One thing poly does have is a data base with tens of thousands of old posters along with their email addresses. Even if we only assume half of those email addresses are still good then we're still talking about a significant number of people who are technically still registered here but who have stopped actively participating in forum discussions. This is a tool we should be using. I have seen other forums send monthly updates out to all the members on their email lists which just update major things happening on the forums, what is going on, and (most importantly) reminded them that the forum still exists. By including a link to the forum in such a mass update email we can make it easy for old members to come back and at least say high and maybe, just maybe, a certain percentage of them will get sucked back into the forums and once again return to being active members.

Personally, I think the email list is a major unused asset for this forum which could help to drive posters back and to make the forums more active. What do the rest of you think?