We whipped whose sorry asses? You're pro-slavery. Take a look at the party you support. The republican party covers the south and includes such people as Brian Kemp (who loves confederate symbols). But the republican nominee in one state really makes me laugh. The one in Virginia! Corey Stewart... another defender of the confederacy. Or even take a look at the joker that Donny appointed to the DOJ... yeah we all know who... Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. Who was he named after?
You'd think... 150 something years later this nation would be over the civil war. Lincoln today would be a democrat.
I'm sorry but you're the ones that got your asses kicked in the civil war.
You'd think... 150 something years later this nation would be over the civil war. Lincoln today would be a democrat.
I'm sorry but you're the ones that got your asses kicked in the civil war.