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  • giblets
    Ok and how many Irish-Americans gave money to the IRA?

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  • Kidlicious
    Tlaib met with anti-semitic terrorism supporting group Palestinian Youth Movement. She said she was doing "community outreach." The group thanked her for meeting with them "despite Zionist backlash!"

    "Rep. @RashidaTlaib (D., Mich.) recently met with a controversial pro-Palestinian organization that has encouraged violence against Israel, justified the use of terrorism against the Jewish state, and has called for the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers"
    -Trump War Room

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  • Uncle Sparky
    Trump appoints a new scapegoat for failed mid-east policy...
    The new US-Middle East peace envoy will be a 30-year-old White House administrative assistant, President Donald Trump announced yesterday.

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  • Kidlicious
    5.5% black unemployment. Record low.

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  • Kidlicious
    That's just what is going to be built before the election.

    The administration has awarded $2.8 billion in contracts for barriers covering 247 miles, with all but 17 miles of that to replace existing barriers instead of expanding coverage.
    Fox News

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  • Aeson
    I think it's bigfoot, really really bigfoot.

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  • giblets
    Is that a typo or are they really building only 450 feet of wall? 1/12 of a mile?

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  • Kidlicious
    First part of wall built (60ft). 450ft will be built by election.

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  • Kidlicious
    Another woman said that Biden touched her inappropriately today. The touching doesn't look bad but to me it shows a serious mental problem. Almost feeling bad for him at this point.

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  • Kidlicious
    As mentioned, she accuses people of harassment for challenging her to a debate.

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  • giblets
    Her justification was she was blocking people for harassment, no idea if the courts will agree or not.

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  • Dinner
    A.O.C. does have a history of lying. :shrug:

    Now, she doesn’t owe anyone a debate much less Shapiro but it is telling that her handlers don’t want her to have any debates not even against her opponent in the 2020 election probably because they know she really is stupid (or at least ignorant) and would look very foolish. Thus why she only does scripted events because every time she does an unscripted event she looks as retarded as Trump or Biden.

    I do like how in the U.K. M.P. can’t escape or hide from open debate because it means the grifters get exposed right off the bat and usually get laughed out. Sadly, the U.S. system seems to not just protect but promote grifters and A.O.C. is without a doubt one of them.

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  • rah
    Yes, it's normal that Kid doesn't believe any woman when they claim to have been sexually harassed.

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by -Jrabbit View Post
    The court ruling saying politicians can't block social media followers (which involved Trump) happened in May.
    The court order was about Trump's Twitter account.
    But since it was a precedent, that court order applies to all US politicians - not just Trump, not just Ocasio-Cortez.
    AOC was sued for blocking someone (a Dem btw) in July.

    But because Kid hasn't heard about it until this morning, he thinks it's news.
    I heard about it before but just found out that AOC wasn't unblocking people. She has blocked Daily Caller, OAN and Ben Shapiro. She accused Shapiro of sexual harassment because he challenged her to debate.

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  • -Jrabbit
    The court ruling saying politicians can't block social media followers (which involved Trump) happened in May.
    The court order was about Trump's Twitter account.
    But since it was a precedent, that court order applies to all US politicians - not just Trump, not just Ocasio-Cortez.
    AOC was sued for blocking someone (a Dem btw) in July.

    But because Kid hasn't heard about it until this morning, he thinks it's news.

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