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  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    Rail links between Russia and China are not as good as you assume.

  • Dinner
    Over all, total world demand for these farm goods has not changed despite the trade war. So the goods will just end up flowing to different places and probably be less efficient about it as established trade patterns are over altered. It simy will not be as big an impact as people think plus Chinese users are going to have to accept lower quality inferior products which is why they bought American to begin with.

    If it ends up forcing American agrocorps to diversify production then I count that as a long term good thing.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Dauphin View Post

    Chinese tariffs have had an impact, what I don’t see is Russia’s actions having any significant additional effect unless they are increasing production.
    The rising demand for russian soybeans and poultry in China (due to the trade war) could be the right incentive for them to do so.
    They surely have enough fertile soil that could get turned into additional fields.

    And they also have the advantage (over the USA) of a land border to China, meaning that any agricultural produce could be sent via freight trains instead of having to be transported a long distance via ships (with the transport via train possibly also being better for the environment (less CO2 produced))

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  • Dauphin
    Originally posted by Aeson View Post

    Given that vast amounts of produce are left on fields or composted due to lack of demand, it’s likely not an idle threat. Farmers in the US have definitely been hurt already.
    Chinese tariffs have had an impact, what I don’t see is Russia’s actions having any significant additional effect unless they are increasing production.

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  • Uncle Sparky
    The last President not to have a dog was William McKinley, who died of gangrene a year into his second term after a failed assassination ...

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  • -Jrabbit
    commented on 's reply
    He wishes!

  • JohnT

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  • ZEE
    Gribbler you have been on a rampage lately, and for your own sake should calm down. Watching Fox News and voting for Trump next election will do wonders for your anger-management issues!

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  • spambot
    Trump isn't a motherfvcker, he's a daughterfvcker.

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  • Uncle Sparky
    Oh look... a former Canadian Conservative Prime Minister has called Trump a "motherfvcker" on twitter. Can we all simply agree that Trump is a motherfvcker? This sounds like something he would be proud of, maybe joke about while watching Scotus Judge Drunkedgroper chug a keg... while a couple of paid porn stars forage for 'mushrooms'

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  • Aeson
    Originally posted by Dauphin View Post
    Meaningless unless Putin is claiming a massive increase in spy production*. Otherwise fungibility kicks in and the US sells to ex Russian soy bean buyers.

    *Phone mistype, but I like it so not corrected it.
    Given that vast amounts of produce are left on fields or composted due to lack of demand, it’s likely not an idle threat. Farmers in the US have definitely been hurt already.

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  • Uncle Sparky
    commented on 's reply
    Ceausescu was making a speech outside of Communist Party HQ in Bucharest, when the crowd started booing, hurling insults. He retreated inside the building, followed by an angry mob, and escaped with his wife and 2 colleagues to a helicopter on the roof. He landed at his residence, was promptly arrested by the army, put on trail and shot... The whole thing took 3 days. I can think of many things Trump has been already charged with, and bought his way out of jail sentences.
    A week after Ceausescu's execution, Romania abolished the death penalty... It could be a Win-Win executing the Trumps, too!

  • Proteus_MST
    commented on 's reply
    As pchang said.
    Kid claimed that saying "Israel occupies the Westbank" would be like saying "USA occupies a part of Mexico".
    And I told Kid what it would be like if the relationship between Mexico and the US would be like the relationship between the Westbank and Israel

  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    Might makes right. Now, if Macron or someone else can put together a coalition of the willing, fair play to them. Ironically, they would also have to take on Putin since he would be forced to protect his puppet.

  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    He did not claim any of that. You missed the point of the post.