... really have to keep an eye on it, though--it'll try and slide
away from you the first chance it gets.
- That was T. M. Morgan-Reilly of Morgan Metagenics speaking about amazing new development that will revolutionarize energy industry, manafacturing and adult entertainment. This is Paula Forbes from Morgan Metagenics.
- Thank you Paula. Our next news report comes from University Base where UN inspections have again been refused access to Provost's quarters. But before that, let's listen to general announcement made by Planetary Governor earlier this day.
- Hello my fellow Chironians. As everyone of you knows, SMAC is a wonderful game. But there is a flaw with it: many of things in it are hardcoded. Despite this obstacles many brave souls have figured out ways to improve and enhance the game. Many of these achievements are famous even today, like Probe Cruisers or Enhanced Worldbuilder section. Others have built wondrous scenarios that provided hours of entertainment to many.
As great as these enhancements are, they were made singulary. These means that each of these enhancements had to be installed individually. This is a big turnoff for many people. Additionally, many are unfamiliar with older modifications and scenarios.
What we need to do is find a way to integrate many of this modifications into a single mod. Packed into a single installation and powered with #endgame's file swapper, I would dub this project Apolyton Pack. This project has already been blessed by ACS administration.
The objectives of this project are:
* to compile enhancements that improve or expand the game, not replace them with something else. Examples for this are Improved Worldbuilder section, which creates better maps or new basic units like submarines or probe cruisers. Modifications that change game mechanics significantly like rearranging the technology tree or factions.
*to collect all previous user made scenarios, factions and maps and pack them - they would install into default SMAC directory. Another option is to pack already made mods - a custom launcher would be created asking user where to start plain SMAC/SMAX, Apolyton Pack or one of these mods.
*to create both SMAC and SMAX versions, light (no maps, scenarios), normal and expanded versions (completed user made modifications included).
*to credit all users whose work will be included.
This is the main thread for the project and input from readers is expected and valued. Within several days, a preliminary list of modifications will be listed. I would like to have permissions from active authors for inclusion in the Apolyton pack. Absolutely essential is #endgame's file swapper.
Modman file swapper (credits to #endgame)
Vitamins attack! scenario (credits to Mart7x5)
A Peacekeeper scenario (credits to Mart7x5)
Single Player Map Collection (credits to Mart7x5 for collecting it and to original authors)
Additional base names (credits to Googlie, gwillybj, Lord Nword
-probe cruisers and submersibles as basic unit types-
Improved worldbuilder section (credits to Smacksim)
Thank you for your attention.
away from you the first chance it gets.
- That was T. M. Morgan-Reilly of Morgan Metagenics speaking about amazing new development that will revolutionarize energy industry, manafacturing and adult entertainment. This is Paula Forbes from Morgan Metagenics.
- Thank you Paula. Our next news report comes from University Base where UN inspections have again been refused access to Provost's quarters. But before that, let's listen to general announcement made by Planetary Governor earlier this day.
- Hello my fellow Chironians. As everyone of you knows, SMAC is a wonderful game. But there is a flaw with it: many of things in it are hardcoded. Despite this obstacles many brave souls have figured out ways to improve and enhance the game. Many of these achievements are famous even today, like Probe Cruisers or Enhanced Worldbuilder section. Others have built wondrous scenarios that provided hours of entertainment to many.
As great as these enhancements are, they were made singulary. These means that each of these enhancements had to be installed individually. This is a big turnoff for many people. Additionally, many are unfamiliar with older modifications and scenarios.
What we need to do is find a way to integrate many of this modifications into a single mod. Packed into a single installation and powered with #endgame's file swapper, I would dub this project Apolyton Pack. This project has already been blessed by ACS administration.
The objectives of this project are:
* to compile enhancements that improve or expand the game, not replace them with something else. Examples for this are Improved Worldbuilder section, which creates better maps or new basic units like submarines or probe cruisers. Modifications that change game mechanics significantly like rearranging the technology tree or factions.
*to collect all previous user made scenarios, factions and maps and pack them - they would install into default SMAC directory. Another option is to pack already made mods - a custom launcher would be created asking user where to start plain SMAC/SMAX, Apolyton Pack or one of these mods.
*to create both SMAC and SMAX versions, light (no maps, scenarios), normal and expanded versions (completed user made modifications included).
*to credit all users whose work will be included.
This is the main thread for the project and input from readers is expected and valued. Within several days, a preliminary list of modifications will be listed. I would like to have permissions from active authors for inclusion in the Apolyton pack. Absolutely essential is #endgame's file swapper.
List of mods to be incorporated:
Modman file swapper (credits to #endgame)
Vitamins attack! scenario (credits to Mart7x5)
A Peacekeeper scenario (credits to Mart7x5)
Single Player Map Collection (credits to Mart7x5 for collecting it and to original authors)
Additional base names (credits to Googlie, gwillybj, Lord Nword
-probe cruisers and submersibles as basic unit types-
Improved worldbuilder section (credits to Smacksim)
Thank you for your attention.