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They always f*ck you in the drive through!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Aeson View Post

    It's strange how quickly taste can change.

    I once took a sip of a guyabano shake without asking and instantly realized it had condensed milk. It didn't taste good and I felt ill for a few hours. They used to be one of my favorite drinks. (Now shakes with banana and chia for texture.)
    That fits my experience with milk but not with cheese and ice cream. Also, I like to eat out, and there are a lot more dairy vegetarian options than dairy-less vegeterian options.

    Due to my oldest's allergies I am raising my daughters as meat eaters. Both eat far more mammal flesh than my wife has ever (most of the time she only eats chicken and a little sea food). We sometimes pick an adventist church to worship with (the denomination that I most closely identify with and was raised in) and they often have a very nice children's school. One time my eldest was bothered because they talked about Daniel and about how it was best to eat only vegetables and not meat. I told her it was good to eat only vegetables, but if Jesus ate fish and lamb then it was good to eat fish and lamb too.

    I am willing to bet that the vast majority of people who consume no animal fats/proteins due so for spiritual reasons. The adventists with the strictest diet (no dairy, eggs, meat, etc) are probably less than a million, but my experience with Indians who consume no dairy, eggs, meat, etc. is that they are far more concerned with their own spiritual state than with the well being of animals as well.

    I was reading that for the environment it was better to be 2/3 vegan (By that I mean to have only 1 meal per day with a little animal proteins/fats) then to be lacto-ovo-vegetarian.

    (It is funny, but in traditional Indian culture, meat is something to be had, by most people who consume it, rarely. This meat for every meal or every day thing seems to come from wealth and the West.)
    (It is also funny that the strictest spiritual diet restrictions (of hindus and adventists) restrict spices as well.)
    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Braindead View Post

      True. However I would like to buy GalCiv3 eventually.

      Today I am playing Imperialism II, a game over 20 years old. Almost all of my game playing is Imperialism II, Civ IV, Victoria and Galactic Civilisations 2.
      How is Galactic Civilizations ? What's the gameplay like? Is it all about accounting and logistics? I heard Eve Online described that way but have never played.

      I saw they are working on Galactic Civilizations 4 now.

      I saw an old forum post that Apolyton used to have an "empire" in the game.

      Seems like the best games out there are the ones that require a high time commitment.

      I recently finished Darkest Dungeon and that was alot of fun. Low time commitment and easy to walk away from, and not that difficult to learn.
      We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


      • #48
        I have thought that Darkest Dungeon would be up my alley.

        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • #49
          Originally posted by giblets View Post

          Maybe you've unwittingly met some who didn't feel the need to inform you that they are vegans
          I am sure that has happened. More often they seem to want to inform absolutely everyone as well as to be preachy about it.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post

            That fits my experience with milk but not with cheese and ice cream. Also, I like to eat out, and there are a lot more dairy vegetarian options than dairy-less vegeterian options.

            Due to my oldest's allergies I am raising my daughters as meat eaters. Both eat far more mammal flesh than my wife has ever (most of the time she only eats chicken and a little sea food). We sometimes pick an adventist church to worship with (the denomination that I most closely identify with and was raised in) and they often have a very nice children's school. One time my eldest was bothered because they talked about Daniel and about how it was best to eat only vegetables and not meat. I told her it was good to eat only vegetables, but if Jesus ate fish and lamb then it was good to eat fish and lamb too.

            I am willing to bet that the vast majority of people who consume no animal fats/proteins due so for spiritual reasons. The adventists with the strictest diet (no dairy, eggs, meat, etc) are probably less than a million, but my experience with Indians who consume no dairy, eggs, meat, etc. is that they are far more concerned with their own spiritual state than with the well being of animals as well.

            I was reading that for the environment it was better to be 2/3 vegan (By that I mean to have only 1 meal per day with a little animal proteins/fats) then to be lacto-ovo-vegetarian.

            (It is funny, but in traditional Indian culture, meat is something to be had, by most people who consume it, rarely. This meat for every meal or every day thing seems to come from wealth and the West.)
            (It is also funny that the strictest spiritual diet restrictions (of hindus and adventists) restrict spices as well.)
            Not sure how they would come to the conclusion that eating a little meat is more environmentally friendly than eating a similar amount of eggs/dairy. Eggs have smaller feed ratios, GHG emissions, and land footprints than chicken or pig meat, and vastly smaller than goat or cattle meat. Dairy is worse than eggs, may be similar to eating chicken or pigs, but still much better than eating goats or cows.

            Plant foods are in most cases lower environmental impact than animal products of course.


            • #51

              GalCiv2 is an absorbing and interesting game that requires you build a galactic civilisation.There are several diffent ways of winning including conquest. ​it does not require micromanagement because you are playing as the emperor, as you do I the the classic civilisation games.


              • #52
                PS Galciv cn be played in a single evening I'd you puxk the tiny map and kill everyone else.

                A development game on a huge map with maximum stars and maximum planets can consume multiple days, an entire day will not even get you half way through such a big game.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Aeson View Post

                  Not sure how they would come to the conclusion that eating a little meat is more environmentally friendly than eating a similar amount of eggs/dairy. Eggs have smaller feed ratios, GHG emissions, and land footprints than chicken or pig meat, and vastly smaller than goat or cattle meat. Dairy is worse than eggs, may be similar to eating chicken or pigs, but still much better than eating goats or cows.

                  Plant foods are in most cases lower environmental impact than animal products of course.
                  I think the issue is that a lot of lactoovovegetarians eat a lot of dairy, not a little.

                  Jon Miller-
                  I AM.CANADIAN
                  GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                  • #54
                    Last edited by Ted Striker; August 3, 2020, 22:18.
                    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                    • #55
                      Last edited by Ted Striker; August 3, 2020, 22:18.
                      We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                      • #56
                        His mother gets it far worse than me. We go to some chain restaurant, they specialize in ribs, I won’t name them but Tony knows who he is, I get a giant half a pig thing of ribs for me, some sort of combo for the wife (several different choices all on one plate) while the boy... He insisted he wants nothing other than Mac ‘N Cheese. Several attempts to talk him out of this and into ordering a more substantial meal all fail.

                        Low and behold, our food arrives and no sooner is it placed down by our hard working waitress then the boy declares he does not want the Mac ‘N Cheese he ordered but that he really wants to eat the dish mommy ordered. Pure to form my wife then hands over her meal to the petulant child. I briefly consider scolding her for this but decide it is better to finish my own half a pig before I do it least she ask for some of mine.

                        *Please note this example was before CCP virus*
                        Last edited by Dinner; May 2, 2020, 23:46.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • -Jrabbit
                          -Jrabbit commented
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                          Your son is being trained to be a little arsehole.

                        • pchang
                          pchang commented
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                          The boy would probably benefit from going hungry for a few meals or so.