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Let's drink Paik!

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  • the european neoliberlas don't like socilialism and they absolutely hate russia


    • They are idiots.But that would help them or anyone elese.

      Please, Paik, understand one simple thing - there will be no ones who could hide in the bushes.
      The whole NATO will die.


      • you have more in common with a texan cracker than a european neoliberal from anstwerp


        • Originally posted by Serb View Post
          They are idiots.But that would help them or anyone elese.

          Please, Paik, understand one simple thing - there will be no ones who could hide in the bushes.
          The whole NATO will die.
          Serb I like democracy and socialism. I think that nightmare is dictatorship and america.

          I'm ready to suffer whatever consequendes of my stance


          • I like a free democratic sociliast Greece

            In fact I'd die for it


            • if putin or erdogan came to greece I'd take arms against him shoot them in th head

              if sloww or dinner came to greece i'd take arms against them shoo tthme in the head

              it's very clear


              • I mean sloww or dinner or putin or erdogan can come as tourists. I wouldn't shoot them in the head then


                • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                  you have more in common with a texan cracker than a european neoliberal from anstwerp
                  When you put us to the corner - we will kill all of you, instead.
                  Simple as that.


                  • Y'all have stopped making any sense; go to bed.
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                    No pasarán


                    • I don't care about that serb

                      go talk with washington

                      we are fightiung for a sicialsit democracy

                      that is freedom and health and education for all

                      this has been concluded thourgh savage civil war

                      do what you want to do

                      we are what we are we live by that or we die

                      not aginst you

                      agaisnt anyone (internal enemis included)


                      • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post

                        Serb I like democracy and socialism.
                        Who doesnt?
                        But your goverment is running before the locomotive to kill Russians in Ukraine.

                        Do you honestly think there will be no feedback?!!!
                        Do you Euros are really SO STUPID that you think you can support the war, kill us, and we will just forgive that?


                        What are you, if not a suicide idiots.


                        • I understand what you're saying
                          I really do


                          • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                            I don't care about that serb

                            go talk with washington

                            we are fightiung for a sicialsit democracy

                            that is freedom and health and education for all

                            this has been concluded thourgh savage civil war

                            do what you want to do

                            we are what we are we live by that or we die

                            not aginst you

                            agaisnt anyone (internal enemis included)
                            Your freedom is just an illusion, Paik.


                            • what more do you expect me to say?

                              I uderstabnd what you're saying. Greece has given a f asrsenal to ukraine and you are entitled to think bad of that

                              It was not my gov. Not hte gov I would support. NBut it was a greek gov so I face the consequences


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