Increasingly, there is no single "real world." There are two worlds, and they're being prepped to live in the one of their parents' choosing. Conservatives have been building their parallel society for some time, and I think that society is only going to become more robust and self-supporting for the foreseeable future, somewhat ironically with help from the internet and other modern tools. The government can attempt to sabotage it, but I really don't believe they'll succeed.
Where that leaves my family, I don't know. I don't belong ideologically in either camp, but the conservative one has fewer morbid tendencies; they're at least trying to preserve family structure in the face of decadence. And the subculture (or rather alternative culture, at this point) is shifting, surprisingly rapidly, to become more inclusive. It wasn't that long ago that Catholics wouldn't have been at all welcome in that scene. Now conservative Catholics are an integral part of its structure. The future will be . . . interesting.
Where that leaves my family, I don't know. I don't belong ideologically in either camp, but the conservative one has fewer morbid tendencies; they're at least trying to preserve family structure in the face of decadence. And the subculture (or rather alternative culture, at this point) is shifting, surprisingly rapidly, to become more inclusive. It wasn't that long ago that Catholics wouldn't have been at all welcome in that scene. Now conservative Catholics are an integral part of its structure. The future will be . . . interesting.