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  • Joe Biden exchanged emails with his son Hunter’s business associate 54 times while he was serving as vice president, and some of the messages were sent around the time the elder Biden was traveling to Ukraine and his son was working for a Ukrainian gas company, according to records released by House Republicans.

    nbc says they didn't read the emails, I'm sure Joe was asking about the weather​


    • -Jrabbit
      -Jrabbit commented
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      So they're leaking Hunter Biden news over their holiday break? Ah, those House Republicans -- forever working in service to our country...
      I'm sure they're also working on the budget, the border, and aid to Ukraine and Israel during their downtime.

  • Until you see them... So far, they have come up with jack ****.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • Joe said he never talked about Hunter's business


      • All this GOP desperation to pin SOMETHING, ANYTHING on Joe Biden is, more and more, just needy and pathetic.

        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


        • pchang
          pchang commented
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          As is Berz’s need to believe.

      • It is funny listening to some of the interviews with the Repubs as they stumble all over themselves trying to justify what they are doing without having any proof.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • Originally posted by -Jrabbit View Post
          All this GOP desperation to pin SOMETHING, ANYTHING on Joe Biden is, more and more, just needy and pathetic.

          Joe lied about his involvement with Hunter's business and Burisma. That matters because Burisma was paying Hunter millions and Joe fired the prosecutor upsetting the owner. Democrats lied about that and pinned an impeachment on Trump for wanting that investigated, so, yeah, it is something.


          • -Jrabbit
            -Jrabbit commented
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            Your revisionist history does not become true just because you keep repeating it.

        • Joe was told, by Obama and (poltiical) allies in Europe, to pressure Ukraine to remove that prosecutor. This was established at the time and directly afterwards. If Burisma (and Hunter) wanted the prosecutor to be removed, which is not at all established, that does not negate all the other parties pressuring Joe to pressure Ukraine to remove the prosecutor. To establish wrong doing you don't need to establish that Hunter and Burisma pressured Joe to pressure Ukraine, you need to establish that Obama and allies in Europe did not pressure Joe to pressure Ukraine (which, once more, is open knowledge) and that Joe pressured only because of Hunter and Burisma.

          Jon Miller-
          I AM.CANADIAN
          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


          • Link? I'd love to see where Obama/others ordered Joe to fire Shokin. That was the cover story and it was obvious at the time when Democrats in unison sang the same narrative. They smeared Shokin to protect Joe and Burisma. The Atlantic Council admitted taking $$$ from Burisma. These people are scum. Shokin was hired early '15 and fired a year later. Joe spoke with Burisma shortly after Shokin was hired and he was undoubtedly on probation. If Shokin didn't make waves - like the guy who replaced him - he could stay. But Shokin did make waves, he raided Burisma Jan '16 and in Feb '16 Biden repeatedly called his boss and Shokin went on 'vacation'. He came back in March and was fired a couple days after a Ukrainian court authorized the expansion of his investigation into western bribes to "reformers". He testified under oath the leader apologized for the smear campaign and told him he was fired for refusing to drop the Burisma case. Naturally the liars said he was fired for refusing to investigate Burisma.

            Look at the people most alarmed by Shokin and you will find people on Burisma's payroll, their friends and "allies" who dont want to anger Joe and people relying on western money like Ukrainian reformers. The Ukrainian govt didn't want to fire him. What does that say about Joe's commitment to democracy? He used our $$$ to bribe Ukraine to fire the man investigating the business bribing him and Trump got impeached for wanting that investigated. If this was all so innocent why has Biden been lying about it the entire time? If a witness lied as much as him the jury would save time and believe the opposite.


            • All opinions... nothing more.
              The Repubs have been trying for a long time now to prove something.
              And so far, they have totally failed.
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • I have repeatedly posted articles from 2015-2019 about support from Obama administration, IMF, European diplomats and others in 2015/2016. You either ignore it or, occasionally, say they are part of the conspiracy (in 2015/2016)!

                Jon Miller-
                I AM.CANADIAN
                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                • He only believes things he sees on totally biased internet videos... If they support his views, they must be true. Everybody else is untrustworthy and liars.
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post
                    I have repeatedly posted articles from 2015-2019 about support from Obama administration, IMF, European diplomats and others in 2015/2016. You either ignore it or, occasionally, say they are part of the conspiracy (in 2015/2016)!

                    I asked for the source of this effort to fire Shokin. Who wanted him fired and when and were they on someone's payroll. I know Joe and The Atlantic Council were on Burisma's payroll and both smeared Shokin. I know Shokin raided Burisma Jan '16 and Biden made 3 calls to his boss in February and he was given a vacation and fired in March. And I know his replacement made a deal and the owner of Burisma returned from exile yay. A European diplomat didn't tell Joe to fire Shokin. The Ukrainian government didn't want to fire Shokin, it took Joe threatening to withhold a billion in aid. Ofc Democrats followed that up by impeaching Trump for using aid to have that investigated. These people have no shame, the stench of hypocrisy would repel starving vultures.

                    As I recall one of your sources was a Ukrainian 'reformer' named Daria Karulik or something, I cant remember. This person and their fellow reformers were our color revolution, they were getting western $ to regime change Ukraine and the top cop had to go, Shokin was fired 2 days after a court authorised the expansion of his investigation into western bribery. The criminals wanted him out of the way and Joe got a few million to fire him. But you go ahead and identify the mystery person who decided to fire Shokin, gahead gahead. If Joe wants him fired who will say no? If Joe says Shokin is corrupt (watch out for lightning), who will defend the accused? He testified under oath, not Joe effing Biden. God I hope Democrats replace that demented ghoul. He was an evil SOB before he lost his half wit. Just dont run Hillary for god's sake.


                    • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                      and Joe got a few million to fire him.

                      Just an opinion on your part with absolutely NO FACTS to support that BS Theory.
                      If there was, the Repubs would have impeached Joe by now. But guess what, they have found squat and even many Republicans are laughing at the lame impeachment attempt.

                      You keep repeating this BS as if it was true. When you can actually prove it, let us know. Because until then, you are just pulling stuff out of your ass.

                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • Helluva deal for Burisma, a few million to his kid and Joe used a billion of our taxes to earn his keep. I think that deserves investigation, I'm sure the deep state already knows all about Joe's vulnerabilities to blackmail.


                        • It HAS been investigated... and it keeps getting investigated.
                          We all know Hunter is pond scum. We also know that Trumps kids also trade on their father's name.
                          There is NO proof of Joe's involvement. The Repubs have nada... with many of them kind of scratching their heads because after all their time searching, they got nothing.
                          But as usual, you continue to sprout whatever you see in an internet video as if it's actually true... which usually, they aren't.
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • Berzerker
                            Berzerker commented
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                            Your comparison would make sense if Trump used our taxes to fire a foreign prosecutor investigating his kid's company