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IF trump is arrested AND convicted

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  • Ming
    Now it's the Media's fault. But that isn't fraud
    It's just the media... just like Fox News and other Conservative Media continue to tell lies, conceal the truth and provide propaganda just like all the other media.

    The election wasn't stolen from Trump. He lost, pure and simple. More people voted for Biden. FACT
    Biden easily won the electoral college. FACT

    The truth is simple... Trump is a loser.

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  • Geronimo
    Originally posted by Ming View Post
    After years, NOBODY has come up with ANY REAL PROOF OF VOTER FRAUD. And that's a FACT.
    Trump lost fair and square, and all this "I was cheated" crap is simply his ploy to milk his idiot followers out of more money... FACT
    I do think there are ways to commit voters fraud that won't leave evidence. This was possible in 2016 as well however. If Trump supporters were worried about voter fraud but can't find the evidence then it's time to draw attention to the opportunities for fraud and to legislation to close those opportunities. Because at that point it's obviously too late to do anything about any hypothetical no-evidence fraud in the previous election.

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  • -Jrabbit
    commented on 's reply
    Berz, your argument is based on overall vote totals and some vague suggestion that it's mathematically impossible for Trump to have gained X-million voters vs 2016 and and still lost.
    Inconvenient truth: Your argument totally ignores the universally-predicted massive increase in voting totals due to ease of voting and extremely high motivation to do so during the pandemic. Similarly, Biden was predicted to win, consistently, in polling, betting markets, and 538 predictive models from June through the election in 2020. Biden's odds of winning the election were around 60% on June 1st, and 89% by November 1st. Yet you seem to expect us to just ignore the reality we all experienced.

    Frankly, it's pretty insulting.

  • Berzerker
    Proof the election was stolen by the security state interfering and censoring the news to protect Biden.

    I posted a link to the Twitter Files, thats just the tip of the iceberg. The GOP took the House, I assume they're ramping up to investigate so we'll be seeing more in the coming months. I dont know why they'd bother now that the Restrict Act will likely pass. They're basically retroactively legalizing the censorship that helped Biden win.

    Hmm... People busted for censorship immediately create the power to censor. George Carlin said if it's bipartisan we're really getting screwed (or something like that). Look at who was in charge of the Iraq War, Dick Cheney and Colon Powell lol. I shouldn't laugh, these people are why the 3rd world is looking for new allies to replace us. The Cold War was supposed to end proxy wars but it didn't for the USA, thats why Russia has support from the 3rd world. The world is defunding the World's police.

    So China is using $$$ from US consumers to buy our 'friends' around the world largely because we're always bombing poor defenseless countries instead of investing in infrastructure to better lives. We must destroy to reap the profits of rebuilding. The conspiracy was hidden in The Undiscovered Country, this one is out in the open. Maybe the people living in areas of the world littered with shrapnel made in the USA have a different perspective. ​​

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  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    Proof of what? What have changed the goal posts to this time?

  • Berzerker
    I did provide the proof, you ignored it and asked about voter fraud instead.

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    commented on 's reply
    Hey pchang, I wasn't speaking to degree...just to presence.

  • Ming
    Again Berz, please provide some actual proof how the election was a fraud. Recount after Recount, many done by Republicans show there was NONE. FACT. Nothing was stolen... TRUMP simply lost because more people hated him than liked him.

    Until you can provide any proof, your claims of fraud are just that, a fraud on your part

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  • Berzerker
    commented on 's reply
    Censorship is not legal and just moving on ensures it will continue and expand, but I wouldn't bet my life on 81m voting for Joe Biden the same election Trump got 11m more votes. How does the most hated Orangeman get so many more votes if he was that hated? The election was rigged, the more obvious rigging has already been exposed but I wont be surprised to see the voting was rigged too. These people censored Covid information to coerce people into vaccinations soon after the election.

  • Berzerker
    'In 2017, the billionaire founder of LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman, donated $750,000 to American Engagement Technologies (AET), an election campaigns consultancy founded by a former Obama administration official. Of that money, $100,000 went to another political consulting firm, “New Knowledge,” to run a social media disinformation operation to help Alabama Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Doug Jones defeat Republican Roy Moore in a December special election.

    New Knowledge ran something called “Project Birmingham,” which created fake Russian Twitter social media accounts that followed Moore, resulting in news stories that the Kremlin was backing Moore in the race. A 12-page New Knowledge memo dated Dec. 15, 2017 described the operation. “We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,” the report says.

    DiResta was intimately involved with both of the key organizations overseeing the Birmingham disinformation effort.​'


    I know he was using flimsy guilt by association arguments but was Joe McCarthy framing people too? These people did and they want our support to protect us from mis-information. Thats been the playbook ever since 2016-17, smear opponents as traitors. I guess I shouldn't complain given the fact the GOP smears people as traitors too, Saxby Chambliss and Rick Wilson morphed Sen Max Cleland into Osama bin Laden for opposing some of the Patriot Act measures. For those who dont know, Cleland lost limbs in Vietnam. I will complain.

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  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    "Were their some questionable tactics used by both sides in the election?" - Seriously? Any reasonable person will tell you the Republicans have and continue to behave much much much more worse than Democrats in this regard.

    At this point it would be moot anyway. The legislatures choose the electors in any manner they see fit. They say it is based on the popular vote, but in the end they and the Governor(who certifies the election) are the ones who pick the electors. No matter if there was fraud or not (and EXTREMELY hard to say there was since this election has been scrutinized down to its bones and NONE found), the Electors were legally selected and they legally voted and Biden won.

    Were their some questionable tactics used by both sides in the election? Of course...welcome to modern U.S. Politics. That doesn't change the fact that Biden was legally elected and is the President.

    Time for everyone to move on and support your choice for the next election because the last one is OVER.

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  • Ming
    Recount after recount... the FACTS speak for themselves. Trump lost. Case Closed

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  • Broken_Erika
    Originally posted by Ming View Post
    Still waiting for proof of voter fraud... Oh that's right, there wasn't any.
    Anybody still pushing the fraud and stolen election crap needs to actually PROVE it or just shut up.
    Oh, there were documented cases of attempted voter fraud. They were all committed by Republicans.

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  • Ming
    Still waiting for proof of voter fraud... Oh that's right, there wasn't any.
    Anybody still pushing the fraud and stolen election crap needs to actually PROVE it or just shut up.

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