Originally posted by Tingkai
I was giving credit where credit is due (something Asher can't do): to Nash for outstanding work that proves he's not a one-way player like some idiots like to claim.

I was giving credit where credit is due (something Asher can't do): to Nash for outstanding work that proves he's not a one-way player like some idiots like to claim.
Still, you seem to have problems understanding my simple point: Doan was a surprising choice for captain given that he doesn't have as good a record as other players and given the fact that he led his Pheonix to bottom of the NHL.
Did I ever say that he would destroy Team Canada's chances of winning? No.
Did I say anything that wasn't true. No.
Did I ever say that he would destroy Team Canada's chances of winning? No.
Did I say anything that wasn't true. No.

I stand by my statement that Doan was a surprising choice.
Now Asher wants everyone to believe that Doan "got it done" as if Doan did it by himself. Ridiculous.

You blame Doan for -- and I quote -- "leading Phoenix to the bottom of the NHL". All by himself, apparently!
Now that Doan was captain of an undefeated, gold-medal winning team you refuse to give him credit for his leadership -- especially under fire from stupid left-wing whining politicians.
Asher continues to trash talk Nash. Again, ridiculous.

Nash has played well. His problem -- like Lombardi -- lies in inexperience and inconsistency. They are both no captaincy material, though they both can be amazing players when they choose to play.
You were wrong, wrong, wrong. Doan was an excellent choice in captain -- and he proved it. You don't watch enough NHL hockey to know a damn thing you're talking about here, and it shows all the time.
Oh, I agree, Yzerman did a great job putting together the team.

