Originally posted by Chaos Theory
The whole game would benefit from more continua where now there are steps. Continuous population, resource gathering, energy allocation, inefficiency, hurry costs, etc. Floating-point numbers aren't that scary. Oh well.
The whole game would benefit from more continua where now there are steps. Continuous population, resource gathering, energy allocation, inefficiency, hurry costs, etc. Floating-point numbers aren't that scary. Oh well.

Cheers to that thought. The few games that do this are so much more fun, IMO. I think the developers tend to stay away from continuous systems because it intimidates the players. There's a huge element of 'Don't make it too complicated, or we'll lose our customer base'. Which is just what apparently happened with Smac. Many people say 'It's too complex'. Silly.
The only two strategy games similar to Smac that had continous functions for resources that I know of are "Pax Imperia I" in ship design, "MOO I" to a very small degree in random planets, and "Conquest of the New World", which has continuous resources. It's a great game in terms of city-building because of that, but the overall game seems quite unfinished and isn't really enjoyable for strategy. I'll bet a few of the more modern games are continous as well. So yeah, there's nothing preventing that from being brought into Smac/Civ, but it won't happen because it's too 'complex', methinks.