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  • Kidlicious
    Todd Purdum of the Atlantic did a hit piece on Acosta. He says the President is winning, and Acosta is making journalists look bad.

    The CNN reporter is speaking truth to power—but he’s also amplifying the president’s anti-press campaign.

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  • Kidlicious
    That has nothing to do with the unemployment rate. I can't be bothered with that you idiots.

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  • Broken_Erika
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

    Ingenious, isn't it? If the electorate changes so it no longer supports you; You just screw around with the census so that people unlikely to vote for you don't get to vote!

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by JohnT View Post
    From how I read that, Mooch was supposed to fire them, but got fired before he could fire.
    Sounds to me like he kicked a lot of the suspects out before he, himself, got fired.
    Kind of mass processing ... you are fired .. the next one please ... you are fired ... the next one please ... and so on

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post

    Well, read this:

    It contains a really interesting chapter about the difficulties of doing a correct census in districts with a high percentage of minorities.
    It also says how the republicans are planning to get incorrect results of their gusto out of the 2020 census
    (for example by allocating less money, so that (due to the lack of funds) districts with minorities (who more likely vote for democrats) get undercounted)

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  • JohnT
    From how I read that, Mooch was supposed to fire them, but got fired before he could fire.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by JohnT View Post

    If Omarosa was able to tape Trump then actual foreign intelligence agencies are probably controlling him like... well, like a puppet.
    This is really inreresting.

    Especially thre part about the WH hunt for leakers:
    “Along with his comms directorship, Scaramucci had a secondary job. He was apparently the hired hit man,” Manigault writes. “Very low-key, Ivanka [Trump] went around to the original Trumpers, the loyal soldiers, and asked the team to compile a list of suspected leakers. I’d already said my piece about Katie Walsh directly to Donald, and she’d been let go. But Ivanka wanted a new list and, once she had it, she would give it to Scaramucci, so he could fire them all. The final list that was texted to me on July 22 had ten names on it.”
    “Anthony would start firing them all, after a quick rally in Ohio,” the page continues. Scaramucci, however, would last only 11 days on the job before getting fired by Chief of Staff John Kelly.

    Short, reached by The Daily Beast on Wednesday afternoon, said he “never once engaged in an unauthorized leak during my tenure. I was never confronted about being responsible for an unauthorized leak during my tenure. No one has presented a shred of evidence that I was responsible for unauthorized leaks. And much of my time in the White House was spent cleaning up after unauthorized leaks, and I was a target of them myself.”

    Short, a former assistant press secretary, also noted that “one of my superiors” had “falsely and amateurishly leaked against me,” referring to Scaramucci, and added that branding a fellow official a “leaker” during the first year of the Trump era was often about “coloring people with an expletive rather than having any substantiation for the charge itself.”

    So, obviously under the direction of Ivanka, they just compiled a list with people suspected of leaking ... and for a person to land on the list it seems to have been suficient to just be accused by someone else in the WH to be a leaker. And Scaramucchi then fired the people on the list, without any effort being spent on checking whether the accusations are true or not.

    If anything can be compared to a witch hunt, then this one

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  • Broken_Erika
    Originally posted by Uncle Sparky View Post
    Saudi Arabia doesn't quite declare war on Canada.

    Canadian Foreign Affairs sent out an official tweet August 3-
    Canada is gravely concerned about additional arrests of civil society and women’s rights activists in #SaudiArabia, including Samar Badawi. We urge the Saudi authorities to immediately release them and all other peaceful #humanrights activists.

    9:10 AM - Aug 3, 2018

    Saudi's immediately expelled Canada's ambassador, recalled their own ambassador, cancelled educational exchanges (mostly Saudi doctors and engineers training in Canada), cancelled Canadian airlines flight to the kingdom and became generally very bellicose.
    I can see Faux news and Breitbarfs take on this "Saudis Pwn Canada after Comrade Trudeau attempts to export commie-liberalism there!"

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  • JohnT

    If Omarosa was able to tape Trump then actual foreign intelligence agencies are probably controlling him like... well, like a puppet.

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  • Giancarlo
    Saudis are outraged... But keep those military vehicles coming. If Trudeau wants to do the right thing he would cancel that order. Speak softly yet carry a big stick. In Trumps case its speak loud irrationally and carry a pencil d*ck.

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  • Uncle Sparky
    Saudi Arabia doesn't quite declare war on Canada.

    Canadian Foreign Affairs sent out an official tweet August 3-
    Canada is gravely concerned about additional arrests of civil society and women’s rights activists in #SaudiArabia, including Samar Badawi. We urge the Saudi authorities to immediately release them and all other peaceful #humanrights activists.

    9:10 AM - Aug 3, 2018

    Saudi's immediately expelled Canada's ambassador, recalled their own ambassador, cancelled educational exchanges (mostly Saudi doctors and engineers training in Canada), cancelled Canadian airlines flight to the kingdom and became generally very bellicose.

    As NY Magazine put it -
    "Canada’'s objection seemed relatively standard, perhaps even the kind of thing the United States might have done back when it cared about human rights.

    But Saudia Arabia reacted as if Canada had just declared war. In a statement released on Sunday, the country accused Canada of “blatant interference in the Kingdom’s domestic affairs.”

    ...but the Saudi's didn't cancel a large order of Canadian armored personnel carriers... they need those to keep their people safe from any semblance of human rights.

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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
    Record low Hispanic unemployment!
    Record moronic post.

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  • Giancarlo
    So funny kidiot would harp on about this so called record unemployment. As if the stupid moron in the white house even had anything to do with unemployment. And job growth was still better under Obama. So was GDP growth.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

    Better check the facts
    Well, read this:

    It contains a really interesting chapter about the difficulties of doing a correct census in districts with a high percentage of minorities.
    It also says how the republicans are planning to get incorrect results of their gusto out of the 2020 census
    (for example by allocating less money, so that (due to the lack of funds) districts with minorities (who more likely vote for democrats) get undercounted)

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post

    And have the other half go into hiding out of fear of the ICE and, as a result, not be correctly registered in the unemployment statistics
    Better check the facts

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