The jump from Uribe to Cabrera and from (2nd base-Richar et al) to Ramirez once he gets going will be very significant; and from (left field) to Swisher will also be very signficant. The rest of the team hitting-wise will improve - nearly everyone had a below average year, particularly Konerko, but also Thome and Dye - and Owens might not be as statistically sound OPS-wise as you'd like in a leadoff hitter (and he may well bat 9th to start with), but he has only one partial year experience, and having someone with that kind of speed in tends to be very disruptive to other teams (and if he has a bad year, Carlos Quentin can step in and bat 9th, with Swisher or Cabrera leading off).
AJ's 83 OPS+ was an outlier, he's usually in the 90s (the 86 was an injured year, IIRC) and I suppose I'm being unsabremetric in saying that he seems to get those hits when you need them. He definitely has concentration issues (I've read about them in detail), which actually does make some sense for this - he concentrates better when it's a clutch situation, so he does better 'in the clutch'.
AJ's 83 OPS+ was an outlier, he's usually in the 90s (the 86 was an injured year, IIRC) and I suppose I'm being unsabremetric in saying that he seems to get those hits when you need them. He definitely has concentration issues (I've read about them in detail), which actually does make some sense for this - he concentrates better when it's a clutch situation, so he does better 'in the clutch'.