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  • #46
    And one of the few remaining bastions of Islam against your darkness of Shaitan!

    (Grozny, Chechnya Russia)

    Anything of something like that in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or Syria DESTROYED BY YOU!!!

    (Moscow, Russia)
    Last edited by Serb; September 15, 2024, 15:31.


    • #47
      Originally posted by The Mad Monk View Post

      ​The truth is you've been saying this for, what, two years now? Does that truth hurt?
      It's more like twenty four years, actually!

      But you never learn, really!

      Unfortunatelly you Westerners are stupid and deaf.​


      • #48
        Just a sinle bit of more Imperim videos for ya!


        • #49
          Originally posted by Serb View Post

          A freaking idiots who have started all this mess in 2014.

          You will get it, unless you came to sences!
          I think we can agree that a freaking idiot started all this mess in 2014, when he stole Crimea.
          No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Serb View Post

            a) Russia is almost as twice as much as USA. Our population is way more dispersed across the territory, than yours.
            b) Your nuclear weapons sucks entierly, while our are brand new and of a new generation.
            c) You will die.
            d) Thank you and have a nice day!​
            Not true. A considerably higher percentage of Russians live in high density housing (65% Russians vs 18% in US) in a smaller number of densely populated urban centers. About 20% of Russians live in the top 10 largest cities whereas less than 8% of us residents live in the top 10 us cities. Nuclear winter will also be quite harsher and longer in nearly all of Russia than anywhere in the US apart from poor Alaska. Any sizable nuclear war will end Russia as a viable country. It would be about as viable as Antarctica. So why launch the first nukes of the war? If Russia doesn't launch the first nukes nobody will Serb.
            Last edited by Geronimo; September 10, 2024, 14:02.


            • #51


              • #52
                Originally posted by The Mad Monk View Post

                I think we can agree that a freaking idiot started all this mess in 2014, when he stole Crimea.
                You, brainwashed idiots, sure can agree on that, but the truth is that:

                The freaking idiots have overthrown the legal government in Kiev (like you did and DO all around the World many times before) and the Eastern part of Ukrain (including absolutely Russian Crimea) have revolved against that, so we had to take Crimea, Donbass, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporoje as an aftermath of your ОХУЕВШЕЙ, НАГЛОЙ ТУПОСТИ!
                (I don't know how to say that on English)
                Охуевшие, гнойные пидоры!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                  Not true. A considerably higher percentage of Russians live in high density housing (65% Russians vs 18% in US) in a smaller number of densely populated urban centers. About 20% of Russians live in the top 10 largest cities whereas less than 8% of us residents live in the top 10 us cities. Nuclear winter will also be quite harsher and longer in nearly all of Russia than anywhere in the US apart from poor Alaska. Any sizable nuclear war will end Russia as a viable country. It would be about as viable as Antarctica. So why launch the first nukes of the war? If Russia doesn't launch the first nukes nobody will Serb.

                  I'll be short:

                  Russia is 1.85 times bigger than USA - fact!
                  Shave you nuclear winter into the place where in belongs to.
                  Alaska is Russian and you should return it to the property owner.
                  The Russian nuclear triade is bigger and one generation ahead of your rusty American nuclear force.
                  You will need TRILLIONS and DECADES to reach our level (while we will go forward).
                  Any sizable nuclear war will end the United States as a country MINUTES before Russia, even if you strike first. And the damge we will make to you is uncomparable to the damage you will do to us (though I am living in a city, whih is in top five target for your ICBMs, I WILL DIE WITH A SMILE on my face!)

                  We have a power to not only erase YOU as a country, but to erase all life from the face of this planet five time over!

                  We will launch the nukes (and entierly erase the United Kingdom or France or Germany, not to mention any of your lesser Euro American ass farts) first as a warning, then we will erase you, if you won't get it!​
                  Take my words to the bank!

                  That will inevitably happen, if your holy Nazi coalition of 50+ Western countries will ever become close to defeat us conventionally.

                  That is a warfare, stupid!!! (c.)

                  Last edited by Ming; September 15, 2024, 14:12.


                  • #54
                    Thanks for edition, Ming, but I don't remember any "F" words in that post.


                    • #55
                      Then your memory sucks.
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Serb View Post

                        I'll be short:

                        Russia is 1.85 times bigger than USA - fact!
                        Shave you nuclear winter into the place where in belongs to.
                        Alaska is Russian and you should return it to the property owner.
                        The Russian nuclear triade is bigger and one generation ahead of your rusty American nuclear force.
                        You will need TRILLIONS and DECADES to reach our level (while we will go forward).
                        Any sizable nuclear war will end the United States as a country MINUTES before Russia, even if you strike first. And the damge we will make to you is uncomparable to the damage you will do to us (though I am living in a city, whih is in top five target for your ICBMs, I WILL DIE WITH A SMILE on my face!)

                        We have a power to not only erase YOU as a country, but to erase all life from the face of this planet five time over!

                        We will launch the nukes (and entierly erase the United Kingdom or France or Germany, not to mention any of your lesser Euro American ass farts) first as a warning, then we will erase you, if you won't get it!​
                        Take my words to the bank!

                        That will inevitably happen, if your holy Nazi coalition of 50+ Western countries will ever become close to defeat us conventionally.

                        That is a warfare, stupid!!! (c.)

                        you're saying there won't be a nuclear winter? what because of the increased greenhouse gasses? Even if the nuclear winter would be 4-5C warmer than otherwise it will still be below freezing in Russia for years and the crops will still fail from the dense haze bands. How do you think Russia's nuclear superiority saves Russia from that?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by The Mad Monk View Post

                          I think we can agree that a freaking idiot started all this mess in 2014, when he stole Crimea.

                          Your problem, my dear Western idiots, that you do not know and do not remember the facts!

                          You have a brain and the memory of aqarium fish, you can't even point Ukraine at the World map (despite it is being the largest country in Europe after Russia and Denmark) and you whole heartly rely on your brainwashing propaganda 24/7.

                          But the facts are and the truth is that in 2014 we had permission of the legitimate Ukranian president Yanukovich (who was elected in a absolutely democratic way and all of the rest of the World have recognizend his legitimacy, including USA), we had his permission to use Russian armed forces to restore legitimate and CONSTITUTIONAL order in Ukraine.

                          Our Senate (the Soviet of Federation) had given a permission for our president (Vladimir Putin) to use Russian armed forces abroad to do so!
                          We had all legislative procedures passed to invade Ukraine in 2014!​

                          We could took the entire Ukraine in 2014, like we took Crimea without a single victim, and do so in absolute legitimate way, fulfilling the request of the legitimate president of Ukraine.

                          But we didn't!

                          Because we have trusted your Obama and his lying promises. We will never trust any of your lying crap again!

                          We could took the entire of Ukraine a year after, when their untrained piece of sh!t "army" was in the pokets at "Debaltsevo" and "Ilovaisk", but istead we were striving for a peace solution, and the Minsk agreements have stated that revolted Donbass region will stay in Ukraine, but it will be given an autonomy (and first of all, the right to speak and learn their kids on their NATIVE (Russian) LANGUAGE - the first thing the Kiev's junta have denied with their first "law" in 2014, which is actually leaded to revolt, because Crimea, Donbass and the whole NovoRossiya are historically Russian lands, populated by Russians for centuries).

                          We wanted to so solve it peacefully form the begining!

                          Despite you have lost all of your shame with your colourful revolutions in attempt to create hostile regimes at our borders.

                          And now you are stating (and honestly believe so) that our president has eventialy gone mad and decided to invade Ukraine in 2022, while we could took it all over without a single gunshoot in 2014?

                          Ever heard of such thing as "logic" invented by Greeks in the 4th century B.C.?

                          The reason why we have invaded Ukraine in 2022 was because it (UKRAINE) has never fulfilled its part of the Minsk agreements to make Donbass an Autonomy inside of Ukraine and make Ukraine a Federation (like USA or Russia), but instead Ukraine have started a MASSIVE artillery barrage of Donbass for two weeks (it's when I have started my post here about us won't leaving this bloody mess unanswered).

                          After 8 years of NATO training arming and supply, in 2022 Ukraine was eager to capture Donbass by force.

                          We have broken their plans by striking first, just weeks before their planned invasion of Donbass.

                          But, since our president (Vladimir Putin) is a lawer by his first education (and a PhD in economics (like my father) and holds a black belt and 8th Dan in Judo), we did it in 2014 in the most legal way in accordace with the international law and UN Charter).

                          First of all we had recognized the Donetsk People Republic and Lughansk People Repoblic as a Sovereign states!

                          (and we have a full right to so in accordance with UN Charter, as any other Nation)

                          Then with have signed a mutual protection pact with them.

                          And since those SOVEREIGN STATES were under attack from Ukraine, we have joined the war on thier side (you propaganda calls it the "invasion of 2022").

                          These are the facts and the truth!

                          But, by the way:

                          Do you Americans, honestly belive that after we will completely wipe-out all the life froms from the island previously known as United Kingdom, whose only nuclear arsenal is limited to FOUR Trafalgar class submarines armed with your 50 years old obsolete Trident-2 missiles, THREE OF SUCH SUBS are always at ports (thus a perfect target), you will initiate an Article 5 of NATO Charter?

                          Do you honestly believe that you will agree to die for UK, not to mention your lesser Euro-Lackeys, like Czechia, Greece or Latvia you can never find on the map?


                          You have always been a cowards, Americans!

                          But, very good and the most efficient murderes of the ones who are ten times weaker then you.

                          But you are no warriors! The last time you were acting like warriors was in WW2 (though against the much weaker Japan, but you were still brave back then, I give you a credit for that. It is undisputable for my as a history fan).

                          But still you have erased Tokyo and Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed over a half of the million of civilians just to intimidate your ally - the Soviet Union.

                          Your freaking ALLY!!!

                          But now, you are no longer a warriors at all!

                          You have an LGBT army of Hollywood clowns!

                          You don't understand a simple thing any Russian teenager of the 90`s knows (though Putin is exactly as old as my father - 72, whom has his birthday today and I drank vodka because of that, today is one of the two days in a year I drink vodka actually).

                          That thing is very simple and has been already told to you by Putin once:

                          Every Russian knows it, especially the one who had faced 90`s and it's our motto since 1945!

                          If the fight is inevitable - we will strike first, like we did in 2022!

                          And you will die in a nuclear fire, if you won't start to live in peace with us, instead of your stupid and brainless tries to exterminate us.


                          • #58

                            Your perfect Poly engine has marked my post as spam again!

                            So I have to post something more to fool it!

                            Let's start with a translation of word "Blyat"!
                            It means a biatch and at the same time means something terrible happen.
                            When you are in deep sh!t - you say "Blyat".
                            When you own a girl who is terribly love to FK, you consider her to be in a "Blyat" too.
                            Something like this.

                            Originally posted by The Mad Monk View Post

                            I think we can agree that a freaking idiot started all this mess in 2014, when he stole Crimea.

                            Your problem, my dear Western idiots, that you do not know and do not remember the facts!

                            You have a brain and the memory of aqarium fish, you can't even point Ukraine at the World map (despite it is being the largest country in Europe after Russia and Denmark) and you whole heartly rely on your brainwashing propaganda 24/7.

                            But the facts are and the truth is that in 2014 we had permission of the legitimate Ukranian president Yanukovich (who was elected in a absolutely democratic way and all of the rest of the World have recognizend his legitimacy, including USA), we had his permission to use Russian armed forces to restore legitimate and CONSTITUTIONAL order in Ukraine.

                            Our Senate (the Soviet of Federation) had given a permission for our president (Vladimir Putin) to use Russian armed forces abroad to do so!
                            We had all legislative procedures passed to invade Ukraine in 2014!​

                            We could took the entire Ukraine in 2014, like we took Crimea without a single victim, and do so in absolute legitimate way, fulfilling the request of the legitimate president of Ukraine.

                            But we didn't!

                            Because we have trusted your Obama and his lying promises. We will never trust any of your lying crap again!

                            We could took the entire of Ukraine a year after, when their untrained piece of sh!t "army" was in the pokets at "Debaltsevo" and "Ilovaisk", but istead we were striving for a peace solution, and the Minsk agreements have stated that revolted Donbass region will stay in Ukraine, but it will be given an autonomy (and first of all, the right to speak and learn their kids on their NATIVE (Russian) LANGUAGE - the first thing the Kiev's junta have denied with their first "law" in 2014, which is actually leaded to revolt, because Crimea, Donbass and the whole NovoRossiya are historically Russian lands, populated by Russians for centuries).

                            We wanted to so solve it peacefully form the begining!

                            Despite you have lost all of your shame with your colourful revolutions in attempt to create hostile regimes at our borders.

                            And now you are stating (and honestly believe so) that our president has eventialy gone mad and decided to invade Ukraine in 2022, while we could took it all over without a single gunshoot in 2014?

                            Ever heard of such thing as "logic" invented by Greeks in the 4th century B.C.?

                            The reason why we have invaded Ukraine in 2022 was because it (UKRAINE) has never fulfilled its part of the Minsk agreements to make Donbass an Autonomy inside of Ukraine and make Ukraine a Federation (like USA or Russia), but instead Ukraine have started a MASSIVE artillery barrage of Donbass for two weeks (it's when I have started my post here about us won't leaving this bloody mess unanswered).

                            After 8 years of NATO training arming and supply, in 2022 Ukraine was eager to capture Donbass by force.

                            We have broken their plans by striking first, just weeks before their planned invasion of Donbass.

                            But, since our president (Vladimir Putin) is a lawer by his first education (and a PhD in economics (like my father) and holds a black belt and 8th Dan in Judo), we did it in 2014 in the most legal way in accordace with the international law and UN Charter).

                            First of all we had recognized the Donetsk People Republic and Lughansk People Repoblic as a Sovereign states!

                            (and we have a full right to so in accordance with UN Charter, as any other Nation)

                            Then with have signed a mutual protection pact with them.

                            And since those SOVEREIGN STATES were under attack from Ukraine, we have joined the war on thier side (you propaganda calls it the "invasion of 2022").

                            These are the facts and the truth!

                            But, by the way:

                            Do you Americans, honestly belive that after we will completely wipe-out all the life froms from the island previously known as United Kingdom, whose only nuclear arsenal is limited to FOUR Trafalgar class submarines armed with your 50 years old obsolete Trident-2 missiles, THREE OF SUCH SUBS are always at ports (thus a perfect target), you will initiate an Article 5 of NATO Charter?

                            Do you honestly believe that you will agree to die for UK, not to mention your lesser Euro-Lackeys, like Czechia, Greece or Latvia you can never find on the map?


                            You have always been a cowards, Americans!

                            But, very good and the most efficient murderes of the ones who are ten times weaker then you.

                            But you are no warriors! The last time you were acting like warriors was in WW2 (though against the much weaker Japan, but you were still brave back then, I give you a credit for that. It is undisputable for my as a history fan).

                            But still you have erased Tokyo and Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed over a half of the million of civilians just to intimidate your ally - the Soviet Union.

                            Your freaking ALLY!!!

                            But now, you are no longer a warriors at all!

                            You have an LGBT army of Hollywood clowns!

                            You don't understand a simple thing any Russian teenager of the 90`s knows (though Putin is exactly as old as my father - 72, whom has his birthday today and I drank vodka because of that, today is one of the two days in a year I drink vodka actually).

                            That thing is very simple and has been already told to you by Putin once:​


                            • #59

                              If the fight is inevitable - you strike first!


                              • #60
                                Every Russian knows it, especially the one who had faced 90`s and it's our motto since 1945!

                                If the fight is inevitable - we will strike first, like we did in 2022!

                                And you will die in a nuclear fire, if you won't start to live in peace with us, instead of your stupid and brainless attempts to exterminate us.​

