Originally posted by fender
To keep cutting the odds of the PB getting through in half, is IMO flawed logic.
Each failure or successfully take down of a PB must be looked at separately. Each attempt is must be looked at on it's own. The odds are always 50/50.
To keep cutting the odds of the PB getting through in half, is IMO flawed logic.
Each failure or successfully take down of a PB must be looked at separately. Each attempt is must be looked at on it's own. The odds are always 50/50.
For example. If you could have such a thing as a perfectly balanced roulette wheel and an infinite number of tries at the wheel. If red was success and black failure, you will hit red at some point.
Are you trying you tell me that you could never hit red? You know I will, and then down goes the PB, and the next and then next.
Are you trying you tell me that you could never hit red? You know I will, and then down goes the PB, and the next and then next.
In this situation the PB, being the attacker, set the whole thing in motion. I only have to deal with one PB at a time with an infinite number of tries to do it. The playing field is NOT level, so to speak. I will always be able to shoot it down so long as time itself is infinite.
When launching M PBs against N ODPs, each ODP that deploys, either successfully or unsuccessfully, is unavailable to stop the next PB. My calculations were all based on having to go against the full set of ODPs each turn.
To accurately represent M PBs against N ODPs, first assume that M <= N, otherwise a PB will get through every time. Now, consider X, the number of ODPs that a PB will penetrate before being stopped. X is a random variable with an exponential distribution across the integers, such that P(X) = .5^X (my notation here might be screwy, but I hope it gets the idea across). The expected value (or mean) of X is the sum from 1 to infinity of X*P(X) = x/(2^x). This series has a limit of 2. Therefore, the mean of X is 2. By other calculations, the standard deviation of X is also 2.
The number of ODPs that M PBs will penetrate is represented by M samplings of X. As M -> infinity, this will be a Gaussian distribution with mean 2*M and standard deviation 2*sqrt(M). To find out the odds of whether at least 1 of M PBs will penetrate N ODPs, calculate
(2M - N) / (2*sqrt(M))
and compare the value to a normal distribution chart (or use a function I don't care to find).
These calculations are based on the assumption that ODPs are never sacrificed. Of course, a sensible player would almost always sacrifice an ODP if needed, but we're (or maybe it's just me) having fun with math!
It may be crazy to you, but not to me nor anyone experienced with math. Not to be mean, but try thinking about it, rather than flailing. Consider a finite case, and see what happens in the limit as the finite parameters approach infinity.