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  • according to an organization tracking world hunger and starvation about 700,000 people are in most danger of starving

    500,000 are in Gaza


    • I'm also wondering how Biden got Iran to lob missiles around, and at least one neighbouring country - Pakistan - to return the favour

      Nine people are reported to have been killed in the strikes, which come after Iran hit targets in Pakistan.
      Last edited by BeBMan; January 18, 2024, 06:17. Reason: no


      • Might be a delay in the Georgia prosecution of Trump


        Hey look, it's Peter Strzok and Lisa Page all over again. Those were the lovers with a plan to stop Trump in '16 (lying to a fisa court to spy on him before the election was part of it). Now Fani Willis put her boyfriend in charge of Trump's prosecution and they'll likely have to recuse themselves if not face charges themselves.
        Last edited by Berzerker; January 18, 2024, 16:55.


        • -Jrabbit
          -Jrabbit commented
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          I know Fani Willis has already been tried and convicted in the Land of Berz, but how about a little due process, dude? There will be a hearing.

          During a speech this week at Atlanta’s Big Bethel AME Church, Willis defended the hire, calling Wade a “great friend and a great lawyer” who’s been paid the same rate as the other special prosecutors employed to work the case.

          “I’m a little confused. I appointed three special counselors,” Willis said Sunday. “It’s my right to do, paid them all the same hourly rate. They only attack one. I hired one white woman, a good personal friend and a great lawyer, a superstar, I tell you. I hired one white man — brilliant — my friend and a great lawyer. And I hired one Black man, another superstar.”

          Notably, Roman’s filing provides no hard evidence for the allegation, instead basing the claim on “sources close to both” Wade and the district attorney.

          In a separate motion Thursday, Willis accused Wade’s estranged wife, Joycelyn Wade, of “conspiring with interested parties” in the election case “to annoy, embarrass and oppress” Willis.

          Nathan Wade and Joycelyn Wade are currently in divorce proceedings after she had a romantic affair with a third individual, the motion further alleges, while accusing her of “obstructing and interfering with an ongoing criminal prosecution.”

        • Berzerker
          Berzerker commented
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          I trust Jonathan Turley as a legal analyst

      • None of that changes the facts in the case... Trump and his crowd tried to steal the election in Georgia. Something he still falsely claims about the 2020 election that Biden did.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • And Berz... you keep making noise about the "Biden Crime Family" where they have yet to find any real evidence that ties Joe to any of it... but you are very quiet about all the money Trump took in from foreign governments while he was in office. Talk about corruption... but that's right, you don't seem to care when the Republicans are guilty of something...
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • Originally posted by Ming View Post
            None of that changes the facts in the case... Trump and his crowd tried to steal the election in Georgia. Something he still falsely claims about the 2020 election that Biden did.
            He spent an hour on the phone alleging election fraud demanding an investigation to find 'missing votes'. If he wanted to steal the election he would have spent 1 minute telling the guy in charge to steal the election.


            • -Jrabbit
              -Jrabbit commented
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              1. If he wasn't trying to steal the election, he wouldn't have specified the exact number of "missing" votes he needed.
              2. The fact that he made the phone call to Raffensberger does not mean he didn't try any number of other things to change the certified results in Georgia. For instance, while he was trying to sweet-talk Raffensberger into breaking the law on the one hand, Trump's minions were also lining up a slate of fake Georgia electors to break the law on the the other.

          • Nice try... Find missing votes THAT NEVER EXISTED. Find the exact number of votes he needed to win...

            I also guess you have not bothered to read the full indictments against Trump and his criminal mob.

            And by the way, have they found any proof of massive voter fraud yet... ANYWHERE
            Nope... and gee the only problems found are always in Trump favor. Go figure.
            But considering all your Maga leanings, I assume you believe all of Trumps lies about a stolen election.
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • Originally posted by Ming View Post
              And Berz... you keep making noise about the "Biden Crime Family" where they have yet to find any real evidence that ties Joe to any of it... but you are very quiet about all the money Trump took in from foreign governments while he was in office. Talk about corruption... but that's right, you don't seem to care when the Republicans are guilty of something...
              I heard his hotels/resorts made ~8 million and he claimed profits went to the treasury. I dont have a problem with him making $$$ off his businesses regardless of where the money went.


              • -Jrabbit
                -Jrabbit commented
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                The bottom line is for any POTUS to use the office for self-enrichment. Hell, they made Jimmy Carter literally sell his family business before the election to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Trump, his kids, and his cronies all profited from their insider government connections -- the very thing they are so desperately trying to pin on Joe Biden.

                If Trump's hospitality properties were sending their profits to the US Treasury, I want to see the paper trail. Because frankly, I don't believe that claim for a minute.

            • Originally posted by Ming View Post

              Nice try... Find missing votes THAT NEVER EXISTED. Find the exact number of votes he needed to win...

              I also guess you have not bothered to read the full indictments against Trump and his criminal mob.

              And by the way, have they found any proof of massive voter fraud yet... ANYWHERE
              Nope... and gee the only problems found are always in Trump favor. Go figure.
              But considering all your Maga leanings, I assume you believe all of Trumps lies about a stolen election.
              He spent an hour arguing the votes did exist. I'm sure he wouldn't object to more missing votes being found but he only needed a certain amount.


              • -Jrabbit
                -Jrabbit commented
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                So you're saying he didn't care about an accurate count; he only cared about his preferred result.

                And BTW, he did not "argue that the votes exist." He stated how many he needed and tried to convince Raffensberger that he would be revered as a hero for producing Trump's desired result.

                Please try to remember that the call was recorded, and everyone has access to both the recording and the transcript.

                Trump's obvious desire to overturn the certified and already-recounted Georgia results was so egregious that Georgia's REPUBLICAN Secretary of State felt it necessary to alert the American people. That should be all anyone needs to know.

            • They never existed... PERIOD.
              Did you read all the indictments?

              Oh... and it's nice to see you have no problem with Trump taking money from foreign governments while he was in office... but you keep harping on Hunter and the Biden Crime Family.
              Yet NO EVIDENCE has been found that Joe was involved. But TRUMP himself got money... he was involved.
              And using your logic, if the money paid to Hunter was to his company, then that's OK... right?
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • “If voting changed anything, it would be illegal.”

                George Carlin


                • Garbage in, Garbage out

                  I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
                  Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
                  Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


                  • Last week, Willis was accused of several forms of misconduct: engaging in a romantic relationship with Wade; paying Wade’s firm hundreds of thousands of dollars more than other firms working on the case; and joining Wade on Caribbean cruises and trips to Florida and California’s Napa Valley that may have been paid for with taxpayer money.

                    The sensational allegations raise questions about why Willis hired Wade — an outside attorney with no experience trying complex felony cases, let alone leading a multidefendant racketeering prosecution — rather than relying on civil servants. If true, the accusations “could present a conflict of interest or … amount to fraud,” according to the Washington Post.


                    • Vivek Ramaswamy said he endorsed Trump after making 2 requests, pardon Julian Assange on day 1 and ban a central bank digitized $$$ system. Trump announced the latter, haven't heard about Assange. The Canadian crackdown on truckers protesting covid policy involved shutting down the ability of protesters to get their $$$ or raise revenue after sites like GoFunkYourself did as told. That will be more difficult to pull off in the USA, we have a 4th and 5th Amendment that restricts the fascist leanings of those in power.

                      The newly elected president of Argentina has fined protesters for the costs incurred by law enforcement when they blocked traffic. He also gave a speech at the World Economic Forum where he is apparently a member criticizing socialism and endorsing free(r) markets.

                      Glenn Greenwald interviewed Saifedean Ammous on Rumble describing a centralized digital currency system

                      Become part of our Locals community: Head to and grab your prescription kit today – code GLENN saves you 10% at checkout. Follow Glenn: Twitter: https://

                      Last edited by Berzerker; January 20, 2024, 20:07.


                      • And Trump is still under tons of indictments.
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

