Originally posted by CyberShy
I understand that, it wasn't meant to sound critical, I just said what I observed.
I understand that, it wasn't meant to sound critical, I just said what I observed.
Well, that might be true, the news part is fast and up to date. What I meant is more that the news is never unique or special. It's news you can find anywhere.
There was little to no feedback, little to no interest (demonstrated), neglible traffic for news here for the ~6 1/2 years I was in the news' "driver seat" and further no concerns communicated to me when our news department began to slow down and quite quickly. That said, while I was/we were reporting on news you could find elsewhere, you would be hard pressed to find it covered as comprehensively and timely as it was here (and can still be where resources permit. I eventually began to draw the conclusion, and still hold to it, that many more go to a) forums and/or b) larger gaming sites for their gaming news, Civ or otherwise, than Civ fan-sites.
Though having said that, the apolycon coverage and the civ warlords preview videos were unique and good and special.

Thank you kindly. ApolyCon video coverage continues!
I agree that those secsions are quality sections, and there's nothing wrong with them. I just think that a site that focusses on too much subjects will lose appeal to a lot of visitors. It's a decision you guys have to make. Do you really want to be a home for those few CTP guys.

I think people got the feeling more and more that apolyton is a tbs/world builder fan site, civfanatics is a civilization fansite.

I hope you didn't read my comments as hars critisism, that's not how I intended it. I just tried to give my opinion and how I think that things may improve. I might be very wrong though. And I understand that resources are limited.
[q]That's the difficult part. I would love it to contribute but my time is limited as well. [..][/QUOTE]
I should clarify myself en masse that those who help make Apolyton what it has been, is and will be are not simply those on staff: it's the community here as a whole. What I was getting at specifically was, yes, those individuals that are willing, able and follow through in taking on a staff role.
Constructive criticism is a necessary basis for me to engage in a discussion with someone on something -- and I admit I have had to learn the hard way in the past. This is made all the better when suggestions for practical, reasoned solutions accompany or or otherwise borne out of those discussion. Being apart of those solutions can almost always be big, small or somewhere in between; certainly, "big" help is difficult -- and understandably so -- to come by.
Dan; Apolyton CS