Just asking, little fuzzy on me memory, but are we not upgrading soon and perhaps/might/maybe/hopefully this and a multitude of other problems will go away?
just asking, not trying to be Locutus with all that expertise, heck, I cant do that thats why he is here and we are fortunate he is here
along with gramphos
Along with Dan
Along with rah
Along with Ming
Along with Snoopy369
Along with Solver
Along with ~yawn~ Imran da most easily respected leader I have had fun picking on and hope he dont still hate me when i yank his chain from time to time, although admittedly the new software wont fix that bug
Ok Dokey, hope I didnt leave out anyone here
Oh Drogue and dat Lazarus da wimp
just asking, not trying to be Locutus with all that expertise, heck, I cant do that thats why he is here and we are fortunate he is here
along with gramphos
Along with Dan
Along with rah
Along with Ming
Along with Snoopy369
Along with Solver
Along with ~yawn~ Imran da most easily respected leader I have had fun picking on and hope he dont still hate me when i yank his chain from time to time, although admittedly the new software wont fix that bug
Ok Dokey, hope I didnt leave out anyone here
Oh Drogue and dat Lazarus da wimp
