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Civ 6 coming by next summer?

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  • Civ 6 coming by next summer?

    There was an article a few months back saying Civ 6 will be coming out by next summer. If true then now would be a good time for poly to revamp it's Civ series coverage, try to build some hype for the new release, and hopefully get some fresh new blood into this place.

    Update: Firaxis Officially announces Civilization VI For October 21 2016 - read more! It seems that the next title in Sid Meier's Civilization series could be released by next summer. In an email we received earlier from a source within the game industry, Civilization 6 was specifically...
    Try for discussion and debate.

  • #2
    Someone already posted in the comments why we can look forward to Civ VI ...
    because it is even numbered ... and those, in contrast to the odd numbered parts, always turned out to be good
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


    • #3
      I don't have much free time and likely won't be able to play the game much. Anyone interested in heading up the Civ 6 section?


      • #4
        I might have but you were become overly PC twatish in the other thread for no good reason and that makes me less likely to put in any effort here. I would probably do some of it for a site that promoted free speech especially when it is obviously benign without double standards like "it is ok to bash red necks but not camel jackeys". That is just bull ****e.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #5
          @oerdin you can't call every American a redneck, but you can call every Arab a camel jockey. That's the difference, don't be so obtuse.
          Graffiti in a public toilet
          Do not require skill or wit
          Among the **** we all are poets
          Among the poets we are ****.


          • #6
            Naw, they are pretty much universal terms. What is the main difference between here and CFC? Besides a working download section and posters who actually want to play civ, I mean. Answer: Poly supposedly has less censorship while CFC treats everyone as a fragile eight year old.

            I am not suggesting ending all rules here but some common sense error ing on the side of freedom of speech instead of mindless political correctness would be good.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #7
              Hell, we aren't even talking about anything remotely offensive just common phrases of speech. Aeson's whole biased defense was that lots of people use red neck so it is ok but we have to stop people from using camel jockey because.... Reasons.

              His own defense of the double standard doesn't hold water.
              Last edited by Dinner; December 7, 2015, 20:22.
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • #8
                maybe if you hadn't become such a racist in recent years you wouldn't have so many complaints about 'PC twatishness'.

                anyway, i'm looking forward to civ 6, though i'll only play if they get rid of 1upt.
                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                • #9
                  Originally posted by C0ckney View Post
                  maybe if you hadn't become such a racist in recent years you wouldn't have so many complaints about 'PC twatishness'.

                  anyway, i'm looking forward to civ 6, though i'll only play if they get rid of 1upt.
                  It would really be great if they would finally see the light and introduce combat between Armies to Civ VI ... something like in Call To Power for example.
                  In this case, maybe they could do "one army per tile" (with one army being able to consist of something like 15 individual units)
                  Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                  Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                    Hell, we aren't even talking about anything remotely offensive just common phrases of speech. Aeson's whole biased defense was that lots of people use rebels neck so it is ok but we have to stop people from using camel jockey because.... Reasons.

                    His own defense of the double standard doesn't hold water.
                    FWIW, I have two personal friends, both Middle Eastern, who take specific offense at the term camel jockey. They feel it is very derisive.

                    I didn't see your to-do with Aeson, but you're being quite the whiner. This is a private site, subject to whatever thoughts, moods, and reasoning the owner may have. Surely you know that by now.

                    Going out of your way to post a passive-aggressive diss of the entire site and its owner as your alleged "reason" for not helping is pretty effing douche-y. I strongly recommend the traditional "leaving forever" thread as a socially acceptable alternative.

                    Or you can just keep being a butthurt douche. Fine by me.
                    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                    • #11
                      It would really be great if they would finally see the light and introduce combat between Armies to Civ VI ... something like in Call To Power for example.
                      In this case, maybe they could do "one army per tile" (with one army being able to consist of something like 15 individual units)
                      yeah that would be awesome, but i'm not holding my breath.
                      "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                      "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                      • #12

                        Coming up with stuff like what is on that website, which is mostly fluff but does fill a content void and keep interest up, would be a good start. Also you might notice CFC lists when ever Civ related stuff goes on sale as well as competitions they are having and which new mods are being released and the like. All of that helps to add to the buzz, the feeling like something is happening (even when it is not), thus helping to drive traffic to the site and keep them there.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post
                          It would really be great if they would finally see the light and introduce combat between Armies to Civ VI ... something like in Call To Power for example.
                          In this case, maybe they could do "one army per tile" (with one army being able to consist of something like 15 individual units)
                          I was a huge fan of the army system in Call to Power 1 & 2. They do need to cap the number of units in a tile to prevent stacks of doom but 12-15 in one tile seems reasonable especially if they are grouped into an army.

                          My ideal Civ 6 would be Civ 4 mixed with a few things from CTP2 with updated graphics and a he map. MP should be I tigrated from the design stage onward and every decision should reflect on what would work best in multilayer because that is what keeps these games alive for years after sales slack off.

                          There wasn't even a competitive ladder for Civ because the game was trash in MP where as Civ still has active ladder communities.
                          Try for discussion and debate.


                          • #14
                            you're a ****head, oerdin

                            blah blah political correctness

                            eat **** you racist moron
                            To us, it is the BEAST.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Aeson View Post
                              I don't have much free time and likely won't be able to play the game much. Anyone interested in heading up the Civ 6 section?
                              Sure, as long as I don't have to compromise my artistic vision.
                              “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                              "Capitalism ho!"

