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PolyCast Episode 35: "By Popular Request"

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  • PolyCast Episode 35: "By Popular Request"

    The second shiny season of PolyCast (PC) begins with its thirty-fifth episode "By Popular Request" co-hosted by Daniel "DanQ" Quick and Kelly "KMadeleine" with guest co-host Wouter "Locutus" Snijders. Yes, you read that right. The official podcast of Apolyton Civilization Site (ACS) is undergoing some considerable changes... including expansion.

    Kelly is joining the returning Dan, Makahlua and Imran Siddiqui as the show's fourth regular co-host. Wouter is moving aside to lead Kenneth "Impaler[WrG]" Ferland, Tony "GarretSidzaka" Kiehl and Oscar "Elhoim" Velzi as the four regular co-hosts on the new sibling show ModCast (MC) which will focus on Civ modding. PC's focus in design as well as practice will be on Civ strategy. All new regular co-hosts previously appeared on one or more episodes or specials during PC's first season. Here's a rundown on other key points:

  • A bi-weekly, alternating schedule under the greater PolyCast banner.
    This means there is to be a new Civ podcast episode every week, not just the occasional two-parter. PC starts this pattern with MC to follow with its first episode next week.
  • Episodes 40-45 minutes in length.
    Based on consultations with ACS staff and the community, episodes of both PC and MC will be ~2/3 the duration of most first-season PC episodes. Topics are to be as if not more in-depth as before -- just fewer of them.
  • Segment splitting, sharing, renaming and removal.
    The 'Workshop' segment has been removed from PC line-up as it's now the (extended) domain of MC. Both shows will share the 'Mailbag' and 'Time Machine' segments and 'Interview' insofar as their respective coverage goes. PC's 'Modcast' segment has been renamed 'Forum Talk' to minimize confusion and better reflect the segment's purpose besides; 'Theatre' is being discarded.
  • Changes in extra productions.
    'Bloopers' where applicable will be placed at the end of individual episodes as opposed to separate compilations and 'Promos' will comprise snippets of ten as opposed to five-episodes. The 'Cut!' side series has been canceled; installments produced during PC's first season that have not yet been released will be so over the coming months. The third and final 'Pilot' has not yet been scheduled for release.
  • One editor per show.
    Quick will continue to edit PC while Kiehl will edit MC. Quick will produce stock clips for both shows.
  • Cross-promotion and co-hosting.
    There will be cross-promotion of one show on the other, including co-hosting as already seen at the outset with PC's thirty-fifth episode.

    The PolyCast website has been redesigned to reflect these changes with some modifications expected in the coming weeks and months.
Last edited by DanQ; August 23, 2008, 23:49.
PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
>> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy

  • #2
    06m05s: NEWS
    "Wreaking Havoc" on our Children's Education; Roman History "The Civilized Way"

    14m51s: FORUM TALK
    Favourite Traits and Leaders; Criticizing Alternate Traits as Requested

    35m54s: MAILBAG
    Feedback on 2007 Christmas Special
    PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
    >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


    • #3
      well do you want honest criticism or just a pat on the back?

      i will give you a pat on the back, because you worked hard on this, but i do not think you want the criticism.
      The Wizard of AAHZ


      • #4
        Originally posted by AAHZ
        well do you want honest criticism or just a pat on the back?

        i will give you a pat on the back, because you worked hard on this, but i do not think you want the criticism.
        If the criticism is constructive, by all means Ian...
        PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
        >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


        • #5

          Record date January 5th. You chose a topic regarding Leader Traits. You then chose a thread on CFC of all places, which is fine, on the matter... HOWEVER ignoring the then 2 page going on 3 page thread on YOUR OWN board about Protective Trait and the Archer Rush Strategy, now one of the largest threads in Civ 4 General, is a huge mistake... especially since Protective is one of your "Favs." I guess it has really bugged me that most of your topics come from CFC. You have a wealth of info on your OWN board to choose from. I am not trying to be biased that it was my thread that was not mentioned, but it is the hottest active thread on your board right now, it was at least worth a mention. Lots of other goodies too like the "If you could bring one thing over from earlier Civ's thread"

          ALSO not to make enemies, because this is constructive, but KMAD's bubbly ignorance on almost every topic bothered me. The last show was "Girls Playing Civ" and you spent the majority of this show covering the past show. I seriously could not finish listening to this because it was like listening my goofy coworkers gossiping about their silly night out on the town.

          Wouter was extremely valuable to this episode and this show will suffer bad without him. He tried very hard to help this about Civ in a serious manner to the serious people out there who are seriously struggling to win on even Noble. Im sure they did not listen to hear bubbly giggly goofyness. Not that I do not think that KMAD is a bad Civ player, just the manner in which the show was delivered was unlistenable to my standards.

          I deeply apologize as PolyCast is extremely important to you, i know this, but i am trying to help by showing my frustration.

          thanks in advance,

          The Wizard of AAHZ


          • #6
            [QUOTE] Originally posted by AAHZ

            You chose a topic regarding Leader Traits. You then chose a thread on CFC of all places, which is fine, on the matter... HOWEVER ignoring the then 2 page going on 3 page thread on YOUR OWN board about Protective Trait and the Archer Rush Strategy, now one of the largest threads in Civ 4 General, is a huge mistake... especially since Protective is one of your "Favs." I guess it has really bugged me that most of your topics come from CFC. You have a wealth of info on your OWN board to choose from. I am not trying to be biased that it was my thread that was not mentioned, but it is the hottest active thread on your board right now, it was at least worth a mention. Lots of other goodies too like the "If you could bring one thing over from earlier Civ's thread"
            The thread that is referenced for this on CFC (the comments thread on the Christmas Special there) because that is where the listener's request for the topic was made. The thread you mention here on Poly does apply to my favourite list specifically and I may have mentioned it on the show but all but the News topics had been finalized just before you started that thread. (IIRC, the topic selection circumstance was similar to when you guested.)

            That said then, it's worth my linking to it here as a related topic and to make note to myself to mention it in some capacity in an upcoming episode too. I appreciate all the arguments I can find promoting the Protective trait in CivIV.

            The last show was "Girls Playing Civ" and you spent the majority of this show covering the past show.
            'Erm no: out of a 45 minute show, we spent just under 3 1/2 minutes talking about the Christmas Special -- that's less than 10% of its runtime.

            Wouter was extremely valuable to this episode and this show will suffer bad without him. He tried very hard to help this about Civ in a serious manner to the serious people out there who are seriously struggling to win on even Noble.
            PC will be different without Wouter being on it regularly certainly. To say that it will "suffer" is an opinion I disagree with but to which you are well entitled -- we are never going to be able to meet everyone's expectations. On a semi-related point, note that this episode unexpectedly had only three guest co-hosts... a circumstance which hasn't been seen since Episode 15.

            I deeply apologize as PolyCast is extremely important to you, i know this, but i am trying to help by showing my frustration.
            I feel it's important to remind that PolyCast is important to a number of people in addition to myself. The changes made were anything but unilateral on my or anyone's part and the work involved in implementing those changes has not only been my effort.
            Last edited by DanQ; January 12, 2008, 03:22.
            PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
            >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


            • #7
              I liked this episode, though my first reflex was to compare it to "Girls Playing Civ" to which it doesn't compare at all (GPC's novelty had a role in that, for sure). In a couple of weeks I get to hear if there's any difference with Maki + Kelly in the same episode.

              I'm glad this episode finally arrived, because I was starting to suffer withdrawals.

              Next week's episode (Modcast #1) eagerly awaited, because 45' was TOO SHORT, dangit! I was obviously NOT one of those who wanted shorter episodes.
              ... Will Modcast be in with the iTunes Polycasts ('cause that's how I get mine)?

              I like the bloopers at the end of the episode. A popular way to do it (e.g., (nudge, nudge) ), and effective.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jaybe
                I liked this episode,

                though my first reflex was to compare it to "Girls Playing Civ" to which it doesn't compare at all (GPC's novelty had a role in that, for sure).
                Fair comment all around.

                In a couple of weeks I get to hear if there's any difference with Maki + Kelly in the same episode.

                I'm glad this episode finally arrived, because I was starting to suffer withdrawals.

                (We know the extra productions are just not the same...)

                Next week's episode (Modcast #1) eagerly awaited, because 45' was TOO SHORT, dangit! I was obviously NOT one of those who wanted shorter episodes.
                I believe I speak for all of us PC and MC regular co-hosts that we're still adjusting to the shorter length episodes as well.

                ... Will Modcast be in with the iTunes Polycasts ('cause that's how I get mine)?
                Good question. We're investigating having an individual RSS feed for each show and a combined one as well.

                I like the bloopers at the end of the episode. A popular way to do it (e.g., (nudge, nudge) ), and effective.
                PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
                >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


                • #9
                  I’m going to miss Wouter Snijders, His voice is clearly recognizable and he is fairly intelligent. Not to mention the contrast with all the raging American barbarians… that came out wrong. Ehh, no come to think of it It didn’t. Anyhow try inviting some Australians, Brits and even a few non-native speaker Euros. Heck I’d pay good money to hear Serb!

                  BTW Giving him his own show is a great idea, yes I know it’s not “his” show, but I can help but think about it that way. Kudos on adding an Argentinean guy to that show! Can’t wait to check out the Modcast.

                  Overall it was an ok episode.

                  Note: I missed Mackie.
                  Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                  The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                  The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Heraclitus
                    Not to mention the contrast with all the raging American barbarians… that came out wrong. Ehh, no come to think of it It didn’t.
                    I'm Canadian -- not American.

                    Anyhow try inviting some Australians, Brits and even a few non-native speaker Euros.
                    PolyCast has and will continue to invite hosts to appear other than those based in North America.

                    BTW Giving him his own show is a great idea, yes I know it’s not “his” show, but I can help but think about it that way.
                    If ModCast is "his" show, than PolyCast is "my" show especially given I edit it... but I don't think about either that way.

                    Can’t wait to check out the Modcast.

                    Overall it was an ok episode.

                    Note: I missed Mackie.
                    Yes, the dimension of the episode was atypical with only three guest co-hosts (and only half of the regulars 'to date').
                    PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
                    >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


                    • #11
                      1 hour of silence?
                      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Krill
                        1 hour of silence?
                        -- to what are you referring?
                        PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
                        >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy


                        • #13
                          Not the usual standard, but then only half the people on and a lack of news to talk about.


                          • #14
                            Firstly, I'm looking forward ModCast muchly. The idea and line-up sound great; with the exception of Wouter's evil twin who sounds particularly worrying

                            Wouter (the non-evil one) will be missed on PolyCast of course. To my ears there was a certain wisdom and breadth of experience he brought that will be hard to replace. Nevertheless, I agree with the decision to have Wouter head up ModCast; for me, there's no better person at the moment

                            I did enjoy the fresh perspective on things from KMadeleine. Being honest, I didn't expect to, but I'm now optimistic about the new balance of the PolyCast co-hosts. I think this show did suffer a little without at least one more of the them around though.

                            I don't want to sound negative however, because I am excited about these changes

                            Good luck all round!

                            PS Is it me, or does the link KMadeleine's profile in the first post go to someone completely different?!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Heraclitus
                              I’m going to miss Wouter Snijders, His voice is clearly recognizable and he is fairly intelligent. Not to mention the contrast with all the raging American barbarians… that came out wrong. Ehh, no come to think of it It didn’t. Anyhow try inviting some Australians, Brits and even a few non-native speaker Euros. Heck I’d pay good money to hear Serb!
                              Bah. The Barbarians begin with the Landstrasse.
                              "The nation that controls magnesium controls the universe."

                              -Matt Groenig


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