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EU Referendum - La Deuxième Partie
Try for discussion and debate.
Oh, and the Greek government still hasn't gotten off its ass to privitize things yet. They are their own worst enemy when it comes to turning their economy around.Try for discussion and debate.
You are a fool if you think privatizations are senseless. It raises cash to pay down debt, something Greece is unable to do on its own, it reduces the burden on public finances so money can actually be spent on basic services, it makes noncompetitive businesses more competitive so they become profitable and can actually afford to hire more people thus creating jobs, it means the public finance isn't burdened by having to pay decades of pensions above market rate, it means more tax revenue with fewer costs so public finances can actually pay for things the public really wants, it reduces economic rent seeking which destroys economies. In short, it is a no brainer for anyone who actually cares about good governance.
Greece has it in its power to pay down a majority of its debt thus ending the perpetual debt crisis but it chooses not to do so thus condemning everyone in the country to remain in economic depression. You truly are your own worst enemy because you would rather stay wedded to a failed ideology instead of doing what everyone knows to be the correct course to right the ship. You are a fool.
Your government is still blocking international hotel chains from building hotels in the country. You dunderheads should be thankful to get anyone to invest in your train wreck of a country because it actually creates jobs and an results in more tax revenue yet you dullards are too stupid to see that basic truth thus why you wallow endless in a situation that does not improve. It is your own fault and you deserve it.Last edited by Dinner; June 30, 2016, 18:43.Try for discussion and debate.
So no argument about the facts? Typical. You are a waste of space and I have not drank a damn thing, my reality impaired friend. My suggestion is you stop projecting, put the ouzo bottle down, and actually give businesses a reason to invest in your failed state. Then maybe people will find jobs.Try for discussion and debate.
We already know how much your opinion is worth.Try for discussion and debate.