Originally posted by Commy
The only way to control the seas is with sea bases and with copters...
I never build sea units, as I find it more useful to invest in a super large airforce...in fact, if I never have to go to war, it is not all uncommon for me to build copters before building any offensive land units, although I doubt I could get away with this on MP....
The only way to control the seas is with sea bases and with copters...
I never build sea units, as I find it more useful to invest in a super large airforce...in fact, if I never have to go to war, it is not all uncommon for me to build copters before building any offensive land units, although I doubt I could get away with this on MP....
Can strike both land and sea targets;
Can move over land and sea;
Faster moving than sea units;
Cheaper than sea units;
Ususally immune while in flight to most land and sea units;
Value of sea units:
Can occupy sea bases;
Don't have to land each turn (or every other turn).
My own opinion, IMHO, air units are better at maintaining sea supremacy than sea units. I'll usually only use the sea units to occupy the enemy bases my air units empty.
Unless really cheap, I'll generally not armor my ships. I might best-*-6, or 1-best-6 them, but I'll very seldom best-best-* them.
For me, movement is far more important than their armour or weapon.,