Originally posted by Kidicious
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There is one peak around 1966 ... and it was followed by a peak in wages 4 years later (in 1971)
Then we have 2 peaks in 1975 and 1979 ... even if we would, with lots of fantasy, assume that the stagnation around 1980/81, or the small peak around 1988 (i.e. 9 years after the corporate peak !!) are somehow connected to it, we can still not overlook, that the percentage of wages compared to the GNP is in rapid decline and, in 1988 is 4% lower than 15 years ago.
The peak in 1997 is followed by wage peak around 2001 ... still, compared to the GNP the wages takes still just take around the same percentage as 1980 ... and therefore are in these regards on a ~4% lower niveau than the wages in the 1950s/1960s
And then of course we have a steep rise in corporate profits rom 2006/2007 onwards, where they rose by 5% compüare to the peak from 1997 ... whereas the wages percentage of the GNP fell by another 3-4% compared to the wage peak at 2001 and further fell by another 2% 2 years later
If anything then the curve hints at the steeply rising income inequality / Gini index from the 1970s/1980s onwards