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Heatwave - let's talk about the weather.

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  • Heatwave - let's talk about the weather.

    Constantly 30 C plus daytime/20 C plus at night means I can't find sleep before 3 am or so. Even when feeling tired already going to bed early does not work because I wake up several times then.

    I read they had 41 C in Tokyo these days

    Summer Heatwaves Wildfires

    Just sayin'

  • #2
    A few weeks back there was a heat wave here and the AC wasn't cooling my room sufficiently, so I had to put in a window unit to supplement. Was tired all the time with the noise from the unit. Would not recommend.
    Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
    "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


    • #3
      great tragedy here with people dying from fires. on the same road that I was to take to go to the beach on one day prior to the fires... In this tragedy the outpuring of solidarity from ordinary greeks but also ordinary foreigns and other governments has been nothing but heart warming. but many personal tragedies have happened and are happening.


      • #4
        Pffft. Heatwaves.

        100 degrees every day of summer is normal here in Florida. You pansies need to learn to adapt. Me? I sit in my house drinking rum and playing video games with the AC blasting on my days off... plus I have AC at work.

        And I don't go outside simply because it is hot. There are humans out there! They are nasty, violent, dangerous animals. Best avoided at all costs.
        The Wizard of AAHZ


        • #5
          the road is called marathon road (it is the same road of the runner to marathon, according to myth) that was "thought" that it could act as fire prevention barrier as it had done in past, but it didn't tsipras talked about assymetrical threats seeing as there were tatuchrone 15 fire bases. Fire doesn't "randomly" or "accidently" happen on 15 different places.


          • #6
            26 people were found burned on a field. they died clinging to each other. mothers fathers children. what happened was that when the fire front was advancing the cars had immobilized on marathon road. the people got out of the cars. they run towards the sea to save themselves. but there was a cliff with sharp rocks down, there was no beach there. the fire advanced and they suffocated then burned. whole familioes. that is a great tragedy


            • #7
              I have it on good authority that love is like a heatwave. Therefore, a heatwave is like love. Therefore, you probably have a psychological complex if you do not enjoy this. Perhaps a self-help book is in order.
              1011 1100
              Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


              • #8
                look at that picture a whole family gone. the son and the father, burned on that accursed field. the daughter jumped off that cliff, and also died. the ex mother and ex wive is all that remains


                • #9
                  she was in athens at that time


                  • #10
                    Προσπαθώ να μοιάσω στην κορούλα μου, I try to resemble to my daughter που ήταν πάντα μαχήτρια και κατάφερνε να το αποδεικνύει με κάθε τρόπο. who was always a fighter and always managed to prove this in every way Ξέρω ότι ο Γρηγόρης θα έκανε ό,τι καλύτερο για να σωθούν. I know that Gregory did all that he could to save them Το ότι δεν τα κατάφερε ήταν απλά θέληση του Κυρίου. The fact that he didn;t succeed, was simply a will of the Lord Ακούω στα αφτιά μου την γλυκά τρεμάμενη φωνούλα του Ανδρέα: The voice of Andrea still rings in my ears «Φοβάμαι μανούλα, ανησυχώ πολύ, θα φανώ δυνατός, αλλά εσύ μην έρθεις μαμά. "I'm very scared mommy, but don;t come here. I will be strong but you mother, don't come here" Θέλω να μην έρθεις, είναι όλα κλειστά, δεν θα τα καταφέρεις». "I want you not to come here. Everything is blocked/still" Προσπάθησα να φτάσω κοντά τους, τέσσερις ώρες προσπαθούσα με κάθε τρόπο να πλησιάσω. I tried to go there, for 4 hours I tried in every way to appraoach the place Όταν εγκατέλειψα την προσπάθεια, σκεπτόμενη ότι θα ήταν καλύτερα να μην κινδυνεύσω κι εγώ, ώστε να μπορώ να βοηθήσω αν χρειαστεί. When I abanonded my effort thinking it is best not to jeopardize myself so I can bve in a position to help if need be Δεν έχω λόγια. Όταν θα καταφέρω να αναγνωρίσω και τα αγόρια μου -γιατί ο κρατικός μηχανισμός και σε αυτό έχει χάσει τον μπούσουλα- θα σας πω με βεβαιότητα ότι έχασα τα πάντα. I have no words. When I will be able to identify my boys (death identification) because the state mechanism is lost - I will tell you with certainty that I have lost everything Να αγκαλιάζετε τα παιδιά σας κάθε μέρα». Hug your children, every day


                    • #11
                      And in all that my mother managed to catch a sever cold. HOw? Unknown. Going there,.


                      • #12
                        Have seen the mess in Greece in the news. If I get it right, then it went really fast so chances to escape wasn't good while firefighters barely got a chance
                        With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                        Steven Weinberg


                        • #13
                          Swedes OTOH are burning as they deserve

                          Though, they chose to use pretty heavy "arguments" when the fire was closing an army ammunition depot

                          and it apparently worked.
                          With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                          Steven Weinberg


                          • #14
                            yep, the flames were gigantic and spread very fast due to dryness and wind. People described it as "flamethrowers" thrust in their way. A father grabbed his daughter as the "flamethrower" flames swallowed their house and he simply run and run and run to the sea. He knew the way BLINDED by the smoke. And he also knew that he had left his wife behind. He run and run. not looking back just going forward. His daughter, he saved her. His wife, is dead.


                            • #15
                              People who managed to get to the sea and stay there for as long as military and commercial vessels came to pick them up were saved. It's very difficult to pick up people like that. They were not shipwrecked in order to have swimming vests and GPS/light transimmters. All the ships made the sea turn into land and were throwing light and shouting at the waves to find survivers. And they did find a lot of them.

