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  • Giancarlo
    I would love great powers like that. It would turn me on in so many ways. *gets out the whips* lol.

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  • Lorizael
    Originally posted by rah View Post
    For the record, read my location. I gave up my ownership a while back. No more powers.
    Does someone need moderator powers for something? I can probably do whatever it is.

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  • Broken_Erika
    Pride of the Royal Navy....
    Originally posted by BBC
    'Drunk Royal Navy sailors arrested on Florida shore leave'

    Royal Navy sailors, reportedly from the UK's £3.1bn flagship aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, have been arrested in Florida.

    The sailors, on shore leave, began fighting and urinating in public, according to local newspaper reports.

    Six crew members were arrested on drunk and disorderly charges on Wednesday, Sgt Larry Smith of Jacksonville Beach police department is quoted as saying.

    At least one sailor was tasered after resisting arrest, the reports add.

    The Ministry of Defence confirmed that six naval personnel were arrested but were unable to confirm whether they were from HMS Queen Elizabeth or other support ships.

    A Navy spokesman said crew were "assisting US police with their enquiries", adding: "It would be inappropriate to comment further at this time.
    The crew members were fighting and urinating in public, local newspaper reports say.

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  • Giancarlo
    Sweden had an election today...

    Official Count:

    Social Democrats: 28.1
    Sweden Democrats: 17.9
    Moderates: 19.3
    Left Party: 8.1
    Centre Party: 8.8
    Christian Democrats: 6.4
    Liberal Party: 5.4
    Green Party:4.4
    While the Trumpist Far Right "Sweden Democrats" did make gains, it is not as expected. They were thought to be the second largest party, but with more counting going on it seems like the idea that many Social Democrats don't answer exit polling may be true.

    MAny opinion polls were projecting the Sweden Democrats would get above 20%+ of the vote. Some even said 22-25%. So they did underperform, and seem to be losing percentage points as the count continues. At one point, they were projected to get 19.2% of the vote.

    If they drop below 17%, then the opinion polls were seriously off. Nonetheless, they still made gains. Not the gains many were expecting.

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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by rah View Post

    For the record, read my location. I gave up my ownership a while back. No more powers.
    I guess I need to get up to speed heheh... I'm stuck in the past sometimes lol.

    How could you give up super powers though?

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  • rah
    Originally posted by Giancarlo View Post

    Ming or whoever has the powers of Zeus on here. I always thought Rah was an administrator?
    For the record, read my location. I gave up my ownership a while back. No more powers.

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  • Giancarlo

    Plaid Shirt Guy 2020!

    He said he wanted to hear the so called "President" speak and he was making faces because of it... man... if I was sitting there too I would be as well. Seems like the "President" has bad gas.

    But damn... look at those shrinking crowds. If Donny can't even get the deplorables out, the GOP is in big trouble.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Giancarlo View Post
    Proteus, he says stuff but doesn't actually mean what he says... at least that's what I'm getting from Kidiot.
    Yes, I believe most Trumpists treat Trump like an empty canvas.
    If the things Donnie says fit to them (their expecations/beliefs) in a positive way, then Donnie (in the eyes of the Trumpists), of course, has meant it literally.
    If the things Donnie says/does can only be interpreted negatively, then, of course, his words/actions get ignored by Trumpists or they say that Donnie didn't mean it literally.
    (likewise they treat things said by Democrats or the free press the other way round)

    (also they, of course, also won't do a fact check ... when Donnie says that Obama left the economy in shambles and only he (Donnie) brought it up from ruins, then this is so, without any need to prove ... and anyone who suggests that the economy under Obama was quite good and the economy is just following the trend of the Obama years is, of course, spreading fake news)

    So, no matter what Donnie says, he can do no fail in the eyes of Trumpists, as every negative thing gets blended out
    Last edited by Proteus_MST; September 8, 2018, 22:26.

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  • Giancarlo
    Proteus, he says stuff but doesn't actually mean what he says... at least that's what I'm getting from Kidiot.

    So... is he lying or did he really mean what he said? Or is he not control of his walnut sized brain and says stuff uncontrollably (this may be a sign of severe dementia)?

    He's not the type that admits any sort of fault. That will be his downfall later.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
    Just for example, the President never even suggested that he was going to shoot anyone, and he didn't actually mean that people would still support him. ...
    He literally said that he coulod shoot someone and would not lose votes.
    That he didn't mean it verbatim (i.e. that he really believes that he could shoot someone without losing voters) is just your interpretation.
    From the narcisstic personality he has displayed so far during his time as PotUS I woiuld actually believe that he means it verbatim
    Last edited by Proteus_MST; September 8, 2018, 21:39.

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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

    No. You can't impeach the president for saying that it's good to breathe oxygen. Do you ever get anything?
    You can impeach a President for committing high crimes and dismeanours, and for breaking the law in general which Trump has done.

    Ask yourself why so many of Trump's closest friends have wound up in prison?

    You're truly a complete kidiot.

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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post
    A SuperPAC named "The Democratic Coalition" has filed a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh for perjury during his congressional testimony

    Merrick Garland... the one that should have been appointed to SCOTUS.

    Kavanaugh probably has corrupt ties to some Trump law firms too.

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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Broken_Erika View Post
    3 Reasons
    1: As far as i know Rah doesn't have moderator powers......
    2: It gives as a valuable scientific insight into the though process(or lack of) of a Trumpster/New Age Moron.
    3: Whack-a-Kid seems to have become a Traditional game here. A Genuine Apolyton Tradition.
    Ming or whoever has the powers of Zeus on here. I always thought Rah was an administrator?

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  • Kidlicious
    Just for example, the President never even suggested that he was going to shoot anyone, and he didn't actually mean that people would still support him. He was saying that every other politician is so horrible that he could mess up badly and people would still support him. But fake news and all kinds of other people keep lying about that.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

    No, it would be a liberal hoax. ...
    So you would also among those "real Trumpists" who would continue breathing pure O2, no matter what CNN and NYT write (as their warning woulkd be a Hoax IYO)

    Good to know.

    All here remember, if Trump ever says/tweets that people should breathe oxygen, we should be very very nice to Kid.
    It may be his last days on earth

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