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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Originally posted by Ming View Post

    One more time... please provide ACTUAL proof of said "Peace Deal" What was in it? Who signed it? What was in it? All you seem to have is some "claims"... but no real proof. And NO, that is NOT PROOF that Biden and the West wanted war.
    And do you really believe Putin can be trusted
    In my opinion,If such a deal really existed, he would have been publishing it to the world to justify he continued war.
    But keep posting all the stuff you see on youtube as if it was total fact.
    Zelensky's aide admitted they had a deal. He said most of it was minutiae but the main point was for Ukraine to be neutral. The deal included logistical limitations like weaponry and troop strength. Putin agreed to keep the deal confidential, thats why he hasn't published it. I suspect the Ukrainian team didn't want to be found guilty of treason by Azov and murdered. But we dont need him to know the deal existed, other sources have confirmed it including top ranking Americans. Boris didn't show up to award the Ghost of Kiev for repelling the Russian advance.


    • Again... some actual proof?
      Maybe there is another reason why nobody has published it
      And yet again, please prove that Biden "wanted" the war. Something besides your "theories" and "opinions" would be nice for a change.
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • He armed Nazis to kill ethnic Russians living in eastern Ukraine... What has he done in pursuit of peace?


        • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
          He armed Nazis to kill ethnic Russians living in eastern Ukraine... What has he done in pursuit of peace?
          If arming Nazis proves unequivocally that those doing the arming are not doing anything in pursuit of peace wouldn't this mean that Putin arming Nazis first and setting them up as separatist leaders would mean Putin has done nothing in pursuit of peace so your secret treaties must be pure BS? If US president Biden had also been arming the Russian Nazi Separatists reporting to FSB agent Igor Girkin to defeat the Ukrainian Nazis would you recognize that as something he had done "in pursuit of peace"?

          Is it impossible to arm anybody "in pursuit of peace"?

          Give an example of something you recognize as done in pursuit of peace.

          Would signing a treaty transforming NATO from an open mutual defence treaty club that anybody is free to apply to join into an otherwise open club that anybody other than Ukraine is free to apply to join be something you might recognize as "in pursuit of peace"? Was Neville Chamberlain and company sitting down with Adolf Hitler and selling out Czechoslovakia something done "in pursuit of peace"? were those who instead wished to immediately arm the Czechoslavakians opposed to peace? this is what Winston Churchill had to say about the matter 5 Oct 1938

          "“The Czech Army, which is one of the finest in the world, has been disarmed and disbanded. The Czech fortifications, which are perhaps the most complete and elaborate in the world, have been handed over to Germany. The Czechoslovakian Air Force, which was rapidly approaching equality with the German Air Force, has been handed over to Germany. The Skoda Works, which are the most important in Central Europe, have been handed over to Germany. The Czech gold reserve, which is a very important factor in the economic stability of Central Europe, has been handed over to Germany. All these things have been done without the firing of a single shot.”

          So I suppose Neville Chamberlain was doing all sorts of things in pursuit of peace and Winston Churchill, you would insist, had done nothing "in pursuit of peace" at the time? Is it because Neville Chamberlain wanted peace more and served the cause of peace more than Winston Churchill that they disagreed about sitting down with Hitler and giving away the Sudetenland? Maybe Churchill just wanted to arm Czech extremists who kept getting in brawls with German speakers so they could kill the German speakers living in the Sudetenland?

          If instead of arming Azov, Biden had arranged to have the entire formation killed in their beds how would peace have been furthered? Would Igor Girkin have gone home and ordered his forces to send the Russian weapons home with him? What would the Separatists have done differently without Azov?


          • You will never convince Berz that Biden isn't behind all the evil in the world. All the videos he watches online blame Biden for everything.
            And yet again, he blames Biden for the war in Ukraine, while positioning Putin as some kind of savior. While in reality, Putin brutally attacked another country in yet another land grab, killing and raping the people he claimed he was defending...
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

              If arming Nazis proves unequivocally that those doing the arming are not doing anything in pursuit of peace wouldn't this mean that Putin arming Nazis first and setting them up as separatist leaders would mean Putin has done nothing in pursuit of peace so your secret treaties must be pure BS? If US president Biden had also been arming the Russian Nazi Separatists reporting to FSB agent Igor Girkin to defeat the Ukrainian Nazis would you recognize that as something he had done "in pursuit of peace"?

              Is it impossible to arm anybody "in pursuit of peace"?

              Give an example of something you recognize as done in pursuit of peace.

              Would signing a treaty transforming NATO from an open mutual defence treaty club that anybody is free to apply to join into an otherwise open club that anybody other than Ukraine is free to apply to join be something you might recognize as "in pursuit of peace"? Was Neville Chamberlain and company sitting down with Adolf Hitler and selling out Czechoslovakia something done "in pursuit of peace"? were those who instead wished to immediately arm the Czechoslavakians opposed to peace? this is what Winston Churchill had to say about the matter 5 Oct 1938

              "“The Czech Army, which is one of the finest in the world, has been disarmed and disbanded. The Czech fortifications, which are perhaps the most complete and elaborate in the world, have been handed over to Germany. The Czechoslovakian Air Force, which was rapidly approaching equality with the German Air Force, has been handed over to Germany. The Skoda Works, which are the most important in Central Europe, have been handed over to Germany. The Czech gold reserve, which is a very important factor in the economic stability of Central Europe, has been handed over to Germany. All these things have been done without the firing of a single shot.”

              So I suppose Neville Chamberlain was doing all sorts of things in pursuit of peace and Winston Churchill, you would insist, had done nothing "in pursuit of peace" at the time? Is it because Neville Chamberlain wanted peace more and served the cause of peace more than Winston Churchill that they disagreed about sitting down with Hitler and giving away the Sudetenland? Maybe Churchill just wanted to arm Czech extremists who kept getting in brawls with German speakers so they could kill the German speakers living in the Sudetenland?

              If instead of arming Azov, Biden had arranged to have the entire formation killed in their beds how would peace have been furthered? Would Igor Girkin have gone home and ordered his forces to send the Russian weapons home with him? What would the Separatists have done differently without Azov?
              So Biden armed Nazis to kill eastern Ukrainians is your proof Biden pursued peace? I #d your questions:

              1) Putin and the 'separatists' agreed to Minsk I&II and were negotiating peace right up to and shortly after the '22 attack. What has Biden done other than arm Nazis and sabotage peace efforts? If there are 'fine people' on both sides why arm them? Your argument equates a few 'little green men' with Nazi tattoos to a battalion or regiment of Nazis killing eastern Ukrainians. Putin is in charge of Russia, Azov/USA is in charge of Kiev. Millions of eastern Ukrainians were attacked by Nazis with our weapons and support and you equate that to a few Nazis defending the victims.

              2) Wouldn't have been a war if Biden armed the Donbas instead of Kiev... That alone should speak volumes

              3) I dont know, but I do know arming Nazis to kill eastern Ukrainians is not pursuing peace

              4) Can anyone apply now? Yes, it would have prevented almost a decade of war in Ukraine.

              5-6-7-8) Chamberlain was buying time to build the RAF for the coming Battle of Britain and Putin is not Hitler... your analogies continue to amuse

              9-10) There would have been no coup and no war in the Donbas without Obama and Biden backing Nazis

              11) Stay Ukrainian, but Obama backed a coup driving their democratically elected leader from office, so... they separated and Obama sent Nazis to kill them

              how dare Russians defend them, huh?


              • Blah blah blah... Putin attacked Ukraine ONCE AGAIN to grab more land for Russia. He is not protecting anybody... instead, his troops killed and raped the people he was supposed to be saving.
                But feel free to consider him a savior and Biden the cause of all evil... Russia is defending NOBODY. Just killing and raping them.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                  So Biden armed Nazis to kill eastern Ukrainians is your proof Biden pursued peace? I #d your questions:

                  1) Putin and the 'separatists' agreed to Minsk I&II and were negotiating peace right up to and shortly after the '22 attack. What has Biden done other than arm Nazis and sabotage peace efforts? If there are 'fine people' on both sides why arm them? Your argument equates a few 'little green men' with Nazi tattoos to a battalion or regiment of Nazis killing eastern Ukrainians. Putin is in charge of Russia, Azov/USA is in charge of Kiev. Millions of eastern Ukrainians were attacked by Nazis with our weapons and support and you equate that to a few Nazis defending the victims.
                  Actions speak louder than words Berz. The Russian reporting soldiers and contractors were required to immediately leave the Donbas per Minsk. They never did. What was there for Ukraine to implement of Minsk in the face of that? Your little green men with Nazi tattoos have killed far more people than the Ukrainian side. Why do you get to dismiss them? Millions of Ukrainians were attacked by Russian weapons. There is no measure, be it property damage or reported injuries and fatalities by which Ukraine has killed more people in the Donbas than the Separatists, even before the Russian "special military operation" ballooned those numbers by more than an order of magnitude. Once the separatists (operating with active duty FSB officers at a that) began military operations (which was well before any substantial US military aid to anyone in Ukraine) arming anybody fighting them was about as much as anybody could do in the name of peace in the Donbass.

                  Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                  2) Wouldn't have been a war if Biden armed the Donbas instead of Kiev... That alone should speak volumes
                  How would it not have been a war? Russia has claimed all of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson in addition to all of the Donbas and those "Nazis" who have been operating in the Donbas overwhelmingly consisted of formations founded by Donbas residents appalled at Separatist depradations. Could World War 2 have been stopped by arming the Third Reich instead of the enemies of Third Reich? The reason the Separatists were at war wasn't because nazis attacked them. It was because the the Separatists were an armed insurrection...a war.

                  Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                  3) I dont know, but I do know arming Nazis to kill eastern Ukrainians is not pursuing peace
                  Oh good because it turns out they were armed to kill Nazi Separatist armies instead.

                  Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                  4) Can anyone apply now? Yes, it would have prevented almost a decade of war in Ukraine.
                  Why? Because Russia said so? Did giving the Sudetenland away prevent a war Berz?

                  Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                  5-6-7-8) Chamberlain was buying time to build the RAF for the coming Battle of Britain and Putin is not Hitler... your analogies continue to amuse
                  History doesn't repeat it rhymes. When Russian's say they are going to sort out all of eastern Europe by force of arms why don't you believe them? You clearly believe everything else they tell you. For Berz I suppose history is useless since it will all be amusing analogy by definition anyway.

                  Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                  9-10) There would have been no coup and no war in the Donbas without Obama and Biden backing Nazis
                  If there was no coup what would have been different? Since, in fact, there was no coup there would be, by definition, no difference. Obama and Biden took their sweet time backing Nazis. By the time they got around to doing it war was already a reality in the Donbas. How could not backing them have averted it? What is this mechanism by which disarming enemies of the Separatist military operation would lead to no Separatist Military operation when it began before any military formation in Ukraine had received so much as one red cent of foreign funding?

                  Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                  11) Stay Ukrainian, but Obama backed a coup driving their democratically elected leader from office, so... they separated and Obama sent Nazis to kill them

                  how dare Russians defend them, huh?
                  Backed a coup how? landing marines in Kiev? power changed hands literally by act of parliament Berz. You call that a coup. Do you claim that any parliamentary change in power resulting at least in part from reactions to events you believe to be false flag becomes a coup? Doesn't that make every single election potentially a coup if it occurs in presence of fake news that some people believe? How is the claim that Obama sent Nazis to kill people in the Donbas for separating not extraordinary? Where is the evidence?


                  • "Boris Johnson came to Kiev and said that we will not sign anything with them at all, and lets just fight" - Zelensky aide


                    • Many guilty people plead innocence. But I guess your videos tell you to believe them too.

                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • “Nothing Putin promises is worth the paper it’s written on.” - Random guy on internet who KNOWS THINGS
                        “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

                        ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


                        • Berzerker
                          Berzerker commented
                          Editing a comment
                          He kept mum about the deal for the Ukrainian negotiators. Please run down a list of his lies regarding Ukraine so we can compare it to the tome of our lies.

                      • Putin visits the UAE. At this point it is not known if he has enough alcohol, drugs and grenades on his plane.


                        • pchang
                          pchang commented
                          Editing a comment
                          But, we do know that UAE will not be honoring anything as pesky as an Interpol Red Notice.

                      • "In an historic move, the Justice Department on Wednesday announced it is unsealing war crimes charges against four Russia-affiliated military personnel with disturbing details of their alleged torture and inhumane treatment of a U.S. national in Ukraine following Russia's invasion of the country last year.

                        This is the first time ever that the department has filed charges under the U.S. war crimes statute."


                        • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                          "Boris Johnson came to Kiev and said that we will not sign anything with them at all, and lets just fight" - Zelensky aide
                          this wouldn't prove anything. Who was this aide in any case?


                          • Dimitry Peskov.
                            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.

