside your pure greed and join me in the betterment of all mankind? When one dies, it certain their material possesions are left behind, but of the knowledge one collects? Mayhaps there is a greater investment available than any amount of mere energy credits. This goes for you all! I recommend all the human settlements on planet to please, think of the future! All the labs on Alpha Centauri working together as one.Last edited by AgentSubversion; December 2, 2003, 23:37.Agent Subversion out