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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Originally posted by Ming View Post
    So again... your concept of a peace treaty is simply surrendering... So aggression should be rewarded.
    And yet again, if Russia cared oh soooooo much about the people... Why did they kill and rape them while destroying their towns.
    You never seem to answer that one... But I guess in your mind, the Russians are the real heroes in this story. Guess what, they aren't.
    They have killed and raped far more people and have destroyed far more towns in their attempt to expand their empire while stealing another countries land. But keep continue to support them.
    Russia's idea of peace is to take what they want, no matter who gets hurt.
    What exactly is Ukraine surrendering? Control of Crimea and Donbas... I dont know how this can still be debatable after all this time but Crimea and Donbas dont want to be controlled by Kiev's Nazis. And it was Kiev that attacked the Donbas, not the other way around. Your victory for Ukraine means putting Nazis in charge of the peoples they've been killing for close to a decade now. After the 2014 coup Ukrainians fleeing the Nazis had a safe haven in eastern Ukraine, they wont have that if Kiev wins. I know who started the fight


    • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

      You've continually declared that Azov was the enforcer of US policy in Ukraine and the check on Zelensky's desire to implement the Minsk agreement. Now you say they are part of a wider movement, Right Sector, Svoboda that are all folded into the military and control it. How is that supposed to work? How do you covertly control a military by folding your mercenaries into the national military's command and pay structure? Again, if Zelensky and Putin wanted peace between each how would Boris, Biden and NATO stop them?

      Furthermore, Russia never stopped shelling, invading and generally bombing anywhere else along the huge front with Ukraine while it was withdrawing from the Kiev area leaving its heavy equipment behind. What in the hell is simple about that? What possible terms would have allowed Russia to continue any of that? What is obvious is that either Ukraine and Russia had no deal or if they did it was secret and immediately broken by Russia. Not simple Berz. There were negotiations occurring between Ukraine and Russia and Ukraine was sending out feelers of which demands it considered totally non negotiable and NATO and other allies did communicate to Ukraine what they thought they could offer in terms of support to give Ukraine a way to avoid capitulation or defeat but nobody anywhere claims they said or were in a position to say "no" to any kind of deal between Ukraine and Russia. No power on earth could have stopped Ukraine, or any government really from surrendering. Every source you have provided fails to show otherwise. Finally even if they had surrendered it obviously would not have saved any lives because Russia was continuing to attack Ukraine along the entire front, except where their forces had been encircled, depleted and cut off from supplies where they abandoned equipment and routed across the border in total disarray.
      Yes, Azov led the assault on the east after the coup. They took Mariupol and made it their base until Russia expelled them in '22. When Zelensky showed up trying to enforce Minsk they told him to get lost. The army follows orders, the Nazis issue the orders. I dont blame him, they'd kill him if he tried to stop the fighting and they'd have our blessing. Right Sector and Svoboda and Azov are not limited to the military, following the coup top people in these organizations were given jobs high up in the government. Their leader was one of the 3 people Nuland was considering to replace the guy about to run for his life. She's so prescient... Pray she never shows up in your neighborhood with cookies and democracy.

      Why are you still arguing there was no deal? I posted another link showing they had a deal, Zelensky and Putin did want peace and Biden made an offer Zelensky couldn't refuse. Do you have a link showing Putin ordered attacks in the east after he withdrew from Kiev and before Zelensky saved his own neck? The deal would have returned the situation to Feb 23 but we already know 2 actors supported the deal and 2 opposed it. Putin and Zelensky wanted it and Azov and the USA didn't want it. Take a good look at our allies, remind you of moderate rebels fighting our proxy war against Syria? What do you think would have happened to Zelensky if he defied both the USA and Azov? Another coup, another executed traitor.


      • I guess we should give most of the Southwest back to Mexico, since many Mexicans live in those states. And they are being treated poorly by the Alt Right Bigots.

        You keep repeating your mantra as if it's ABSOLUTE TRUTH. You posted a "link'... oh boy, it must be fact and reality since it was a LINK.
        There are many other "links" and information that dispute your version of the Truth. But I guess you are the only person allowed to "know truth" because you saw it on the internet.

        In your world, Biden is to be blamed for all the world problems... That HE ALONE is the reason for the war in Ukraine. And that Russia with all of it's goodness is SAVING all those downtrodden people from the evil Ukraine government. We won't mention the fact that Russia is killing and raping them while destroying their towns and their lives... because you seem to forget that ACTUAL FACT.
        But I guess that's what happens when you only look for sources that support your opinion.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • Originally posted by Ming View Post
          I guess we should give most of the Southwest back to Mexico, since many Mexicans live in those states. And they are being treated poorly by the Alt Right Bigots.

          You keep repeating your mantra as if it's ABSOLUTE TRUTH. You posted a "link'... oh boy, it must be fact and reality since it was a LINK.
          There are many other "links" and information that dispute your version of the Truth. But I guess you are the only person allowed to "know truth" because you saw it on the internet.

          In your world, Biden is to be blamed for all the world problems... That HE ALONE is the reason for the war in Ukraine. And that Russia with all of it's goodness is SAVING all those downtrodden people from the evil Ukraine government. We won't mention the fact that Russia is killing and raping them while destroying their towns and their lives... because you seem to forget that ACTUAL FACT.
          But I guess that's what happens when you only look for sources that support your opinion.
          I wouldn't condemn those people to live under Mexico's rule, if they want to secede it aint my business. I have no moral authority (consent) to force them to stay much less empower Mexico City. But I do know if Russia toppled the Mexican govt and sent alt-right bigots to attack protesters south of our border Americans would be pouring money, weapons and themselves into the fight to defend the victims.

          Do you have a link refuting the various stories showing they made a deal? I haven't seen any rebuttals, just moving goal posts. Lot of people to blame, but Biden's the prez and he's been involved with just about every self-imposed disaster over a half century. We armed Nazis to kill Ukrainians and cried foul when Russians attacked our Nazis. Thats why we dont have the world on our side, just the people we bribe or threaten or coerce into submission.


          • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

            Yes, Azov led the assault on the east after the coup. They took Mariupol and made it their base until Russia expelled them in '22. When Zelensky showed up trying to enforce Minsk they told him to get lost. The army follows orders, the Nazis issue the orders. I dont blame him, they'd kill him if he tried to stop the fighting and they'd have our blessing. Right Sector and Svoboda and Azov are not limited to the military, following the coup top people in these organizations were given jobs high up in the government. Their leader was one of the 3 people Nuland was considering to replace the guy about to run for his life. She's so prescient... Pray she never shows up in your neighborhood with cookies and democracy.

            Why are you still arguing there was no deal? I posted another link showing they had a deal, Zelensky and Putin did want peace and Biden made an offer Zelensky couldn't refuse. Do you have a link showing Putin ordered attacks in the east after he withdrew from Kiev and before Zelensky saved his own neck? The deal would have returned the situation to Feb 23 but we already know 2 actors supported the deal and 2 opposed it. Putin and Zelensky wanted it and Azov and the USA didn't want it. Take a good look at our allies, remind you of moderate rebels fighting our proxy war against Syria? What do you think would have happened to Zelensky if he defied both the USA and Azov? Another coup, another executed traitor.

            why would a link be needed to Putin's orders? The whole world saw the Russian military rout to the border from Kiev and you declare that was under the terms of Putin's peace deal with Zelensky. If that was the case why didn't we see similar movement from the rest of the front?

            As far as I can tell you provide plenty of links to sources explaining how Ukraine's various allies declared that they were urging Ukraine to avoid any major concessions to Russia and assuring Ukraine they would have the support they would need to stay in the fight. That is not vetoing or shooting down a peace deal. At worst it would be lobbying to to avoid a peace deal. The problem you have Berz is there is no draft document with the appropriate signatures from both sides and such draft documents as have been suggested to be the text of the "peace deal" are not consistent with the behavior of either side. I would expect at that time that Ukraine's allies were afraid that a desperate Zelensky might surrender or sign a document as a desperate measure to buy time for Ukraine that they were convinced Putin would not ultimately honor. If they prevailed on Ukraine to not sign anything that is not saying no to a peace deal. That is advising against a deal. As it happens any deal would be with a person who had just violated tons of related agreements. It would be terrible for Ukraine and its allies if having signed such a deal and started to implement any of its terms Putin later attacked Ukraine from an even more favorable position.

            You have zero evidence that Zelensky or anyone else trusted Putin to keep any deal that would be signed with him. It is no wonder that no deal was signed and from a humanitarian perspective it is a fortunate thing as well.


            • Berz will believe whatever he sees on line that supports his narrative. And anything he can blame Biden for.
              And yeah, this supposed agreed upon treaty has never been seen. Everything coming from Russia is that the only way to end the war was to give up territory and not let anybody else provide them with security. In other words, they can be a bully and steal land.
              They already stole land once, and tried again. Who in their right mind believes they wouldn't keep trying for more. Oh, that's right, you probably do.
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • There are a reason why he hadn't posted a video for a long period, but that's because he has written a book - enjoy all of you that can read danish

                Oh, wait, Noone else but me can probably read danish
                With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                Steven Weinberg


                • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                  Do you have a link refuting the various stories showing they made a deal?.
                  The only deal that I have ever heard about is that the Ukranians would negotiate for peace when the russians has retreated from all Ukranian territory including Donbas and Crimea. All other stories about "deals" are russian bot fantasies.

                  With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                  Steven Weinberg


                  • Berzerker
                    Berzerker commented
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                    maybe your source is poorly informed

                  • Geronimo
                    Geronimo commented
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                    For certain Ukraine has never publically spelled out any other "deal" Berz. Your signed deal would have to be secret. Look at your sources again. They don't show Ukraine accepting any deal. They show various allies to Ukraine advising Ukraine not feel pressured into various concessions. Nobody has Ukraine announcing a specific deal with Russia at all since Feb 2022

                  • Berzerker
                    Berzerker commented
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                    and yet you have heard about the deal... blackcat's source apparently has not

                • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                  why would a link be needed to Putin's orders? The whole world saw the Russian military rout to the border from Kiev and you declare that was under the terms of Putin's peace deal with Zelensky. If that was the case why didn't we see similar movement from the rest of the front?

                  As far as I can tell you provide plenty of links to sources explaining how Ukraine's various allies declared that they were urging Ukraine to avoid any major concessions to Russia and assuring Ukraine they would have the support they would need to stay in the fight. That is not vetoing or shooting down a peace deal. At worst it would be lobbying to to avoid a peace deal. The problem you have Berz is there is no draft document with the appropriate signatures from both sides and such draft documents as have been suggested to be the text of the "peace deal" are not consistent with the behavior of either side. I would expect at that time that Ukraine's allies were afraid that a desperate Zelensky might surrender or sign a document as a desperate measure to buy time for Ukraine that they were convinced Putin would not ultimately honor. If they prevailed on Ukraine to not sign anything that is not saying no to a peace deal. That is advising against a deal. As it happens any deal would be with a person who had just violated tons of related agreements. It would be terrible for Ukraine and its allies if having signed such a deal and started to implement any of its terms Putin later attacked Ukraine from an even more favorable position.

                  You have zero evidence that Zelensky or anyone else trusted Putin to keep any deal that would be signed with him. It is no wonder that no deal was signed and from a humanitarian perspective it is a fortunate thing as well.
                  You said Russia kept attacking after the withdrawal, where is your link? That was your rebuttal. I'll bet Azov didn't stop attacking and I'm sure the Biden administration would tell us it was Marcia. The deal was not to withdraw from Crimea or the Donbas and not to respond if attacked, just return the situation to February's border. I agree with your train of thought here, if Putin and Zelensky actually had a deal I would expect him to withdraw from Kiev and defend positions in the east, not launch an assault. Unless ofc the Nazis ignored Zelensky again and didn't stop their attacks. Yes yes, The Ghost of Kiev drove Putin's horde away from the city and saved the day.

                  Biden made the decision, Boris delivered the message. The deal was made and then it was unmade after Russia withdrew from Kiev. Naturally the people responsible accused Russia of being untrustworthy lol. Imagine telling the leader of a country to violate a deal he just made because the other guy is unreliable. If the Biden administration speaks and the corporate media acts as stenographers then believe the opposite until further notice. Lobbying to avoid peace hehe. Does that mean Biden opposed peace? You're getting there.


                  • Berzerker
                    Berzerker commented
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                    Russia made a deal with Zelensky and retreated from Kiev

                  • -Jrabbit
                    -Jrabbit commented
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                    They were hounded out of Kiev due to massive losses and inadequate supply lines for their ill-trained and poorly equipped prison conscripts.

                  • Berzerker
                    Berzerker commented
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                    And Putin blew up the pipeline

                • You have NO PROOF that Biden made "the decision" to cancel some "supposed" peace deal, that NO BODY HAS A COPY OF or any proof that it actually existed or ever happened. So until then, you are just sprouting opinions and theories.
                  You have summed up you position/bias by making the blanket statement that "If the Biden administration speaks and the corporate media acts as stenographers then believe the opposite until further notice" Maybe you should do the same with your "trusted" internet videos.
                  Again, please provide proof of this supposed deal that was actually agreed on. And don't just say, well so and so said this. Actually prove it for a change.
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • The most ridiculous part is that Russia has been accusing the west of anything they can think of and then some. If there really was such a peace treaty, Putin would not have been keeping quiet about it.
                    Indifference is Bliss


                    • by god you're right, my yahoo page is full of links to false accusations made by Russia. I posted 2 links about the deal from non-Russians, even our own people are admitting it

                      Bidenial has joined TDS


                      • You still haven't proved it with any facts... she said, he said, doesn't prove anything.
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • how did Hitler and democracy get put on the back burner?


                          • Still waiting for ACTUAL FACTS to support your claims....
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

