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  • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
    No it doesn't. A phobia doesn't need to be irrational. If as a child you see your family eaten alive by giant snakes, there's a fairly good chance you will develop a phobia of snakes. That's not a particularly irrational fear, if you happen to live in a place that has lots of giant snakes. Similarly a fear of heights isn't particularly irrational, falling from a great height will indeed make for a really bad day.
    "A specific phobia is a marked and persistent fear of an object or situation which brings about an excessive or unreasonable fear when in the presence of, or anticipating, a specific object; the specific phobias may also include concerns with losing control, panicking, and fainting which is the direct result of an encounter with the phobia."

    A phobia is a disorder, which by definition diverges from normal, healthy function. If you see a very large snake ten feet away in the grass and feel frightened, that's normal. If you see a very large snake ten feet away in a thick-walled zoo exhibit and feel frightened, you've got a phobia. If you get really nervous standing right on the edge of a fifty-foot drop, that's normal. If you're twenty paces from the edge and freaking out, it's a phobia. Etc.
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    • If you have a Muslim standing beside you with gun saying, "I'm going to shoot you!" you should feel frightened. If you're in a grocery store and you see a woman in a hijab and you freak out - THAT IS ISLAMAPHOBIA...
      There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.


      • Islamaphobia isn't actually a phobia. It describes a person who is intolerant of Muslims. Generally there is a fear component to it, but if someone didn't fear them at all and still was intolerant of Muslims it'd still be Islamaphobia.

        1. dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.


        • For once, kid is right

          phobia is the irrational fear
          Phobos is the fear

          let's say you have a phobia of cats.
          They can't hurt you, not really.

          You are afraid disproportionately not by the cat itself (because that is irrational) but by your own overexaggerated reaction to the fear of the cat.


          • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
            For once, kid is right

            phobia is the irrational fear
            Phobos is the fear

            let's say you have a phobia of cats.
            They can't hurt you, not really.

            You are afraid disproportionately not by the cat itself (because that is irrational) but by your own overexaggerated reaction to the fear of the cat.
            The key word here is irrational. Yes you can certainly have phobias about things that are irrational, but you can also develop phobias about perfectly rational fears. The phobia itself is an over-exaggerated fear mechanism, but the cause of the phobia itself doesn't have to be irrational.


            • Maybe that has more to do with the genesis (the birth-giving cause) of the phobia.
              The irrationality of it is indeed measured by the overexaggeration of responce
              In essence there is a disproportionality


              • Originally posted by Aeson View Post
                Islamaphobia isn't actually a phobia. It describes a person who is intolerant of Muslims. Generally there is a fear component to it, but if someone didn't fear them at all and still was intolerant of Muslims it'd still be Islamaphobia.[/LIST]
                So just intolerant of Sharia. And you use that to try to win arguments?
                I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                • Originally posted by Uncle Sparky View Post
                  If you have a Muslim standing beside you with gun saying, "I'm going to shoot you!" you should feel frightened. If you're in a grocery store and you see a woman in a hijab and you freak out - THAT IS ISLAMAPHOBIA...
                  What do you call it when feminists ridicule someone because they say they are giving up their career and taking care of their family or tell young women not to dress like prostitutes?
                  I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                  - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                  • Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

                    So just intolerant of Sharia. And you use that to try to win arguments?
                    Intolerance of Muslims goes farther than intolerance of Sharia.
                    Especially if you consider that a large percentage of muslims living in western countries don't have an interest in implementing the Sharia there (and are actually rather happy to live in a country without the rules of the Sharia)

                    And to preemptively counter your argument, that the Sharia is one of the important elements of muslim faith, I give you an example in christianity:
                    Catholics are bound by papal enciclas to not have sex before marriageand, after marriage, to never use any contraceptives (except for Knaus-Ogino)
                    Nevertheless, a large majority of catholics in western countries nowadays have sex before marriage and an even bigger majority use the pill or condoms during sex.

                    Likewise he catholic church is against homosexual relationships / marriages ... nevertheless there are mayn catholics who live in homosexual relationships (and even more catholics, who are tolerant of this)

                    None of those people considers himself to not be a catholic anymore ... despite violating direct orders of the pope.
                    Likewise muslims can consider themselves still as muslims even if they don't want to live under Sharia
                    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                    • Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post

                      Intolerance of Muslims goes farther than intolerance of Sharia.
                      Especially if you consider that a large percentage of muslims living in western countries don't have an interest in implementing the Sharia there (and are actually rather happy to live in a country without the rules of the Sharia)

                      And to preemptively counter your argument, that the Sharia is one of the important elements of muslim faith, I give you an example in christianity:
                      Catholics are bound by papal enciclas to not have sex before marriageand, after marriage, to never use any contraceptives (except for Knaus-Ogino)
                      Nevertheless, a large majority of catholics in western countries nowadays have sex before marriage and an even bigger majority use the pill or condoms during sex.

                      Likewise he catholic church is against homosexual relationships / marriages ... nevertheless there are mayn catholics who live in homosexual relationships (and even more catholics, who are tolerant of this)

                      None of those people considers himself to not be a catholic anymore ... despite violating direct orders of the pope.
                      Likewise muslims can consider themselves still as muslims even if they don't want to live under Sharia
                      And yet you don't call people who don't want Catholics to have political power bigots?

                      It doesn't matter if some muslims believe in Sharia or not. As Sparky said, if you freak out because a you see someone in a hijab that's Islamophobia. Well I have some news for you sunshine. That's Sharia (Islam).
                      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                      • sharia means the way to implement the koran in civic matters.
                        that's why there are different implementations in those muslim countries which is actually in place.

                        It is in place in Greece too in the muslim minority (it was an agreement with turkey) in what regards family law (and yes I don't like it- but it's not for myself to say)
                        that's also why there is such a large immigration of greek muslims to germany (they get out of that)


                        • Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
                          So just intolerant of Sharia. And you use that to try to win arguments?
                          That you hear "Muslim" and respond to "Sharia" is just another example of your Islamophobia.


                          • Originally posted by Aeson View Post

                            That you hear "Muslim" and respond to "Sharia" is just another example of your Islamophobia.
                            No. This post demonstrates your willful ignorance in the matter. Sharia can not be separated from Islam. Without Sharia you have no recognizable Islam. The only muslims that I have respect for are those who criticize Islam, and you will not find them in a hijab.
                            I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                            - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                            • And it doesn't even matter. I can criticize Muslims who say they don't believe in Sharia too, if they call themselves Muslims, just like I can criticize some idiot who puts a swastika on his body and says it has nothing to do with Hitler.
                              I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                              - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                              • :headasplode:

