Originally posted by d=me
And how do they really rate who is the best at tech, wealth etc...?
And how do they really rate who is the best at tech, wealth etc...?
Whoever has the most points is considered to be the most advanced...so, theoretically, the "most advanced" person might not have the most number of techs, and just because you are the most advanced faction doesn't mean that another opponent doesn't have a tech you don't...
Wealth: This is just whoever at the time has the most energy credits...this pretty much a joke and doesn't really matter. For example, I could be producing 1000 Energy credits per turn, but spend all of them hurrying productions, so never actually accumulate excess energy...on the other hand, I could be producing only 10 energy credits per turn, and store them up the whole game to get a whopping 1000 energy credits (or something like that)...
What you really need to judge wealth on is by how much energy is earned per turn, not who has the most energy credits...