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[C4:AC] Keeping Civ4 changes?

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  • #46
    Just curious, but why did the coders walk away from this project? If at all posible if its something we can avoid on this project, why I'd like to hear the reason.
    In short we were too ambitious and couldn't figure out how to start.

    I also took on more responsibility than I could handle but I didn't know that at the time (if you really wanna know, lookup executive dysfunction, if you have more burning curiosity, PM me). I'm a good coder but I have trouble organizing myself and am clueless at organizing others, this isn't a problem when working with game mods, I made some pretty big mods for Warcraft3. It's much easier to make small(ish) incremental changes to an existing body of work.

    I would agree that we need Civ 4 with SMAC flavor before we have a total conversion, but I consider the partial conversion a milestone, rather than a goal. I imagine we'll have many intermediate versions, since we're lucky enough to be starting with a fully-functional game. I would expect more problems bringing together parallel changes from multiple programmers than problems implementing SMAC features.
    That's largely my sentiment but I do think our objective should be "the best of both worlds" rather than a SMAC clone, that is we should not remove any Civ4 features unless they are actually out of place. Religion is obviously out of place in a post-modern world, but great people would fit in just fine with some minor renaming.

    There are two reasons I think this way, firstly is for the benefit of those who only have a Civ4-background (both players and modders), moving too far from Civ4 could easily alienate them.

    The second, and I'll be perfectely blunt in my usual style. SMAC is a great game, the flavor is done in a most excellent style - I'd say best game ever in this regard. However many of the gameplay mechanics were implemented in a hurry and with little foresight, for example there are a large number of gameplay & balance problems associated with Crawlers, they are fairly unstrategic - kind of a low risk high profit use everywhere thing, the upgrade+cash in is an exploit plain and simple (or if you don't want to label it an exploit because it's available to everyone, it is a HUGE meta-game balance problem) - the AI doesn't even know how to use crawlers properly indicating how little time there was for implementing and testing them. Similarly there are some nearly broken features in the combat model, such as self destruct and the balance of choppers is dubious at best.

    The growth, population and happiness models frankly SUCK, they are incredibly micromanagment intensive in ways which they don't have to be. There is no way I could in good faith allow them to reimplented should Civ4's models prove generally more enjoyable.

    With all that said I don't actually object to people working on a more exact clone which removes Civ4 features and reverts to old combat models and such but I feel it should be the fork rather than the mod itself (mainly because it involves a lot of extra work for little or negative reward). Ideally we'll use a game/mod options system to reconcile differences, the feasability of using such an options system (hopefully Civ4 naturally has good support) should be looked into ASAP so that new code can be integrated into it from the start (and also making it easier to use the code for other unrelated mods). OO Programming and Python make such an optional modules approach quite plausible (Python is particullary neat in this regard).

    The modcore should basically be all the facilities, SP's, terraforming and techs changed to SMAC, including associated voiceovers and such. Also renaming of Civ4 concepts as appropriate (Great Prophet -> Great Empath) and leaving out referneces to religion and other entirely inappropriate Civ4 features. Getting this done should be the highest priority as it gives us a solid, stable non-controversial base to work from - it will be mostly XML and Graphics work (but the graphics aren't high priority, placeholder art will do).
    Then we start adding options, the first one probably being an adaption of the Civ4 combat/unit model to SMAC, adding in a selection of units like Scout Patrols, Formers, Impact Rovers, Shard Choppers etc. Intially there wouldn't actually be an alternative to this option, it's just to get the game into a playable state asap so that other stuff can be tested and played around with. The Unit Workshop will be a huge task which will require quite some experience to do satisfactorily and it'd be nice to have the mod playable much earlier. [It's reasons like this that we MUST take a middle path, otherwise we could get stuck on something big and complex like the Unit Workshop].

    Then we start adding new options/modules which may be large scale modifcations of Civ4 systems, or newly coded systems from SMAC such as Orbitals or Ecodamage. These should only be considered ready for full inclusion when they are stable, the AI can work with them and they don't break existing gameplay too badly (before they reach those criteria they would be labelled as EXPERIMENTAL or something).

    While, in the perfect world coders would be given tasks to do, it is more likely that inspiration strikes and they have a really good idea on how to implement some system, and off they go and do it (often in an all-nighter orgy of coding and testing), some tasks will simply be easier and require less experience and these are the tasks that will tend to get done first, other tasks will become more feasible as collective modding experience increases, "democracy" and "polls" have no real effect on this process, which is not to say that coders (and other modders) wont want input from the community! Just that ultimately, the people doing the work make the final decisions, based on technical issues and feedback they get.

    Since there will be a lot of exciting things to do with Civ4 modding I doubt a Dictatorship approach would work very well, if modders feel their creativity is being stifled they'll just scamper off to some other project. So our goal should be harnassing that creativity even if it doesn't always fit exactly within our visions of the mod.

    Well that's my 40c on the topics in this thread for now .


    • #47
      All I can say is 'Dictatorship' != 'Leadership' and 'Leadership' != 'Restriction'.

      Someone just needs to account for what must be done, account for who can and would like to do it, keep track on progress and do other organisational things programmers usually don't bother to (you said yourself, you have trouble organising).

      If a programmer would get a good idea on the task he's not working on, he'd be welcome to discuss it with the person who is or get the task done himself if noone is working on it.
      -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
      -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


      • #48
        Should we open a new thread where we nominate people leadership? I think three is a good number.


        • #49
          I think if you want this projet to succeed, you all need to keep an open mind and don't be afraid of discussions and don't immediately dismiss civ4 features based on the mission statement.
          Who approved the mission statement anyway? I see 19 people signed up for this project, yet i saw only about 4 people clearly expressed their support for it, and about an equal amount critisized it.

          Anyway, the primary argument i see in favor of the clone is to save time on discussions and to reduce conflict.
          I have two points about that, first of all, if people have an opinion, they won't change it because a mission statement says otherwise. Dismissing their opinion for the same reason won't help either, because everyone wants to express their opinion and they want to be taken seriously when doing so. So mindlessly sticking to a mission statement, against which there are valid objections might not be the best way to reduce just shift it from conflict over game features to conflicts over the mission statement.

          The second point is a more practical one, one about saving time.
          Nobody wants to spend months discussing which features to include and which not. Then what makes you think that coders will jump at the opportunity to spend months removing perfectly fine and balanced Civ4 features in order to code an inferior SMAC feature from scratch?

          Good programmers are lazy, they must be motivated to produce good work, waving around a mission statement does not motivate them. Discussing features and convincing them why it is the best option and getting them excited about the final product does. In general programmers also don't like reinventing the wheel, which is why i think the majority of the people against blind cloning happen to be programmers.

          I find this position to minimize discussion and creating a clone incomprehensible to be honest. It's like saying let's not waste time discussing which route is best and just always take the longest route.

          And no, i'm still not a member of the C4AC team, so feel free to dismiss my opinion as irrelevant.
          <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
          Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


          • #50
            Originally posted by Blake
            I also took on more responsibility than I could handle but I didn't know that at the time .
            Been there, done that. I think this in part is where I came up with my phrase "The second most noble thing is to have tried but failed" as this is how I rationalized my own failures: there are a lot of people out there who look at a problem/ situation and just say "its too hard" or naysayers who simply say "you'll never succeed". Yeah, but at least I tried in those situations. And so have you....

            Originally posted by Blake
            I'm a good coder but I have trouble organizing myself and am clueless at organizing others,
            From my experience there is no one perfect way/ solution. Every approach to a Problem/ Goal has its advantages, and every approach to a Problem/ Goal has its drawbacks. Therefore the best approach in situations is to choose the best approach to a Problem/ Goal, recognize and define this specific approach's weaknesses, and then have a system of checks and balances in place to mitigate the drawbacks of this approach. For example, in this instance here when bT and I first started discussing the C4:AC mod amongst ourselves (back in April I believe) little was known about what Firaxis meant by their blanket statement that cIV was going to be "completely modable", and little other details were known about the game at that time. We also knew that our Target Audience for a C4:AC mod was going to be the SMAC(X) fanbase. Therefore what came out of this at that time was that we should aim our mod for becoming a complete clone (or as close as possible) of SMAC(X). This would then potentially draw in the most people to the project, as well as at that time considered to be the simplest to implement. Now that more and more is being revealed about what cIV embodies it is becoming obvious that a SMAC(X) clone is going to be more difficult to implement, and that your approach of something in between is probably going to be easier to implement (assuming you discount all of the knockdown drag out brawls that are going to occur once our team gets to the point of deciding whats in and whats out of this mod...). That said, what with my science background, then until I am able to empirically assess exactly what cIV can and cannot do (and how closely each aspect emulates SMAC), I am going to still stump for the ideal goal of a complete SMAC(X) clone. I encourage others to do the same, as this goal will still give us a focus (i.e. we won't get sidetracked by all the little glimmerings being offered via cIV beta testers who've had their statements censored by Firaxis first). This will also serve to mitigate the amount of possible arguments started by people who have read these statements and want these features included into the C4:AC Mod, even though they've never empirically experienced any of these yet!

            Originally posted by Blake
            That's largely my sentiment but I do think our objective should be "the best of both worlds" rather than a SMAC clone,
            Once I play the game and can empirically assess the results, I am probably going to agree with you. However, until I play the game, then for the sake of (non)argument, I am going to go for the clone approach....

            Originally posted by Blake
            we should not remove any Civ4 features unless they are actually out of place. Religion is obviously out of place in a post-modern world, but great people would fit in just fine with some minor renaming.
            Theoretically I am in pretty much agreement here. However, if the team decides differently, I'll live with it.....



            • #51
              Religion is obviously out of place in a post-modern world, but great people would fit in just fine with some minor renaming.
              Features out-of-place can sometimes also be transformed in other features..
              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


              • #52
                Features such as great people would be trivial to remove, and non-trivial to adapt to SMAC. That should be one of the easiest decisions in making a clone - cut all extraneous features that couldn't map to features in SMAC.
                "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                -BBC news


                • #53
                  Originally posted by binTravkin
                  Features out-of-place can sometimes also be transformed in other features..
                  Instead of "Religious", "Ideological" spreading?

                  Adviser: Chairman, some infiltrator reports that Yang Mine has a growing number of Gaian Acolytes in its perimeter...
                  Yang: Nerve staple them all!
                  He who knows others is wise.
                  He who knows himself is enlightened.
                  -- Lao Tsu

                  SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                  • #54
                    Serious point: do we need to start a thread determining leaders? I don't like the idea of a single all powerful person as there are several people I consider essential to the project. Council of three?


                    • #55
                      Serious point: do we need to start a thread determining leaders? I don't like the idea of a single all powerful person as there are several people I consider essential to the project. Council of three?
                      The leadership might be divided, yes, but you're making mistake in thinking that we need any 'power' wested in anyone. He only needs some authority and, good organisational skills and a good amount of time to spend online, to watch what's going on..

                      As I already said, we don't need dictator, we just need a person who'll do the job of coordinating, Chief Executive.
                      And of course we need others to respect his work and understand that his guidance is not a forced upon agenda, but a necessary part of the process, the part which holds the project together.
                      -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                      -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                      • #56
                        If we are talking about leaders, I think we should keep the ones in the original game. If we want multiple leaders we might use the Apprentice and the Scientist from each faction. Chain of command I guess.

                        Give them one core faction trait and then a specialty focus. Maybe Talent or Science.
                        Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                        • #57
                          Oops we are talking about Project leadership? I don't want to go there. It sounds like we want to make someone feel special and everyone else is inferior.

                          Though I can see that we might want to keep everyone working on the same goals. No "Factioning" until we finish this project.
                          Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                          • #58
                            Well from what I know here's what sounds like the biggest modding challenges so far...

                            *Modding in SMAC style corruption and building upkeep and modding out the new city maintence concept
                            *Modding out global unit support, and modding in city level unit support for shields instead of gold
                            *Modding out the health system and modding in ecodamage
                            *Modding out air missions and modding in SMAC style units
                            *Modding in Faction traits
                            *Modding out the new switching production method where shields don't carry over from a settler to a library for example and going to the old system
                            *Also modding out the new wonder building system and modding in the old system
                            *Changing specialists from the new civ4 system back to unlimited SMAC style
                            *Modding the new happiness model to the old smac model
                            *Modding in SMAC style borders and modding out cultural borders
                            *Modding in the unit workshop
                            *Modding in proper psi combat units (including native life)
                            *Modding in fungus properly
                            *Modding in proper continuum SE attributes (like +2 police -3 planet) instead of new fixed attribute civics

                            those are the big ones that comes to my mind first


                            • #59
                              It sounds like we want to make someone feel special and everyone else is inferior.
                              I've been organising things at CGN for half a year now.
                              I doubt any of the players there feel inferior, you could ask them.
                              Signs are they are happy that they always have someone who can answer their questions, gather them together and finally set things up for them to get going.
                              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                              • #60
                                Signs are they are happy that they always have someone who can answer their questions, gather them together and finally set things up for them to get going.
                                that is quite correct if everyone was equal (on technical abilities) then anything getting done is only possible if all cooperate. where would pbems be without CMNs? i sure wouldnt play without a referee,not in a game this buggy

                                The leadership might be divided, yes, but you're making mistake in thinking that we need any 'power' wested in anyone. He only needs some authority and, good organisational skills and a good amount of time to spend online, to watch what's going on..

                                As I already said, we don't need dictator, we just need a person who'll do the job of coordinating, Chief Executive.
                                And of course we need others to respect his work and understand that his guidance is not a forced upon agenda, but a necessary part of the process, the part which holds the project together.
                                Quoted for Absolute Truth

                                From my experience there is no one perfect way/ solution. Every approach to a Problem/ Goal has its advantages, and every approach to a Problem/ Goal has its drawbacks. Therefore the best approach in situations is to choose the best approach to a Problem/ Goal, recognize and define this specific approach's weaknesses, and then have a system of checks and balances in place to mitigate the drawbacks of this approach.
                                Quoted for More Truth

                                what firmly needs to be decided before the game work starts is the leader sitch. either a council of three or a 'executive' as bT put it. a new thread should be created by Mr Project Leader discussing this imho, its a bit OT and buried inside another thread for something so important
                                if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                                ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''

