Originally posted by N35t0r
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Also in many respects much of the world has already decided to eliminate religion from the public space in an enormous number of ways. Typically even religious holidays are secularized and religious conversations in the public space are discouraged. Religion persists in these societies in part because its organization can be entirely private. For the overwhelming majority of religions there is no need for the larger society to acknowledge the existence of these religions in any manner to function. take aware their charitable organization tax breaks and otherwise refuse to acknowledge their existence as a society and most of them can still function with no concessions from the society as a whole. Even if groups were forbidden from excluding members on the basis of religion most religions could take that in stride. If society decided to discourage recognition of religion as a society the religions could continue. On the other hand, if society discourages recognition of gender things can get much more precarious for the women's or men's groups especially if the groups are forbidden from excluding members on the basis of gender.
I have to confess that from the first I ever learned of a men's or women's group I found the idea offensive. Why must they exclude people on the basis of something over which they have no control? Apart from some very interesting exceptions take any men's or women's group and it is obvious that the group should be perfectly capable of doing its good work as an inclusive organization and there's countless examples of this inclusive transformation occurring. The interesting exceptions however all tie to differences and considerations of sex rather than of gender. Women's sports is established to level a biological playing field. Women's shelters in no small part due to the biological physical conflict edge given to males and some others due to that edge in combination with perceived threats and vulnerabilities associated with any sort of male/female sexual intercourse. Perhaps gender has nothing to offer for good of these organizations either?
Your post has helped me realize however that getting rid of gender will do no good at all if it just leads to it returning rebranded as another facet of sex differences. That would actually be more harmful than the status quo in most cases.
Your post has also helped me realize that religion is already largely removed from society. It persists as a shared private experience only. Why shouldn't we remove gender from the public space as well?