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Sir_Schwick the beginner's modding thread

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  • #16
    Army,M1,Army,M1, Reserve,M1,Reserve,M1, 2,0,0,0,0,1,None, Brigade,M1, Reserve,M1,
    Tank,M1,Tank,M1, Armor,M1,Armor,M1, 4,0,0,0,0,2,(Maneuver), Tank,M1, Armor,M1,
    MBT,M1,MBT,M1, IFV,M1,IFV,M1, 6,0,0,0,1,3,(Advanced Mobile Warfare), MBT,M1, IFV,M1,
    Zeppelin,M1, Zeppelin,M1, Zeppelin,M1, Zeppelin,M1, 4,2,0,0,1,4,(Military Blimps), Zeppelin,M1, Zeppelin,M1,
    Bomber,M1,Bomber,M1, Fighter,M1,Fighter,M1, 12,2,2,0,0,4,(Maneuver), Bomber,M1,Interceptor,M1
    Dive Bomber,M1,Dive Bomber,M1, Interceptor,M1,Interceptor,M1 7,2,1,0,0,4,(Doctrine: Air-Land), Dive Bomber,M1,Interceptor,M1,
    Attack Copter,M1,Attack Copter,M1, Support Copter,M1,Support Copter,M1, 9,2,1,0,2,5,(Military Helicopters), Attack Copter,M1, Support Copter,M1,
    Frigate,M1,Corvette,M1 Dreadnought,M1,Man-O-War,M1, 10,1,0,0,4,2,(None), Sloop,M1, Man-O-War,M1,
    Destroyer,M1 ,Destroyer,M1, Battleship,M1,Battleship,M1, 16,1,0,0,6,3,(Maneuver), Light Cruiser,M1, Cruiser,M1
    SRBM,M1,SRBM,M1, SRBM,M1,SRBM,M1, 8,2,1,1,0,3, (Military Rocketry),SRBM,M1,SRBM,M1
    MRBM,M1,MRBM,M1, MRBM,M1,MRBM,M1, 20,2,1,1,0,10,(Mobile Firepower),MRBM,M1,MRBM,M1,
    ICBM,M1,ICBM,M1, ICBM,M1,ICBM,M1, 50,2,1,1,0,25,(Space Flight),ICBM,M1,ICBM,M1,

    This is the current chassis list as it will go in the alpha.txt. In the unit editor there are only 9 slots, so I am guessing the first nine entries would be corresponded with those slots. The ninth slot here is Battleship.

    What I am wondering is if I could still make pre-defined units that use one of the chassis slots listed in the 10th,11th, and 12th spots(where the missles are)?

    Sorry about the format, may read easier if you stick it in a text editor. Quick corollary question, are there are any special properties to the weapons lots associated with the PB and conventional warhead?


    • #17
      Originally posted by sir_schwick
      This is the current chassis list as it will go in the alpha.txt. In the unit editor there are only 9 slots, so I am guessing the first nine entries would be corresponded with those slots. The ninth slot here is Battleship.

      What I am wondering is if I could still make pre-defined units that use one of the chassis slots listed in the 10th,11th, and 12th spots(where the missles are)?
      OK, I think I understand what your talking about here: what your trying to do is add more units under the #CHASSIS section of the alpha.txt. Note that the chassis are directly associated with specific caviar graphics files, and since there are no other caviar files identified as chassis (to the best of my knowledge), then I think what you should actually be trying to do here is add units under the #UNITS section of the alpha.txt.

      Originally posted by sir_schwick
      Quick corollary question, are there are any special properties to the weapon slots associated with the PB and conventional warhead?
      Your talking about under the #WEAPONS section of the alpha.txt? If that is the case then I don't think there are any special properties associated with either weapon.



      • #18
        So If I defined a unit under #UNITS with

        SRBM(Nuclear), SRBM,Nuclear,No Armor,5,0, 0, (Nuclear Weapons), -1, 000000000000000000000000

        Would it be available to build once the appropriate technology existed?
        Would it have any kind of icon if buildable?


        • #19
          Originally posted by sir_schwick
          So If I defined a unit under #UNITS with

          SRBM(Nuclear), SRBM,Nuclear,No Armor,5,0, 0, (Nuclear Weapons), -1, 000000000000000000000000

          Would it be available to build once the appropriate technology existed?
          Would it have any kind of icon if buildable?
          If you have defined each of the above fields correctly, then yes it should be.

          Question: are you playtesting this alpha.txt periodically as you go along? Reason I am asking is that, considering the amount of changes you are making, then if you have made a mistake somewhere it will be easier to troubleshoot if you have been periodically playtesting the changes.



          • #20
            No, all these edits have been done in a overall organizing file. Since I was creating a new tech tree from scratch I decided I would fully flesh out the connections before implementing them. You are correct that I will probably have a lot of bug-hunting the first time I finally load it up.

            Fortunately I am close to the point where I can start referencing most things in the alpha.txt . It will require probably a few more hours work to get it all documented correctly. Likely that will occur the next time I decide to do some modding instead of study for exams .

            If you are truly curious, I could upload my current working document.

            Now I might take a detour and test this idea using some quick edits to the primary alpha.txt. (Its backed up, so no foul even if harm) If it turns out this technique has utility, then I may end up reorganizing the chassis, armor, and units section.


            • #21
              Originally posted by sir_schwick
              No, all these edits have been done in a overall organizing file. Since I was creating a new tech tree from scratch I decided I would fully flesh out the connections before implementing them. You are correct that I will probably have a lot of bug-hunting the first time I finally load it up.
              Yes, yes you will probably have some edits to do on this. And from what you said before that this is your first major modding project, then they will probably be very painful edits......

              Originally posted by sir_schwick
              If you are truly curious, I could upload my current working document.
              It isn't necessarily curiosity on my part, as opposed to my ability to assist you in what you are doing: I need reference points in regards to your edits, so actually having your alpha.txt file in front of me will make it clearer to me what you are trying to do, as well as what you are trying to troubleshoot.


