Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
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The English Reformation followed a different course from the Reformation in continental Europe. There had long been a strong strain of anti-clericalism and England had already given rise to the Lollard movement of John Wycliffe, which played an important part in inspiring the Hussites in Bohemia.
Anti-clericalism did not emerge out of thin air from Henry VIII's divorce. If the Church was as powerful as you claim, the Reformation would not have happened in England since it would not have caught on so quickly with the majority of English.
Very rarely in history is a ruler's conversion truly the shift in a nation's religious direction, as much as it may seem like it from a simplified view of history. The seeds of Protestantism and Protestantism itself were already spreading like wildfire in Tudor England, before Henry's divorce, just as Rome had been becoming increasingly Christian even before Constantine's conversion or the Rus increasingly Orthodox before Vladimir the Great converted. These supposed epochal breaks were not really at a ruler's mere whim.