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Brett Kavanaugh, great justice or greatest justice?

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  • Aeson
    No, what I said does not require the account to be true or false. It is a verifiable fact that her account is about sexual assault and not attempted murder.

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  • Ben Kenobi

    I dont dismiss her fear of being killed. I dismiss your claims that a death in such a case would be murder. Her account refutes that it would be murder, and does so explicitly.

    The account is one of much more than just groping. It is an account of a sexual assault, not an attempted murder. If we were to accept the account as true we would have to accept it was a sexual assault. There is no reason to presume it was an attempted murder even if we don’t question the validity of the account. There’s just nothing in the account that suggests it was an attempted murder.
    That assumes that she is telling the truth. Tough when all the witnesses that she cites were there don't corroborate her story. It would be one thing if they said, "oh yeah, she was at this party on this date. But she never said that and they denied that she was at one of their parties. Again, open and shut. If he was there and she was there, I would have to take her claims under greater consideration. But we don't even get that far.

    As I said, this is pretty open and shut. Any competent defense lawyer would have gotten the case dismissed as soon as her witness friend took the stand and stated that she couldn't put Kav and Christine in the same room together.

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  • Ben Kenobi
    Humping and groping someone while trying to remove their clothes is not sexual? Would you testify to that under oath?
    If someone said that someone 'attempted to rape them' and that they were 'trying to remove their clothes', I would ask how they 'attempted to remove your clothes'. Did they pull their hand under your shirt and try to pull it up? Did they take their pants off? Intent is much harder to prove than a person's specific actions.

    The fact someone else had to intervene to stop him is evidence of his intent but I'd listen to the pros and cons and then decide.
    The fact that said person denies trying to stop him, denies that Kavanaugh was in a room with her and denies that she was at any of their parties would make me doubt her entire case. We have four witnesses who she claims were there and all five deny that she was in a room with Kavanaugh. Why should I believe the fifth when the other four say this?

    Forcibly having sex is rape, trying to forcibly have sex is attempted rape. For us to 'acquit' him of attempted rape we'd have to believe he might have stopped on his own before it went further, thats debatable and creates wiggle room for a reasonable doubt, maybe. A jury could go either way on that, but sexual assault is a no-brainer.
    That would require someone putting Kavanaugh in the same room as Ford. There's no evidence for that, no pictures, nothing. You can't rape someone if you've never met them. Well, I'm sure you'd vote to convict someone because you don't like your politics, but then that speaks volumes about you as a person and a juror.

    they dont remember the specific party she described.
    Thank you. They can't put her in the same room.

    Her gf says she believes Ford, she just doesn't remember the party. Thats understandable, I've been to many parties I cant remember.
    She states that while she believes something happened to Ford, that it wasn't Kavanaugh. This case is really open and shut. That alone would be enough for a competent defense lawyer to get it tossed.

    I dont think one beer got her drunk
    Given her history and character, I don't believe the parties she did attend that she would have stopped at 'just one'. Pretty specific memory though!

    You argued his memory was better than Fords because he kept a calendar. Actually I'd say people who cant trust their own memory are more likely to keep calendars.
    Interesting evidentiary standard, Tossing out evidence you don't like because it disproves your case.

    She told her husband...
    Ex husband and he denies even hearing the name Kavanaugh. Again, open and shut. None of the people in her life ever recall her talking about an incident with Kavanaugh in her life.

    Also not sure why you'd accuse me of being a Clinton supporter... might want to back up and revise your hypothesis.

    Apparently she stopped working for them 6 years ago
    Which gives motive and opportunity for trying to ruin Kavanaugh.

    , but wouldn't Trump nominate another anti-Roe judge?
    Not if they stall after the midterms and Trump loses the senate. They'd probably try to block all his nominations.

    Four, why did she name anyone much less Kavanaugh's buddies?
    Because she's claiming she was there at one of their parties. She could name them because she read Judge's book.

    the Senate does that and the R's stand to gain ground in the Senate and the election is irrelevant
    LOL. At the time the Democrats believed they would take the Senate too. Apparently I've forgotten the electoral climate of a month ago. Man, I must really have short term memory if you're trying to pull that off.

    He lied about the extent of his drinking, he lied about Renate Alumni, he lied about all sorts of evidence of his lack of character. A number of people accused him of lying under oath, people who knew him in HS and college.
    There were fourteen women, all of whom knew him for many years who vouched as to his character. Are you saying all fourteen got it wrong? Frankly I believe them. As for the rest, how do you know he's lying about these things?

    Because you made up your mind about Kavanaugh before he opened his own mouth? I really hope you're not on any jury, ever. I certainly don't want you deciding whether someone goes to jail or not, because you've clearly shown that you'd convict someone of attempted rape despite never being in the same room as that person.

    She doesn't like flying, so what? You do understand there are many people who fear flying but still fly, especially for a nice vacation. Flying to be the kangaroo in the GOP court would be even more stressful.
    Which is why her lawyer specifically didn't tell her that the GOP offered to fly staffers out to California?

    Or why she kept flying to Tahiti for vacation? The other interesting thing is that one of her ex boyfriends testified that she kept charging his card after they broke up until he called her and asked her to stop and said that he'd take her to court to recover the charges.

    I keep seeing a consistent pattern with Christine. She lied about not wanting to fly and got caught. As for the polygraph, she lied about that too. She's a psychologist and has specifically trained people to take a polygraph.

    Last edited by Ben Kenobi; October 24, 2018, 13:37.

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  • Ben Kenobi
    he was your typical entitled frat boy that liked beer and thought rules didn't apply to him
    Does your 'typical frat boy' keep copies of his calendars for 30+ years? Funny, all the character witnesses for Kavanaugh testify just the opposite.

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  • Broken_Erika
    Originally posted by Aeson View Post

    Lightsabers are glorified penises, the Sith and Jedi run around non-consensually stabbing others with. Also, the prequels and the postquels raped the franchise.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Aeson View Post

    Lightsabers are glorified penises, the Sith and Jedi run around non-consensually stabbing others with. Also, the prequels and the postquels raped the franchise.
    If lightsabers are glorified penises, are then penises degraded lightsabers?

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  • ZEE
    Originally posted by Aeson View Post

    Chriomancers are a bunch of quacks ... summoning demons to crack a persons spine does nothing for lower back pain!
    If I summoned a demon to crack a person's back I assure you it would not be for the purpose of pain relief...

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  • ZEE
    Originally posted by Aeson View Post

    Can’t you just tell one of your demons to bring a bit of hellfire with them to warm the food up?

    Even though I am extremely well trained and known in the "spirit world" I do not annoy them with stupidity.

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  • Aeson
    Originally posted by ZEE View Post
    I can conjure Demons and Spirits at will with no fear and remain unscathed.

    But I have said too much. My food is getting cold.
    Can’t you just tell one of your demons to bring a bit of hellfire with them to warm the food up?

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  • Aeson
    Originally posted by ZEE View Post
    Well, sorry to disappoint you guise, but I just ordered $50 worth of Chinese food and am going to watch movies and enjoy the food. People might ask me... AAHZ are you mad at what you have been through in life? My answer... NO!

    Why would I be mad?! I have a loving family and I live on an estate in my own unit, I am financially stable even though I am between jobs and working with an agency that helps disabled people with an 11-year job behind me, I have an army of doctors ready to back me up in any case, the liquor flows like a river, I eat and fap whenever I want, my entire block loves me, and I am a trained master Shaman that can summon any demon I want no matter how trivial and am also an Oniromancer and Chriomancer. Not only have I beaten THIS life...

    My afterlife looks pretty good as well. I have heard haters drive by me and scream and curse in anger when they saw me. The spirits know I am not joking. That dude that should have killed me 10 years ago is in deep **** with his OG. It turns me on a little and I have fapped to that.

    I think I will let my nuts hang tonight.
    Chriomancers are a bunch of quacks ... summoning demons to crack a persons spine does nothing for lower back pain!

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  • Aeson
    Originally posted by spambot View Post
    Never realized Yoda was talking about raping people!
    Lightsabers are glorified penises, the Sith and Jedi run around non-consensually stabbing others with. Also, the prequels and the postquels raped the franchise.

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  • Aeson
    commented on 's reply
    Add attempted to the long list of words BK doesn’t know the definition of.

  • Aeson
    Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post

    I have. I find it rather funny that you completely dismiss her claims that she could have been killed, while at the same time insisting that she was 100 percent correct in her fears of being raped.

    "I think he was trying to do x", is different from "he did x". This is where intent comes into play and "what did he actually do", to see if your interpretation of what you say he did is reasonable.

    You yourself say that her assessment of the event was unreasonable in the case of attempted murder. Fair enough. But why then shouldn't we also question the rest of the narrative? I don't see any indication from her that he intended to rape, and certain details that she could have included she did not. So this makes me really curious why those details are missing and how she always seems to have a story to cover her broad inconsistencies.

    Now personally, I'd not remember what music someone was playing 35 years ago, but apparently she can remember that and not the location of the house or how she got home.
    I dont dismiss her fear of being killed. I dismiss your claims that a death in such a case would be murder. Her account refutes that it would be murder, and does so explicitly.

    The account is one of much more than just groping. It is an account of a sexual assault, not an attempted murder. If we were to accept the account as true we would have to accept it was a sexual assault. There is no reason to presume it was an attempted murder even if we don’t question the validity of the account. There’s just nothing in the account that suggests it was an attempted murder.

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  • ZEE
    I was always a Shaman. A warlock/witch uses all her powers from thair own abilities. I can conjure Demons and Spirits at will with no fear and remain unscathed. I was mistaken at first, about almost everything. Remember, no human being helped me discover anything. Just me and the Demons. Do you want to give your money to the scraggly haired witch to read your fortune?

    Or trust the dude that will do it for free that was trained by the beings that actually CONTROL the ****. But I have said too much. My food is getting cold.

    Have a good day, Gribbler.

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  • spambot
    You changed class from Warlock to Shaman?

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