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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
    Did yo ujust justify the murder of 8 million jews by the nazi germans and of millions of european s defending their families and homes?
    6 millions of Jews, 4 millions of whom were SOVIET Jews.


    • Originally posted by Ming View Post

      Everybody remembers... But "THEY" are mostly all dead and in the the past.
      Do you hold the current generation responsible for the crimes of their ancestors?
      EVERY COUNTRY has "crimes" in their past. Even your own. So are you responsible for those crimes?

      "Сын за отца не отвечает/ A son is not resposible for the crimes of his father"

      Guess who?

      - Joseph Stalin


      • Originally posted by PLATO View Post

        Literally culled means "selectively slaughtered". In general usage it means to remove the bad from the good.

        So...NO, I did not justify anyones murder. In fact, I am stating that the Nazis of Germany are, for the most part, a thing of the past.

        Personally...I am just a touch insulted that you would think what you posted, but I am hoping it is just a misunderstanding.
        It would have been a thing of the past if the monuments to the Nazis weren't erected now and the streets and stadiums weren't named after their honor, if the Nazi butchers weren't officially proclaimed as a heros of the state.

        Do you F know about whom I am talking about?

        Right - first of all about Ukraine, then about Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania where Nazis are officially a heroes and where the state is carrying a policy of Apartheid towards its "second grade" citizens.


        • The Nazis scums who were slaughtering civilians are OFFICIALLY A HEROS in these countries.



          • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
            No country has done the attocites of the gremans

            and NOONE in europe has forgoten

            if it doesn't bode well for your plans we couldn't care less

            go fraternzie with the nazis if you think it suits you

            and my coyntry has done attrocites in its war for independence. nothing more
            That is ironic that the only country who had really forgiven Germans for what they have done is - Russia, to whom they've inflicted the most of attrocities.
            We do really forgave them!

            UNTIL NOW!!!

            Until the moment when the German panzers with a Schwarzes Kreuz could appear on our soil again!

            The first German panzer on Russian soil will mean the end of our forgiveness and another war to bring Germans into a sence.

            You need another Russian flag over your Reichstag?

            You will get it!


            • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
              My great grand uncle blew up a bridge PLATO

              it killed a hundred germans and a full load of armor and weapons

              the nazis/germasns got him and tortured him to death

              but before he died they released him and got him back to his mother to watch him die

              My name is not the same as his, but my grandma always was saying that I am as tall and as proud as my great uncle that the gestapo tortuted to death becasue he was defending his family

              I will hold on to my views
              I will say just one word - brother.


              • Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post
                The german state now is vastly different from the german state 80 years ago.
                Actually it even is vastly differencce from the Weimar Republic which preceded Nazi Germany.

                Else we surely wouldn't have been caught pants down, with a Bundeswehr that is only rudimentary functional
                due to having been neglected for 3 decades and being put on a shoestring budget.
                But still, you dhd dare to laugh at Russians, who had created a whole new generation of tanks?


                • Originally posted by Broken_Erika View Post
                  Oh, Serb. When will you realize that the Russian Government (and pretty much all Governments) are beneath you. They All Suck. They are but instruments for the rich to suck everything of value out of people like us.
                  I mean, they don't call the United Russia Party the Party of Crooks and Thieves for nothing.
                  All Governments are based on one principle, S**t Floats.
                  And you tell that to a Marxist?
                  Your problem is that you don't understand Russians - when we at war foreign powers, we don't care about anything except to destroy them!
                  That is how we have survived for centuries!

                  And we will beat your shiny united and more than ever cowardish West once again! No doubt about that!
                  The only question which really should bother you now is that - will UK survive that or no?
                  Your chances are even! It's fifty/fifty - you either survive or not!
                  Keep doing you best to become a radioactive swamp after our single Poseidon strike.


                  • This thread is done too!


                    • Originally posted by Serb View Post
                      And my cardiologist still telling me to think about a heart transplantation, because it is the only way to save my life.
                      Guess how much it will cost for me?

                      Right - zero!
                      Do it serb. You might be the best suited recipient for a heart.


                      • Originally posted by Serb View Post

                        Nothing of your above fantasies about Russians is true.

                        excellent! That's progress.


                        • Originally posted by Serb View Post

                          Exporting arms to a zone of conflict is against the German Constitution, actually.

                          What you did with your German shepherds is amazing actually - they are licking your Amercian balls while suffocating themselves with both hands at the same time.

                          Das ist fantastisch!!!
                          Being invaded can't be construed as being a zone of conflict for the purposes of that constitution without defeating the purpose of that clause actually...


                          • What? Are you a lawyer? You just blew-up my mind!


                            • And you honestly call your countries rich?


                              • The United States healthcare system is special. It is uniquely more expensive for everything than everywhere else. I may seem overall ambivalent about the left-right political spectrum and especially the two major US parties but I am quite convinced that most socialized medicine models would easily outperform both laissez faire old-school US healthcare and obamacare quite easily.

                                I feel much the same about child education. It's usually public funded and it can work well. It's conceivable some clever scheme could make the private sector equitably provide child education...but more likely it would usually be about as moronic as mandating employers of parents provide child education as a benefit and would only result in way more expense and a lot less equity.

                                So don't look to me to challenge your satisfaction with your socialized medicine Serb

