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Politics Thread

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  • Got a notice in the mail, new EPA regulation requires identifying building materials used in plumbing for suppliers and consumers. If a homeowner doesn't fill out the survey or doesn't know what material was used the supplier may have to excavate the owner's land. Get ready for higher water bills.


    • so whats the next step if they dont like your plumbing, replumb the house?


      • Lead pipes would explain a lot actually.


        • Berzerker
          Berzerker commented
          Editing a comment
          I think this house was built w/o lead pipes, dont know about the neighborhood feeds though. They gotta be older

      • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

        specifically what does he mean when he says he doesn't believe in the constitution? I hadn't heard about this yet.
        He voted to overturn the election results. He didn't want to certify the election because of TOTALLY BASELESS claims of MASSIVE voter fraud... and years later, they still haven't found any examples of it. And most of the small cases of voter fraud that were found, were in Trumps favor.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • Originally posted by Ming View Post

          He voted to overturn the election results. He didn't want to certify the election because of TOTALLY BASELESS claims of MASSIVE voter fraud... and years later, they still haven't found any examples of it. And most of the small cases of voter fraud that were found, were in Trumps favor.
          probably the usual provisional "support" for the constitution and situational opposition to the constitution that almost seems to be mandatory in Washington then. Anyone who supports a "living" interpretation of the constitution will also overtly advocate interpretation based on political convenience and so this kind of "opposition" to the constitution is really old news Ming. What would be notable would be a politician who consistently supports the written constitution, you know, as written.
          Last edited by Geronimo; November 2, 2023, 13:56. Reason: clarification


          • People have been doing that with the Bible for millennia, moral relativists and absolutists alike.
            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


            • Originally posted by EPW View Post
              Lead pipes would explain a lot actually.
              I grew up when the gas had lead... Politicians and corporations kill people for profit


              • Originally posted by Ming View Post

                He voted to overturn the election results. He didn't want to certify the election because of TOTALLY BASELESS claims of MASSIVE voter fraud... and years later, they still haven't found any examples of it. And most of the small cases of voter fraud that were found, were in Trumps favor.
                The Constitution gives members a vote on certification, mandating they certify is unconstitutional. It doesn't matter why members vote for or against certification, Democrats voted against Trump's certification and that was their privilege.


                • Gee... have you found any of that MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD yet? You've only had a couple of YEARS to unearth some. And it's funny that you don't want to mention those fake electors that Trump and his cronies arranged in an attempt to overturn a FAIR ELECTION. But I guess in your mind, trying to overturn a FAIR election is something the constitution supports. That it's their right given to them by the constitution to steal power that has been won FAIRLY at the ballot box.
                  And I'm sure you will still claim that Jan 6th was really caused by the FBI and Black Lives Matter, or whoever else you want to blame. Please ignore the real facts that Trump asked them all to come to Washington, and he told them to March to the Capital and stop the steal. I'm sure that had nothing to do with what really happened.
                  I guess you saw that in an internet video or have some link that makes it so.

                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                    I grew up when the gas had lead... Politicians and corporations kill people for profit
                    Funny thing about the lead in the gas is that nobody ever had any reason to believe it could be safe, every reason to believe it should be harmful and it was already understood that safe and cheap alternatives to lead were available when it's usage began. Lead was chosen purely to give additional IP revenue to one company in spite of all of that. I will never understand how it took so long to reverse such a horribly destructive decision which was so blatantly, obviously contrary to the public good on every level.


                    • Originally posted by Ming View Post
                      Gee... have you found any of that MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD yet? You've only had a couple of YEARS to unearth some. And it's funny that you don't want to mention those fake electors that Trump and his cronies arranged in an attempt to overturn a FAIR ELECTION. But I guess in your mind, trying to overturn a FAIR election is something the constitution supports. That it's their right given to them by the constitution to steal power that has been won FAIRLY at the ballot box.
                      And I'm sure you will still claim that Jan 6th was really caused by the FBI and Black Lives Matter, or whoever else you want to blame. Please ignore the real facts that Trump asked them all to come to Washington, and he told them to March to the Capital and stop the steal. I'm sure that had nothing to do with what really happened.
                      I guess you saw that in an internet video or have some link that makes it so.
                      Johnson didn't arrange fake electors, maybe thats why I didn't mention them. I didn't complain when Democrats voted against decertifying Trump, did you? The Constitution defines the process and it was followed, the fake electors were arranged in case a state's election was overturned. Jan 6 was the result of months of Democrats rioting before the election to defeat Trump, they made temper tantrums fashionable. No summer of love, no Jan 6.


                      • -Jrabbit
                        -Jrabbit commented
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                        So you're saying this is all George Floyd's fault?

                    • Jan 6 was the result of months of Democrats rioting before the election to defeat Trump, they made temper tantrums fashionable. No summer of love, no Jan 6.

                      Now you are blaming it on "Democrat Riots"....
                      First, it was BLM, not the Democrats... That's like saying the KKK is the Republicans.
                      Here are the real facts... NO TRUMP, NO JAN 6th. FACT. You can't blame the Dems for this one, no matter how you try to spin it.
                      But I'm sure you will keep trying to blame EVERYBODY except the person that made it happen.
                      What's next, space aliens
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • pchang
                        pchang commented
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                        Space aliens is the Blink 182 guy's thing.

                    • Become part of our Locals community: Follow Glenn: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: https://www.

                      Glenn Greenwald interviews David Talbot, author of "The Devil's Chessboard"

                      The USA has been allied with the Nazis for decades, even during wwii John Dulles was helping them escape. Afterwards the west decided which Nazis to spare from Nuremburg and incorporate into our new cold war with the USSR - Patton wanted to arm the Nazis and drive the USSR back. Eisenhower gave his famous speech warning of the military industrial complex after letting Dulles run the CIA like his personal army killing, assassinating, toppling any govt who didn't obey. Kennedy fired Dulles after the Bay of Pigs and then somehow Dulles ended up on the committee investigating his assassination. Amazing how that works. According to Talbot Kennedy was killed because he wanted to talk peace with the USSR after the missile crisis and withdraw our 'advisors' from Vietnam.


                      • Gee...
                        A leading conspiracy site that is more likely to provide misleading and non factual information than actual facts.

                        That explains a lot if sites like that are the ones your go to as a source for "information"
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • Rumble is a platform for free speech and the leading conspiracy sites are funded by our tax dollars.

