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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV View Post
    and this - think about it. IF russia had done nothing... never started this - russian would still be a respected world power today. wow... putin screwed it up. big time.

    You have started this war against Russia in 2014!!!


    • Originally posted by BlackCat View Post

      Ah, real life documentation made by independent journalists against russian MOD claims
      Show it!


      • Originally posted by BlackCat View Post

        Ah, real life documentation made by independent journalists against russian MOD claims
        "A real life documentation made by independent journalists" - was just a copy/paste of mindfarts, wet dreams and bullsh!t claims of one, single Ukranian official, with no proofs whatsoever!

        Just a fart to the pond!

        The reply to that insane claims was a destruction of Patriot battery (located inside the city, which is a war crime, by the way, because thus they use civilians as human shield) few days after by Kinzhal missiles, which it claim to be able to intercept.

        The end of story!!!


        • Originally posted by Serb View Post
          Damn! It's basics about mechanics, really!
          If a body A is travelling at Mach 10 and miracilusly hit by the body B, travelling at 2.8 Mach, the shards of the body A would still have a lot of kinetic energy to produce a crater much larger, then 1,5 meter deep.
          (Assuming that the original body of A was designed and proved to be capable of destroing concrete bunkers 30 meters below the Earth surface).

          Ukraine just posted another lie and wet dream about shot down Kinzhal and then they got a reply a couple days after with a Kinzhal destroying your Patriot.
          Simple as that!

          The problem Serb is that the Kinzhal and any other supersonic, let alone hypersonic, projectile is painstakingly engineered to cut through the atmosphere with minimal atmospheric drag. The moment the outer skin suffers any significant deformation that was not engineered into the projectile the drag is invariably greatly increased. In general the faster the projectile the less forgiving the tolerances for such deformations become. A Kinzhal intercepted by pretty much anything that could deform the skin at all is almost certainly going to completely break apart starting at the points of deformation. A broken apart Kinzhal now has a massive increase in surface area. What is the traditional way to get a projectile back to the ground at high speed without leaving a crater? Use a parachute. How does a parachute work? It has a massive surface area that greatly increases drag. A Kinzhal breaking up at Mach 10, that is not at its final approach split seconds from impact, even a low flying one, will definitely not leave much, if any, of a crater. It will not leave a crater because in the time it takes for the pieces to hit the ground, nearly all of the pieces will have had a chance to catastrophically decelerate to terminal velocity. This is also why space projectiles, including everything from all but the very largest meteors meteors (waaaay more massive than a Kinzhal), decayed satellites, to deorbited space stations or a disintegrating space Shuttle Columbia don't leave much, if any crater when they reach Earth despite velocities literally 2x-3x faster than a Kinzhal.

          Kinzhal, was indeed designed to reach its target at speeds where hypervelocity effects will turn its mass into a large ground penetrating bunker. That design however is totally dependent on an intact airframe to maintain those speeds all the way to the target. If there is damage that causes a drag/airframe failure cascade along the way, (in practical terms almost any damage at all really) all of the hypervelocity effects are almost instantly expended in atmospheric interactions that only serve to massively increase the deceleration of the debris.

          These things will not leave a crater unless they are a couple of seconds from hitting the ground when the deceleration begins. If they are 50 feet in the air on a flat ground hugging Mach 10 vector (almost certainly they cruise much higher than that) it would be at least several seconds before anything had a chance to reach the ground. During which time the debris might put on a spectacular disintegration show, but it would certainly not leave much of a crater with any of the various pieces.
          Last edited by Geronimo; May 20, 2023, 13:27. Reason: odd


          • snip snip snip
            Last edited by Bereta_Eder; May 21, 2023, 06:56.


            • snip snip snip
              Last edited by Bereta_Eder; May 21, 2023, 06:56.


              • snip snip snip
                Last edited by Bereta_Eder; May 21, 2023, 06:56.


                • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                  The problem Serb is that the Kinzhal and any other supersonic, let alone hypersonic, projectile is painstakingly engineered to cut through the atmosphere with minimal atmospheric drag. The moment the outer skin suffers any significant deformation that was not engineered into the projectile the drag is invariably greatly increased. In general the faster the projectile the less forgiving the tolerances for such deformations become. A Kinzhal intercepted by pretty much anything that could deform the skin at all is almost certainly going to completely break apart starting at the points of deformation. A broken apart Kinzhal now has a massive increase in surface area. What is the traditional way to get a projectile back to the ground at high speed without leaving a crater? Use a parachute. How does a parachute work? It has a massive surface area that greatly increases drag. A Kinzhal breaking up at Mach 10, that is not at its final approach split seconds from impact, even a low flying one, will definitely not leave much, if any, of a crater. It will not leave a crater because in the time it takes for the pieces to hit the ground, nearly all of the pieces will have had a chance to catastrophically decelerate to terminal velocity. This is also why space projectiles, including everything from all but the very largest meteors meteors (waaaay more massive than a Kinzhal), decayed satellites, to deorbited space stations or a disintegrating space Shuttle Columbia don't leave much, if any crater when they reach Earth despite velocities literally 2x-3x faster than a Kinzhal.

                  Kinzhal, was indeed designed to reach its target at speeds where hypervelocity effects will turn its mass into a large ground penetrating bunker. That design however is totally dependent on an intact airframe to maintain those speeds all the way to the target. If there is damage that causes a drag/airframe failure cascade along the way, (in practical terms almost any damage at all really) all of the hypervelocity effects are almost instantly expended in atmospheric interactions that only serve to massively increase the deceleration of the debris.

                  These things will not leave a crater unless they are a couple of seconds from hitting the ground when the deceleration begins. If they are 50 feet in the air on a flat ground hugging Mach 10 vector (almost certainly they cruise much higher than that) it would be at least several seconds before anything had a chance to reach the ground. During which time the debris might put on a spectacular disintegration show, but it would certainly not leave much of a crater with any of the various pieces.

                  The meteors traveling to the Earth surface are being burned due to friction to Earth atmosphere. The shuttle Columbia had started to fall apart, because of the atmosphere friction (iirc), because a part of its protective layer was missing due to incompetent launch. That process have started at the upper layer of the atmosphere and continued to the end of Columbia, when it was glading dow to the Earth surface with a hypersonic speed.

                  On the other hand, Kinzhal is a hypersonic cruise , not a ballistic missile (like a Columbia, if we assume it was). Columbia was was falling to Earth with approximate to Kinzhal speed, but Kinzhal doesn't have a ballistic trajectory.​
                  Kinzhal is launched from the fastest interceptor on Earth - Mig-31 to give it an additional velocity.

                  It is not a ballistic missile!!!
                  It doesn't go at the ballistic trajectory (parabolla) it goes straight, then go down to its target like a cruise missile.
                  I don't know (as well anybody know on this planet, except its maker) the exact weight and velocity of Kinzhal missile, to make a calculation, but I am pretty sure, if you take one ball travelling ten times faster and somehow strike it with a ball travekinng with 1/3 of that velocity, you will get a shards of the body A doing a great damage to the surface, simly because of their kinetick energy!
                  That is an obvios thing, really!​

                  The law of preservation of impulse or the law of momentum in your language.
                  Last edited by Serb; May 20, 2023, 19:43.


                  • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                    Poor serb talking like russia is some major nation

                    it is a third world dictatorship and not even on the same leauge as the US

                    it is the shortest test to know if someone is a nazi bastard

                    do you like russia?
                    Remind me, who the fck might you be, and how many people on Earth knows about Greece or can show it on the map.

                    You are a barking clown from the land of Nothing.


                    • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                      US can and does wipe the floor with your little clown nazis
                      Seaking abot "little", how about you, why do hide behind USA as a complete coward?
                      Perhaps that is what you are - a little PATHETIC clown instead of a great Empire you once was?


                      • You are barking like little dog barking on elefant.


                        • Hiding behind the greatest nazi killer of all times.

                          A communist, my as$!


                          • [Qsnip snip snip
                            Last edited by Bereta_Eder; May 21, 2023, 06:46.


                            • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                              all of respetacle europe that is ALL OF FCKING EUrope

                              falls head over hills to give weapons because it recognizes (maybe even more than the US) what kind of nazi bastards we're dealing with here
                              "Europe" is a nonsense!
                              It doesnt exist!
                              Because it is military occupied by USA and is a whore of USA.

                              That is the truth, idiot.
                              When they say jump, you ask how high.

                              A clown!!!

                              But the worst thing for you is that you are not a direct whore of USA, you are a whore of Germany, which in its turn is a whore of USA.

                              So, your farse instead of a country is double penatrated!


                              • snip snip snip
                                Last edited by Bereta_Eder; May 21, 2023, 06:46.

