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  • AIPAC offered $20m to a candidate for an open Michigan senate seat to instead run against Rashida Tlaib, a 2nd candidate said they were offered money to run against her. How's that for election interference.


    • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
      Trump is dangerous
      Trump is evil
      Trump is Hitler
      Trump cant be trusted, he's rushing the vaccine
      ... and you like all of that because you love free speech, and regularly link anyone to the Nazis, so there is no problem here.



      • Berzerker
        Berzerker commented
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        I'd call arming Nazis a link to Nazis

      • BeBMan
        BeBMan commented
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        And as Meduza revealed Putin armed the Nazis.

      • Berzerker
        Berzerker commented
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        Its a good thing we weren't arming Putin then

        Meduza revealed lol

    • Originally posted by -Jrabbit View Post
      Berz, we all lived through this and the scenarios you keep regurgitating simply did not happen that way. The actual narrative was "trust the science and keep politics out of the process."

      On the campaign trail, Trump kept suggesting that the vaccine would be ready before the election, and Biden called him on his BS. Biden NEVER suggested that vaccine R&D be slowed down, despite what you falsely suggest. Here's what he actually said:

      "Scientific breakthroughs don’t care about calendars any more than the virus does. They certainly don’t adhere to election cycles. And their timing, their approval and distribution, should never, ever be distorted by political considerations," he said.

      That's common sense, not a political attack. And the quote is from your linked Reuters article.

      Also, please stop trying to imitate Tucker "Just Asking Questions" Carlson.​
      Democrats were warning people against taking Trump's rushed vaccine. Did Fauci accuse Trump of that? No, Democrats made it up. They lied and scared people away from the vaccine because it was Trump's and he is evil.


      • -Jrabbit
        -Jrabbit commented
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        That's not what I experienced.
        So in your revisionist history, you're claiming it was the Democrats who were against vaccines?? WTF.

      • Uncle Sparky
        Uncle Sparky commented
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        Silly American's... "Trump's rushed vaccine". hahahahahaha. Every nation with a pharmacutical industry were rushing to make a Covid vaccine. Trump contributed nothing, and as a 'billionaire' he would have really made a real billion dollars if he financed 'Trump's rushed vaccine' and sold it to his sheeple.

      • Berzerker
        Berzerker commented
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        Democrats were calling it Trump's vaccine before the election, not so much after... funny how that works. Like how BLM was all the rage before the election and then disappeared after Biden won. How about a few hundred riots in the name of democracy.

    • Yes... only in Berz land is the Maga crowd BIG supporters of vaccines...
      I bet he still believes in drinking bleach and shining a light up his ass as well...
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • Even my 6-year-old understands conditionals.
        Indifference is Bliss


        • Also Pfizer didn't take any development money from the US, so it can hardly be referred to as 'Trump's vaccine'.
          Indifference is Bliss


          • Also, we were told earlier it was Fauci bossing Trump around, sooo...


            • Originally posted by N35t0r View Post
              Also Pfizer didn't take any development money from the US, so it can hardly be referred to as 'Trump's vaccine'.
              It was Trump's vaccine before the election when Democrats warned people against taking it


              • N35t0r
                N35t0r commented
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                Like I said, you can't even properly parse a headline.

              • Berzerker
                Berzerker commented
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                Before the election Democrats warned against taking Trump's rushed vaccine

            • Originally posted by Ming View Post
              Yes... only in Berz land is the Maga crowd BIG supporters of vaccines...
              I bet he still believes in drinking bleach and shining a light up his ass as well...
              Where did I say the MAGA crowd were BIG supporters of vaccines?


              • "This week, the Executive Committee of the Florida Democratic Democracy told voters that they would not be allowed to vote against Biden. Even though he has opponents in the primary, the party leadership has ordered that only Biden will appear on the primary ballot."

                Primaries cost $$$ so I can understand not having them but this is not a case of a popular incumbent facing little to no opposition. ​I still think Robert Tilton will replace Biden as the party nominee.


                • Glenn Greenwald on recent censorship hearings, Mike Pence's aide was working with the intel/propaganda arm of the govt to censor the internet. Its bipartisan... yeah


                  • An FDA database shows reports of Profemur's titanium modular necks breaking inside U.S. patients since at least 2005, but the corresponding parts were not recalled until 15 years later, if at all. Ten sizes of the titanium neck eventually were recalled in 2020 after being identified in more than 650 reports of fractures submitted to the FDA. Six other sizes of titanium necks, identified in about 75 additional fracture reports, have not been permanently recalled.

                    Aidin Eslam Pour, another Yale orthopedic surgeon who has studied Profemur fractures, said the manufacturer "waited too long."

                    "This implant should have been pulled out of the market earlier," he said.

                    hip replacements... ugh... My right hip is bad from golfing but the x ray didn't find a problem, so I may have bursa sac irritations (bursitis?). I'll try increasing my stretching and weightlifting routine to see if I can realign my hip. My buddy keeps telling me to see his chiropractor. Removing the broken stem from the thigh bone sounds gruesome.


                    • In one of the tweets, she wrote, "Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj."

                      Barr was responding to a comment about Valerie Jarrett, a top former aide to President Obama.

                      She claimed she was joking, but then she deleted the tweet and issued an apology to Jarrett and "all Americans."

                      "I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks," Barr tweeted. "I should have known better. Forgive me -- my joke was in bad taste." Barr then said she's leaving Twitter.

                      Barr was talking about Valerie Jarrett's hairstyle at the time, she resembled the lead females in the Planet of the Apes movies. Barr later said she thought Jarrett was Middle Eastern, hence the Muslim Brotherhood comment. Seems like the people who think her comment was racist are making a connection she never made.


                      • I have no idea who you are referring to, or who Barr or Jarrett are in this context. However, it sounds like they made comments based on her assumed ethnicity, assumed religion (based on geographic ancestry) and general appearance, to connect her to a terrorist organisation and non-human characters.

                        Yeah, not even the slightest suggestion of even casual racism there.....
                        One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                        • Strathdee sprang into action. Scouring the internet, she had already stumbled across a study by a Tbilisi, Georgia, researcher on the use of phages for treatment of drug-resistant bacteria.

                          A phone call later, Strathdee discovered phage treatment was well established in former Soviet bloc countries but had been discounted long ago as “fringe science” in the West.

                          She did her own research​

                          injecting viruses found in nature that feed on deadly bacteria

