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  • #91
    Originally posted by Serb View Post

    You are both NATO.
    indeed.. indeed...


    • #92
      Everything what I've said above is to show you that Armenians are part of Russia. Period. They are our neighbours and relatives.
      But, we should not save the ones who had betrayed their souls to Americans in Erevan.
      If they wanted to be an American whores - let the American Masters save them.



      • #93
        Their American masters just spited.


        • #94
          fine i get this

          but why should europe support ajerbaijan in the face of armenian suffering

          because ajerbaijan has gas?

          I though europe was for democracyt and human righgts

          let me say that again

          I thought that europe (and GREECE) was for democracy and human rights


          • #95
            democracy is chepaer than natural gas it seems ''if you name is german


            • #96
              I also llike them bcause unlike dinner/america they like poor people

              they will pull a gun on your face if you say you don'lt free social medicinal care and education

              and let's be honest, I will too


              • #97
                Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                fine i get this

                but why should europe support ajerbaijan in the face of armenian suffering

                because ajerbaijan has gas?

                I though europe was for democracyt and human righgts

                let me say that again

                I thought that europe (and GREECE) was for democracy and human rights
                I don't care. Period.
                You can call yourselves whatever you like.
                Hellas have made herself an enemy of Russia.
                The most of the Europe did, but Hellas was the last one whom we never fought - on the contrary be allies during the most terrible war in human history.


                • #98
                  Don't be too quick serb to condemn hellas...

                  that's all I will say...


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                    Don't be too quick serb to condemn hellas...

                    that's all I will say...

                    But everything goes to WW3 and all members of NATO will be incinerated, with the best wishes.
                    That is a politics. Period.


                    • indeed in the past (I'm talking to you from a point of authoirity serb) europe thought taht russian gas was indespencibile,. '

                      our strategic aim was to make riussia play by free market rules

                      that's no longer the case euripoe has transitioned to a non russian gas supplky

                      that means various things. US/azerbaijan/agleriea/qatar etc etc

                      Europe can and WILL wane off russian gas

                      have no illusion about thgat

                      your biggest friend was germany

                      however europe and the US unfortunalyr are one in this... because you made it no other way,...


                      • Originally posted by Serb View Post


                        But everything goes to WW3 and all members of NATO will be incinerated, with the best wishes.
                        That is a politics. Period.
                        Yes Greece is in NATO but there is not a singlre nuclear russian head aimed in Greece...

                        anyway the ppoint is that there is no nuclear war....


                        • Listen tp me

                          ypur biggest freind was merke;l's germany

                          Now I hate the gremna language I don't want to hear it

                          BUT germany is in the heart of europe

                          as long as they don't speak german is ok

                          don't klnow what germnay was about

                          I know that the us HAS tones to gain to keep ypou isolated

                          but I also know europe (and me) values democracy and human rights

                          it is a complicated proposition

                          \put all the ingredienets in the pot and see whereit gets you


                          • I accept this

                            really I would be a hypocrite if I didn't

                            I dont agree with what the greek gov did. that's why we'll change it but I as a greek accept responsibility for the errors of the fascists


                            • what can i say ? thjese are the facists pay no attention to them?

                              no. those were the greek gov and they went above and beyond to supply ukraine and slave off to the americans

                              I'm sorry. this is not me

                              but I accept responsibility because Greek political continiuity is sacred


                              • Originally posted by Serb

                                Germany is the boss of Europe. We have wanted to be a partners with Europe, but the problem is that EU is an OBJECT, not a SUBJECT.
                                Europe is not independent! You have your Amercian c0ck behind your cheek.
                                It is your your master you US of F who appoints your satraps.

                                There is nothing to talk about anyting with you (Euro), because your are not intependent!
                                No! DOn't be diuped!!!!!

                                talk top dannubis he's belgian. he is more vehemently anti - rissian than a cracker in texas

                                peoplke in europe hate communism and they hate russians they are 50% at least

                                that's the truth serb

                                I love belgium dannubus likes me for loving belgium still he'd kick my ass for being communist

