I have changed my ICS type game from four tiles between bases to two. So far I’ve had great success with this. What used to be very hard, winning on Transcend, is now a bit to easy.
Maybe what I do to win is a sell out. You tell me if what I’m doing is considered to be somewhat less than proficient.
Early in the game I give in to all demands whether it be credits or tech. I run default SE, as to not get anyone upset, until I have an impact rover in all bases. When I reach this point, I’ll run whatever I want SE wise and no longer give in to anything. I find that you either go war and win, or everyone leaves you alone. Sometimes I can just hold them off until I get air power, in which case they can rarely get even one unit across my borders.
I still like to concentrate on building and do as much of this as possible.
I’m also finding that one faction is very dominant in the Transcend level. It’s either the Hive, or Sparta. Sometimes Miriam. They usually take out everyone else but me, and factions that I have a pact with if any.
By the time they get around to me, which they always do, I can wipe them out in a turn or two. In the screen shot below I was doing just that with Clean Drop Hovertanks.
Anyway, your input is welcome.
Maybe what I do to win is a sell out. You tell me if what I’m doing is considered to be somewhat less than proficient.
Early in the game I give in to all demands whether it be credits or tech. I run default SE, as to not get anyone upset, until I have an impact rover in all bases. When I reach this point, I’ll run whatever I want SE wise and no longer give in to anything. I find that you either go war and win, or everyone leaves you alone. Sometimes I can just hold them off until I get air power, in which case they can rarely get even one unit across my borders.
I still like to concentrate on building and do as much of this as possible.
I’m also finding that one faction is very dominant in the Transcend level. It’s either the Hive, or Sparta. Sometimes Miriam. They usually take out everyone else but me, and factions that I have a pact with if any.
By the time they get around to me, which they always do, I can wipe them out in a turn or two. In the screen shot below I was doing just that with Clean Drop Hovertanks.
Anyway, your input is welcome.
