I wouldn't mind if they were *good* teams, two first place teams or some of the best teams in the league... but the NYY are 8-11...

A couple things. First off, if you think the NYY are going to finish the season with a losing record, I have a bridge to sell you. In other words, they're better than their current record. Further, unless I misunderstand how these things work, they pick the teams for the national broadcasts way in advance - so they're looking at 2006 results as well as projections of how they will do this year (along with the obvious "how many people want to see this team). Hence Yanks, Sox, Tigers, Mets, Cubs, Cards. Typically, every year some team that was supposed to be good isn't, and you get a national broadcast of a bad team. Ya'll can hope that it's the Yanks this year. I mean, really, are you asserting you don't want to see the Yankees lose?

So that part of your post is pretty funny. As for the rest, my point wasn't that E.C.B. doesn't exist. I was just yawning at more whining about it. It exists and exists for a very simple, if irritating (to you) reason.
As for the no-no... I remember there being lots of coverage of that. Maybe I tuned into Sportscenter or Baseball Tonight at a different time, and got the Buehrle coverage. What ARod's been doing is pretty insane too, so it's not like they led with "random Yankee hits a single!"
Finally, who the **** doesn't know the White Sox won the WS in 2005, and why do you care if some (obviously) casual fan doesn't know who won 2 years ago?